
Marvel: Play It Cool

What would happen if the spider made the wrong decision? Instead of Peter Parker, he bit another kid. The spider made his choice. Now, it's the turn of the human-spider to make his! Would he be the Hero or lie down on his bed waiting to wake up? With questions of his own, will he be a hero that the people need or will he be a villain to live freely? Follow Lenard Green as he lives with a spider within him!

WHITEK_NIGHT · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 3 The Spider Bite


"Argh!" Waking up to an irritating noise, I looked at my phone.

It showed 7:00 AM.


Throwing away the blanket, I stood up and slammed the alarm clock.

Turning off the clock, I ran inside the washroom.

Today was finally the day, we were going to Oscorp!

Not that I like it or anything but I memorized all the main points relating to it so that I can finally make a good impression.

I will finally have friends!!

"Hell yeah!"

Shouting from the washroom, I smile.

Though that turns into a scream when I splash water on my face!


I forgot my face still hurts!


Reaching school after a mad dash for 3 minutes straight.

I took a moment to calm my breaths.

"*HAH!* That was *HAH!* hard!"

It might not seem like long but why don't you try running instead of sitting on your butt and reading this?!

*HAH!* Sorry, I lost my cool for a moment there for a minute!

Shaking my head, I take a deep breath and feel my lungs freezing.

"Yep, it is cold!"

I walk inside the school and head to the school bus.

I could have directly head to Oscorp as that is closer to my house but I would lose the opportunity to enjoy a bus ride with my friends! Not that I have any!!

Smiling, I felt my heart being stabbed by my own words.

"It's alright, Lenard. Just play it cool and you will have millions of friends!"

Nodding my head, I enter the bus.

I wanted to make a pun but I fell silent when everybody looked at me.

My grin grew wider but they all turned back and started talking again.

Oh! They weren't waiting for me, huh?! That's weird!

Not noticing the irony of my thoughts, I sat on the corner most seat of the bus, looking out the window.

They don't think much about me because the matter of me saving silver hair was buried down! Sure, the news that she got assaulted got out but the news that I saved is still under the wraps!

I wonder how silver hair is doing now. I could have made her a friend since we have a something common now!

Though she would probably want to forget that! She's been absent for two days now! It will take at least a week until she finally returns to school!

Ha~ I should stay out of hair then. I will only bring back bad memories!

I should probably take a nAAAAPPPPP~ I'm really sleepy, I stayed awake last night till 5:00 AM so I could revise on Oscorp's main points and associates.

Sighing loudly, I close my eyes but I notice something. The bus went completely silent. Well, whatever, I can sleep in peace.

"Is this seat taken?"

Without opening my eyes, I answer.

"No, it's free."

*Poke* Somebody sits right next to me pokes at me.

"Are you excited for the trip?"

Shifting my body away from the person, I answer back.

"Sorry, I'm kinda sleepy. Can I take a res-" *Poke*

"You kno-"*Poke*

Yeah, I'm not answe-*Poke*

"Enough is enough, dud-"

Turning around, I tell him to quit it.

Though my voice gets struck in my throat as it was not a 'dude', more precisely it was...

"You seem cheery, silver hair or should I say short silver hair?"

Yeah, it was the girl, who I didn't want to meet.

And she had a make-over. She cut her long hair into shoulder length and wore shirt with a jacket with jeans.

She had a bad-girl look.

But that wasn't all, if I had to say her face got more mature and sharper. Her height increased and she seemed stronger! But I knew that was an illusion.

People would call me crazy if I said that! As if a person can grow so much in just two days!

Raising her hand towards me, she tells me her name.

"Felicia Hardy! Nice to meet you!"

Taking her hand, I give it a good shake.

"When are you going to return my shirt and pants?"

Yep, and I ruined it.

"PFFT!! Hahaha!! You are a really strange dude!"


Raising my eyebrow, I ask her.

"People would actually try to act protective around me after what happened!"

Pointing at her outfit, I calmly express my opinion.

"You seem fine! Or at least, you don't want others to worry about you? I'm just doing what you want!"

Nodding her head, she purses her lips.

Turning back to the window, I close my eyes.

"Now, let me get some sleep. I might just tell you more about Oscorp than you've ever known in your life!"

"Why don't you tell me about yourself?"

Turning towards her with a disgruntled expression, I speak.

"You aren't letting me sleep, are you?"


"Look here, Felicia Hardy, I want to make some friends and you aren't getting my wa-"

"Can't I be one?"

At her question, my internal software freezes.

Turning away from her, I look in the window and fix my hair.

Turning back, I straighten my back.

"You want to be my friend?"

"For 50 dollars a day?"

"Ha~ Fine!"

"Wait what?!"

Seemingly flustered at my answer, Felicia screams out.

"HAHA! I got you! Now, listen here, I will make fun of you even if you're my friend. There's no escape from being the butt of my jokes!"

Nodding her head at the bullshit I said with a serious tone, Felicia accepts to be my friend.

"But still when are you going to return my clothes?!"

"Never! Your wardrobe needs a make over if you're going to be my friend!"

"Is that so? Well, just a reminder, I used to buy clothes with my mom!"


"Yes, I've stopped but it was after I completely obliterated my mom's fashion sense!"

"It's a challenge then. Shall we see whether your fashion improves or mine gets destroyed?"

"It isn't a challenge, kid. It's a one-sided beatdown! Now, did you know Oscorp came from the word Osborn?"

Looking confused at my question, Felicia makes a weird face.

Yep, we have an Osborn. Why did I have to say that fact?! Damn you, Google!!


Reaching the Oscorp Tower, we exit the bus.

I saw a familiar fat kid but not his friend, who followed him.

Walking up to him, I call his name.

"Hey, Ned!"


Turning around, Ned looks at me.

"Oh, Lenard!"

"Where's Peter?"

"He kinda overslept! He's been awake for nights thinking about this tour!"

"Yeah, I told him not to push himself! Why don't you take pictures for him then?"

"I was about to do that!"

Nodding my head at him, I leave him and head back to my group.

Soon, a Oscorp worker introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you guys. I will be showing you around our facilities today and make sure you wear the temporary passes!"

Taking a temporary pass that Felicia took for me, when I was talking with Ned, I look at her with awe.

"I thought they only gave one per student!"

Smiling mysteriously, Felicia moved her hand and tapped my cheek, which was filled with bandages.

"You just need good fingers!"

Slapping away her hand, I wince.

"Hey! That hurts! You know my cheek got busted by a brawler, then an angry mom and finally a police baton!"

Seeming a bit sad, Felicia apologizes.

"I'm sor-"


"Huu~ Now, I'm ready!"

Slapping myself, I pump myself up.

Turning towards Felicia with a smile, I smirk.

"What did you think it still hurt? Hah! I was kidding, idiot!!"

Pointing at my eyes, Felicia said with a small smile.

"You know that there are tears in your eyes, right?"

Wiping my eyes with my hand, I rebuke her.

"It's because I will be making a lot of friends today!"

Saying that, I moved on.

Unfortunately, I didn't notice the look Felicia gave me or I wouldn't have able to sleep all night due to the goosebumps.

Moving on, the Oscorp researcher kept explaining many things to us or more like, I kept interrupting him and explaining them myself.

"Now, the last exhibit of the day: Genetically mutat-"

"Genetically mutated spiders!"

Raising my hand, much to my delight and the distress of the researcher, I explain it before him.

"You know what kid, why don't you come here and explain everything, huh?"

Saying that, he shakes his head.

But I take it for it's face value and walk up to him.

"Move aside!"

Pushing him aside, I stand on his place.

"Hey! I heard somebody giggle. I know it's you Felicia, stop making fun of him! Sure, the researcher guy is wearing a wig, that's tilted but don't laugh at him!

You never know when one might just lose one's hair!"

Veins pop up on the researcher's forehead as Felicia keeps laughing, this time with the entire class.

If our science teacher didn't intervene, the researcher was sure to jump on me and rip my throat out.

"Mr. Green, I know you're excited about this tour but we already have a guide so can you.... shut up?"


Spitting out those words with hate, I moved to the back of the crowd.

As I was walking at the back of the crowd, I definitely heard something wrong.

It went something like: 'Hey, do you think we will get spider powers if we get bitten by them?'

Though I was too depressed about being thrown out of my 'job', so much so that I ignored a future disaster!


"Oh, great! I should have actually paid attention to the those kids!"

Turning around, I felt the world go round.

No, it's not cause something bit me, I just moved too fast.

I should have worked out.

Looking at kids running around, I notice a buff guy running away screaming like a girl.


Tilting my head, I smile at the scene.

"Haha! I guess he's scared of spiders!"

Bravely standing on my spot, I didn't act like a kid!

I had a simple plan, just jump up when a spider crawls on the ground near you.

I mean it surely can't web you and sling itself towards you.

Too bad this plan had a fatal flaw. It didn't take into consideration that spiders can fly.

Two spiders, one black and another blue with yellow spots, climbed the legs of a blonde haired girl, who screamed when she saw that.

Kicking her legs, she sent a black spider flying through the sky.

The direction that black spider was headed was unfortunately, Lenard's nape.

Falling directly on the left side of my nape, I felt something creep up my nape.

The spiders thoughts at the moment was.

'Why the fuck are the giants scared of us?! They keep screaming and trying to stomp us to death!

We aren't even insects, we are arachnids! We keep the house safe from other insects!!

Either way, if this is my last day, I'm going to die fighting!! *BITE*'


Slapping my nape, I felt another pain.

"OW! I slapped too hard in a hurry!"

I jumped up and checked my hand finding a dead 'body'.

Okay~ I killed a spider! A genetically mutated spider, which might cost millions of dollars!


And I threw the dead spider in the trash bin.

"Sorry, kids. The tour is over! Everybody head home!"



Except for one, everybody said 'yes' and that was me!

I ain't letting a possible epidemic stop me from making friends!

Looking down depressed, I'm pulled by my hand by another student.

"Hurry up, we need to leave!!"

Not knowing the girl with blonde hair, I followed her none the less. She acted like a leader and quickly lead us to the entrance.

"Thank you. What's your name anyway?"

Raising her hand towards me, she introduces herself.

"Gwen Stacy!"

Taking her hand, I introduce myself, only to be interrupted.

"I'm Le-"

"Lenard Green! I heard about you from my dad."


Wait, I know a Stacy!

"George Stacy, the Commissioner of police! I heard him say that you salute with the wrong hand!"

Covering face with my hands, I laugh at myself, which seems like I'm crying.

"What's wrong?"

Waving my hand at her, I answer.

"Nothi-PFFTTT! I wa-as just laughing at my own past self!! That was hilarious!!"

Smiling at me, Gwen speaks up.

"I know. I laughed at you too. Okay~ That came out wrong! Either way, let's be friends, Lenard!"


"Yes, I would love to be friends with a brave guy!"



Laughing at my question, she looks at me.

"You've a good sense of humor."

I give her smile while thinking about the person she was talking about.

Is there another guy called Lenard?! Did she mistake me for someone else?!

Soon, I felt a chill run down my spine.

Whether it was because of the spider bite or the gaze of the person hiding in the shadows, I don't really know!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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