
Enhancement II

The body inside the containment unit looked as human as things could be and thus couldn't be associated with the metallic skeleton that existed there before. The body looked exactly like Richard did, there was no height difference or any extra weight gain. The body looked like a perfect clone of the body he had just left.

[Transformation complete…. Calibration in progress, good luck to you master] Queen said since everything from here on out depended on him.

The problem of soul transfer was that the body and soul had to be compatible in every way. The rat's transfer succeeded immediately because it was transferred into a genetic clone, He on the other hand, was transferring his soul into an entirely different entity. The calibration process however was created to match his soul with the body quickly and also to make him used to the body quickly.

The entire room was completely quiet for hours with Queen even disobeying her master simply because his order would prove disastrous to him if carried out. Queen knew the process would succeed, the problem with it was that it may take time. Loading his consciousness into a new body or even his old body would only create another Richard who may or may not stop the entire procedure just for the right to continue existing.

Queen waited until the body's fingers began moving and soon, New Richard's eyes shot open to reveal some sort of robotic eyes before he blinked only for it to quickly change into that of a regular human. Quickly after that, the entire body began moving but in a weird way that suggested he was falling and falling, he was


"Shit!!, I didn't think this through" Richard commented as he landed on the floor of the container

[Congratulations sir, it took you five (5) hours, twenty-five (25) minutes to wake up]

"Thanks… wait hope you didn't follow through with my order?" Richard asked realizing what error his order would have caused

[I think I am learned enough to know that such an order would lead to chaos] Queen replied and Richard could feel the smile through her voice

"That's great then, the calibration process for this body turned out to be some weird instinct matching procedure" Richard said as he climbed out of the chamber

He could feel way more strength in his body that he should normally feel. He felt invincible even though he knew that many people in this universe could simply wink and he is out of commission. He however, didn't feel the difference between this and his previous body, he could somehow still feel the presence of his ability…. well to be more technical, he could see his X-gene.

[How do you feel]

"I don't know, this is just weird, the body doesn't feel any different from my regular one but mentally, I feel like there is an entire portion of my brain dedicated to keeping me together…. well, that isn't new but this is just plain different"

[As you said, it will take some getting used to]

"Let's hope so" Richard replied.

The new body he was inhabiting was made from what he called Nanocytes. Tiny machines that were sub atomic in size, the entire metal skeleton was made from this nanocytes and so was his skin. The Liquid that was poured into the Containment unit were trillions upon trillions of nanocytes that his metal skeleton absorbed to create what was now his human body.

Despite becoming what was essentially an android or a cyborg, Richard still believed himself to be human because his nanocytes allowed him to perfectly mimic human skin, organs, bones etc down to the cells. Hence why he still looked the exact same way, the vibranium he had acquired from Klaue was used only for its atomic structure.

Though he was mimicking human cells at the moment, it still possessed the qualities of vibranium simply because he wanted it to. His brain was made anew to fit his body. A mind that could process trillions of information so easily that it was doing so even on a subconscious level, in terms of intellect, Richard never believed he was up to the big leagues but now not only was he matching them in both intellect, knowledge and creativity.

"Exactly how strong am I?"

[Well… let's find out] Queen replied as several nanocytes came pouring out from the floor until they formed a massive hydraulic press that went up to 100 tons in weight

"Isn't this overkill?" Richard asked since he doubted, he could reach even a ton talk less of even more…. at least not if he was still in this human form.

[Nope] Queen replied as Richard quietly went to stand in the provided spot

"Set to 500kg then slowly increase" Richard ordered as he raised his hands up ready to catch the weight

[As you wish, 500kg and increasing] Queen replied as Richard felt a massive weight fall on his arms but he could still stand as he lifted it with no stress at all

"As expected, more" He ordered as Queen kept on adding more and more weight on him.

Thank you all for reading this book

This chapter has been rewritten

king_froshcreators' thoughts
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