
The End to the Beginning

It was like any other day for me. Sitting on my bed, with my phone in hand, reading a fan fic on my favorite place to read, in the dark. It was a book about a guy being the husband of the Goddess of Death Hela in the Marvel Universe, Like how cool would that be. I looked at the clock to my left hand side reading 2:25 in the morning, when I decide that it was time for some sleep. Putting my phone on the charger and putting my head on my pillow I started to think to myself, waiting to fall asleep, if I went to the MU I wonder if I would be evil or good. I started to laugh in my head about that thought since I know for a fact I would be evil. Sleep finally over came me on that last thought, before I could realize that I fell asleep way to fast.

Waking up to my alarm going off, and shutting it off, I start getting out of bed so I could get ready for work. When I realize that I see a light blinking at the left top edge of my vision. Wondering what it was I look over to the blinking light to see nothing at all, but that light was still blinking in the same spot in my vision. Choosing to ignore it, because I only had a couple of minutes to get ready for work, I get out of bed and start putting my cloths on. I walk over to the mirror in the bathroom, and notice that I still look the same, guess I still have hope that one day I could live in one of those novels. Red hair, Hazel eyes, 5'10", Normal shaped body with a bit bigger belly, a face with what my father calls "The Resting Bitch Face", and a hair cut that my barber calls "Missionary Cut" which I can not help but laugh at every single time.

Brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and going to the bathroom I head back to my room to grab my personal items. When I get to grabbing my phone I notice that my phone is a bit different. I take a closer look just to see or not see the same old Samsung logo on the back of the phone, but a STARK logo. I stare at that for a good couple of seconds before chuckling a bit inside. Saying out loud "When I get to work I so will get you guys back for this" before pocketing the "joke" phone, and heading for the front door of the apartment.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hey everyone I am not sure where this novel will go. I just know that if I do not start writing I never will. So do not be surprised that if the POV will change from first person to third person. Also chapters will be short in the beginning since I am not sure of how this will play out.

“It is only when we take chances, when our lives improve. The initial and the most difficult risk that we need to take is to become honest. —Walter Anderson

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