
006 Emp!

Immediately after.

Several sets of exoskeleton battle armor with a cold metallic color appeared.

"This is the exoskeleton armor developed by HYDRA using Chitauri technology."

"We thought we wouldn't need it anymore and it would be taken back by higher-ups, but unexpectedly, we still have to use it to make achievements today."

After the battle in Avengers Alliance 1, a large number of Chitauri warships crashed in New York.

These warships and robots contain Chitauri interstellar technology, far surpassing Earth's.

So they were collected by the military and S.H.I.E.L.D for research.

Because S.H.I.E.L.D was infiltrated by HYDRA, a lot of Chitauri interstellar technology was taken by HYDRA for research.

The exoskeleton battle armor in front of them is one of the results.

He called in a security team.


Four people wearing exoskeleton battle armor appeared.

The leader spoke, "Take down Adam Jones for me."



The four people burst out with super-fast speed and rushed out of the office towards where adam was.

In a hall.

adam kept moving between various cover objects and continuously shooting with his gun.

In the midst of constant shooting.

adam's shooting skills were also constantly improving.

This is thanks to the powerful learning ability given to him by the ultimate scientific research ability.

When approaching the enemy, he would switch to surgical knife mode for close combat.

His close combat ability is also constantly improving.


These improvements do not come without a cost.

Constantly fighting against fully armed security personnel, even though he has the body of a super soldier, he still gets injured.

He has different degrees of wounds on his body.

The pain also constantly stimulates adam.

But on the surface, adam seems to have not changed much, except for gritting his teeth, his combat effectiveness has not weakened at all.

It's as if these pains cannot affect adam.

In reality, adam can also feel the pain.

It's just that compared to the excruciating pain he felt when injecting the serum, these wounds on his body are nothing.

In addition, in a life and death battle, the surge of adrenaline also weakens some of the pain.


adam's surgical knife mercilessly slashed open someone's throat.

"We're about to go out."

Looking at the hall through the external door, adam muttered.

Just at this moment.


Several figures shot out at high speed and rushed towards adam.

A sense of crisis rose in adam's heart.

He quickly raised his gun and started shooting.

Clang clang clang!

The opponents moved quickly.

They used their steel arms to block the bullets.

Then they swooped down and attacked adam.

adam quickly used his gun as a shield to defend himself.

Bang bang bang!


A surge of tremendous force.

The steel rifle was quickly hammered into scrap.

Attacked from all directions by several enemies, adam struggled to cope and could only passively fight back.

Under the opponent's offensive, he kept retreating.

adam frowned as he looked at the soldier in exoskeleton armor in front of him.

If he were to fight them one-on-one, he would easily surpass them and be able to deal with them completely.

But when several people were together, especially experienced soldiers with high coordination, he couldn't handle them at all.

If it continued like this, he would lose.

Several exoskeleton soldiers looked at adam retreating and smiled.

"Surrender, and you'll get hit a little less."

"Don't worry, we won't kill you. We just want your freedom and your mind. We won't take your life."

"Don't resist stubbornly. Although we won't kill you, we can still beat you up. If you want to suffer less, surrender quickly."

Inside the office.

The person in charge saw this scene and clenched their fist excitedly. "This is it!"

"I didn't expect to have a pleasant surprise right before the work here is finished." The person in charge laughed heartily.

In the hall.

adam looked at the opponent's exoskeleton battle suit, his mind spinning rapidly, recalling the knowledge he already had.

He was thinking about how to crack the opponent's exoskeleton battle suit. As long as the opponent didn't have the exoskeleton armor, he wouldn't have to exert much effort to fight.

Soon, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

The exoskeleton battle suit is a mechanical item.

Mechanical items all have a flaw, which is their fear of electromagnetic pulses.

His gaze fell on a small laboratory nearby.

Due to limited conditions and time, he couldn't make a large-scale electromagnetic pulse weapon to disable these mechanical exoskeletons with a single shot.

But making a small, handicapped-level, disruptive electromagnetic pulse device was still possible.

The opponent's exoskeleton had no protective measures, and he could even see the circuits and power pistons inside clearly.

There were no copper plates or steel plates as shielding covers, so there was no protection against electromagnetic pulses.

Therefore, a small electromagnetic pulse device could still have an impact and temporarily immobilize it.

When experts clash, life and death can be decided in a second.

There weren't many things in the small laboratory, but making a small electromagnetic pulse disruptor was enough.

He could even use a mosquito swatter to make a small electromagnetic pulse device, although the effect would be poor, at most shielding mp3 players and cell phones.

Fortunately, the opponents were not a few super soldiers; otherwise, he would truly be kneeling here.

Having made up his mind, he lifted the long steel table next to him and swung it at the enemy, then smashed it out.

The enemies quickly crossed their arms to defend.


They all took a step or two back.

Taking advantage of this opening, adam ran towards the small laboratory.

Seeing adam not running towards the exit but towards the inside, the enemies sneered.

He had no way out.

They quickly caught up, ready to take down adam in one fell swoop.


A fighter jet streaked across the sky, tearing through the clouds at high speed.

Heading towards Research Institute 71.

Baron Strucker's voice sounded in the earpieces of each super soldier.

"After you arrive at Research Institute 71, kill everyone except adam jones. Leave no survivors."

"Yes!" The voices of the super soldiers were uniform.


4 more chapters will be added today, stay tuned.


The pictures are in the comments of the novel. Go watch them and comment if there are any mistakes that you want me to improve.

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