
Marvel Ninja God

The God of Ninja has Arrived in the Marvel Universe, an American Comic! Roger is a young man who’s transmigrated from the Ninja World of Naruto unto the Superhero World of Marvel. Armed with the Ninja System from the Ninja World, Roger is ready to become the God of Ninja in the Marvel Universe!. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/akiraninja99

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs


The atmosphere terminator!

The originally tragic atmosphere immediately disappeared after Tony spoke.

"We won!"

Steve Roger looked away from Tony and said tiredly.

"Good job, guys!"

Let's not go to work tomorrow and give ourselves a day off.

Have you ever eaten roasted meat?

There is a barbecue restaurant on the two streets away. Actually, I have not eaten it, but I want to try it!

If Tony was not still lying on the ground, and the armor on his body was full of obvious scars.

Based on his current appearance, no one would think that he was the superhero who entered the portal with a nuclear bomb.

"It's not over yet?"

Thor did not refuse Tony's proposal, but he looked up at the Stark Building that was no longer on the top floor.

"Then we will go later!"

A few minutes later, Thor and the others arrived at the platform where Space Stone was placed. They saw Loki with blurry eyes and Roger, who had been waiting here for a long time.

"The Scepter and Loki are here. You can deal with them however you want!"

After saying that, Roger threw the scepter in his hand to Steve Roger.

Although Mind Stone was inside the scepter, Roger did not intend to take it for himself.

Or rather, he did not have such a plan at the moment.

After casually taking the scepter that Roger threw over, Captain America looked at him doubtfully, then asked, "Is there anything different about this scepter from the one before?"

"This one is more powerful now!"

Roger answered casually. As for the fact that there was Mind Stone in the scepter, he did not intend to tell Rogers now.

If possible, he hoped that he could develop in the direction he was familiar with as much as possible in the future.

Whether Ultron and Vision will be born is not the focus of his consideration

All he really cared about was Wanda, the Scarlet Witch.

I definitely don't have a greedy body. I only care about Wanda's superpower.

Yes, only her superpower.


According to his plan, Wanda's superpower was the key to opening the kaleidoscope.

Although he could also directly exchange for a kaleidoscope in the system, considering that this evolution required an entire 300 Ninja Coins, he decisively gave up on this plan.

That was a whole 300 Ninja Coins!

As for the most orthodox method of leveling up, it would undergo a huge amount of negative emotions, such as witnessing the death of the person he loved deeply, which was not within his consideration from the beginning.

After completing the final handover, the few of them finally went to the Turkish barbecue restaurant that Tony mentioned, and had a somewhat depressing lunch


Time passed in a flash. Unknowingly, a week had passed since the Battle of New York.

In the past week, S.H.I.E.L.D. had revealed his existence in a high-profile manner and was in charge of dealing with the various troubles left behind by the Battle of New York.

The corpses of the soldiers of Chitauri, the various alien weapons, and technology, the additional damage brought by war, the guidance and control of public opinion...

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. began all kinds of post-war measures at the first moment, the existence of the avenger still spread throughout the world.

Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain America Steve Roger, the Hulk Bruce Banner, Thor, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Barton, and the mysterious masked man!

Although Roger was not a member of the avenger from the beginning to the end, people regarded him as a member of the avenger.

It couldn't be helped because he acted like he had been injected with stimulants in battle.

Fortunately, Roger had considered this problem from the beginning and had always brought his Three Magatama Mask along.

Therefore, his true identity was probably, perhaps, not many people knew about it yet.

S.H.I.E.L.D. took Loki's scepter, Thor took away Tesseract and Loki.

Tony and Banner, two highly intelligent people, were together.

They were conducting research that ordinary people could not understand or understand.

Rogers, Natasha, and Barton began their respective vacation. They were currently in a state of losing contact.

After handing Loki over to the company, the system's commission finally changed to a complete state, sending 200 Ninja Coins to Roger.

In addition to the original 40, his amount of Ninja Coins reached 240, which was a small amount of savings.

In general, everything was similar to what he had expected, except for one thing, one thing that he had never expected.

His Office had been destroyed!

Before leaving Office, he also specially told Erica and the others to prepare for battle and protect Office.

However, he never thought that the invasion of Chitauri's army would still destroy his Office.

To be precise, the person who destroyed him, Office, was not Chitauri's warrior, but Abomination and Blonsky.

He did not know if this guy had hit his head or if he had lost control of his destructive power.

When killing those Chitauri warriors, Abomination successfully destroyed Office.

It was so destroyed that there was no need to repair it because the entire office building had collapsed.

After saving all the things that were still worth saving from Office, Roger bid farewell to Office, who had accompanied him for several years and then chose a new office location.

This time, he did not choose those remote streets, but directly moved the office to the famous Imperial Building.

Not only that, but he also canceled Detective Roger, who had been used for several years and registered a new company.

Konoha's private military and security consultant company.

In America, a private military company was a completely legal existence.

The premise was that they paid taxes on time!

Erica and others had no doubts about Roger changing the detective Office into a private military company.

From the beginning, they didn't think that Roger's Office was the detective's Office.

Have you ever seen a detective's Office, whose main business is mainly about fighting and killing?

Only unusual people like Roger would treat this business as the main business of the detective's Office.

So changing it to a private military company was more in line with their current situation.

However, there was one thing they did not understand, which was why Roger changed the company's name to Konoha.

In this regard, Roger's explanation was only a short sentence.

Where Konoha flew, the fire was endless!

After changing Office into a private military company, the commission Roger and the others received finally became normal.

The rich lady spent a lot of money to ask for children, helping the rich second-generation pick up girls, looking for missing cats, dogs, and other commissions, completely disappearing from their sight.

The dull days passed day by day. After moving to the Empire Building for more than a month, Roger finally received a commission approved by the system.

Mission content: Capture the out-of-control lizard experimental body in the sewers of New York. Mission status: incomplete. Mission reward: 30 ninja coins!

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