

When Johnny commanded the Spectre to devour the red hair, he hadn't taken into account the redhead's ferocious ability, which significantly boosted his combat prowess. After some contemplation, Johnny ultimately decided to back down.

In his violent state, the red-haired man's strength doubled, but his rationality was evidently suppressed. Johnny didn't want to succumb to becoming an irrational beast in the heat of battle.

At that moment, the satisfied smirk on Johnny's face appeared as a devil's bloodthirsty grin to the spectators. The audience, witnessing the gruesome aftermath of the redhead's demise, shuddered with cold sweat running down their spines.

"Rat, what brings you here?" Johnny greeted Rat with a warm smile.

This time, Rat's demeanor toward Johnny underwent a complete transformation.

Initially, when Topaz introduced Johnny to the fighter area, Rat hadn't paid much attention to him, assuming Johnny was merely a filler fighter. But now, with the red-haired powerhouse reduced to a shattered husk, Rat couldn't deny Johnny's formidable and unsettling presence.

"this... this is..." Rat stuttered, almost at a loss for words. Despite being a seasoned guard in the fighter area, witnessing such a bloody scene was a first for him.

"Late, there shouldn't be any issues in a fighter's brawl, right? This guy instigated trouble and attacked me first. If I take him down, it shouldn't violate any rules, right?" Johnny asked, flashing a slight smile as he glanced at the somewhat pale Rat.

"N-no... it shouldn't, Johnny. I didn't realize you were this strong!" Rat finally regained his composure, speaking sincerely.

Johnny calmly surveyed the remains of the red-haired man before departing with Rat, heading back to their living quarters.

The onlookers, already trembling with fear at the mere glance from Johnny, nearly collapsed in relief as he and Rat left.

In the Fighter Zone, skirmishes were commonplace, and even fatalities rarely garnered attention.

As a fighter, you're thrown into brutal, bloody battles. If you don't make it out alive, it's on you for not being strong enough.

The red-haired boys had assumed that someone as ruthless and powerful as Johnny wouldn't spare them, not even their bodies. But to their surprise, Johnny seemed indifferent to their fate, showing little interest.

What they didn't realize was that Johnny harbored no fondness for them. Even if he were to eliminate them all, it wouldn't put much of a dent in the red-haired gang's numbers.

Despite his grievances, Johnny wasn't inclined toward slaughter. Without the red-haired leader's protection, these people faced a grim fate. It wasn't worth his energy.

In the room designated for Johnny, Ratt still wore a look of astonishment.

"Johnny, you had me worried. When I first heard you'd stirred up trouble with the red-haired gang, I was preparing to collect your remains, but I never imagined..."

Ratt handed Johnny a drink, speaking slowly. Johnny's display of strength had changed Ratt's demeanor from casual to guarded.

"From now on, we're friends. No need for formalities. Does our friendship hinge on my strength?"

Johnny smiled. He genuinely saw Ratt as a friend.

Before revealing his strength, Ratt hadn't treated him with condescension, showing genuine warmth. It reminded Johnny of the friendship he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Alright... Johnny, truth is, when I met you, I just wanted you to have a comfortable life, to survive as long as possible in this ruthless arena. But now, it seems your strength places you at the top among fighters, even compared to the Eternal Titan and the Venomous Man. With news of you taking care of the red-haired gang spreading, the Grandmaster will surely take notice."

Johnny's words warmed Ratt's heart, easing his tension. He smiled.

"Latte, I'm not even acquainted with the top dogs in this fighter area. Mind giving me the lowdown?"

Johnny grinned faintly. After tangling with that red-haired guy, he realized there were bigger fish in this pond. His curiosity piqued.

During this stint, Johnny's strength surged, fueled by the Devouring System's might. But after his clash with the redhead, any sense of arrogance had vanished.

"Sure thing. Can't promise all the details though..."

Ratt nodded and spilled everything he knew.


Somewhere secluded within the fighter area,

"Master Titan, the redhead got offed by some newbie who just breezed into the zone today!"

A fighter, garbed like a scavenger, spoke with deference to the towering figure of Eternal Titan, easily twice his size.

Survival in the Fighter Zone meant the weak clung to the strong for protection. This scavenger, lucky enough to be under Eternal Titan's wing, garnered envious looks whenever he strutted around the zone.

"That one-eyed loser? No shocker there. Did he mess with the mother insect? Or tangled with some poison wielder?"

Upon hearing the news, Eternal Titan's demeanor remained stoic. His icy query didn't betray much.

"Nah, the redhead bit it at the hands of a greenhorn who just entered the zone..."

The subordinate hesitated before relaying the message with reverence.

This news sparked an unusual reaction from Eternal Titan, known for his poker face. He was well aware of the redhead's prowess, a rare breed even in the zone. To see him dispatched by a newbie roused his interest.

"Fascinating. Seems like... we've got ourselves a new player in the mix..."

Eternal Titan's eyes gleamed with excitement as his chilling murmur echoed in the quiet.


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