
Chapter 3

[Sending invites...]



[Lost Cause joined MSG]


[Daddy's Princess joined MSG]


[Unqualified Stripper joined MSG]


[Slightly Less Useless Fangirl joined MSG]


"Okay, what's up with these nicknames?" Mike muttered before looking at his own nickname.


In a certain world

A young man was walking down the streets with three swords hung on his waist.

'Where the hell are they both?' The young man thought with a frown.

'Can't they even walk on a straight road without getting lost?' He thought as he unknowingly turned left.

At the same time, a white screen suddenly appeared in front of his face startling him.

[Roronoa Zoro, do you want to become the strongest swordsman?]

[Do you want to fulfill your promise to her?]

'What!' Zoro stopped in the middle of his step when he saw the questions.

'What is this screen? Why is it asking such questions?'

[Do you want to or not?] A new question appeared on the screen.

"Of course, I want to, but who are you, and what is this screen?" Zoro said in a serious tone.

He doesn't know who is doing this or how he is doing this, but answering such a simple question doesn't seem harmful, right?

[Great, then accept the invite and change your destiny] the screen replied while completely ignoring his question.

"Why should I?" Zoro asked with his eyes narrowed. While he has no problem declaring his ambition of becoming the strongest swordsman when asked, that doesn't mean he agrees to join a group when he knows nothing about it.

[You will get a chance to become the strongest swordsman. Isn't it enough?]

"I don't know who you are, but I don't need your help in becoming the strongest swordsman in the world. I will do it through my hard work," Zoro replied with complete confidence.


[I think you may have misunderstood me when I said the strongest swordsman.]

[The strongest swordsman in your world is not the strongest swordsman I am talking about]

[They are not even comparable, but if you just want to reach his level, then I guess it better you don't join the group. After all, we don't need people who don't have the ambition to become the best.] After saying that, the screen slowly started to become transparent, as if it was leaving him alone.

"Wait!" Seeing this, Zoro, who was quietly listening to all this, couldn't keep his cool any longer.

"Is all you said is true?"


[Here is a quick sneak peek] The screen said before Zoro found himself standing in some dark place with a small ball of light around him.

In front of him is a large spiral of small multicolor light balls. He can't understand what it is, but it seems impressive.

'It is a galaxy!' Suddenly, some knowledge came to his mind that left him horrified.

He finally understands what it is and what its significance.

As he was mulling over it, a person in weird clothes suddenly appeared in front of the galaxy with a large black sword on his back.

The person took the sword from his back and slashed toward the galaxy without saying anything.

A small-looking slash of energy left his sword as it reached the galaxy at an unimaginable speed.


A single slash utterly destroyed the whole galaxy.

"W...what the..." Zoro muttered in shock before he returned to where he was standing.

[See, that's the power of someone that has almost reached the pinnacle in the sword, not like your world's strongest swordsman who can't even cut a planet into two.]

[So if you want to join, then do it quickly because once I leave, you will forget all that we talked about] the screen replied as it had almost become transparent.

[So, make it hasty because you only have 3...2...]

"I join, I join," Zoro quickly replied. It was too awesome for him to forget. He doesn't want to forget what he has heard and seen.

[Good choice] The screen said, as a black block-like thing appeared in his hand. At the same time, information about how to use it appeared in his head.

[That's your phone, and now you know how to use it, right?] Zoro simply nods his head.

[Then I take my leave now] The screen said before disappearing.

After a few seconds of standing still, Zoro finally opened the chat group option.


At the same time, in another world, the system or screen was trying to recruit another member.

"How should I believe you?" A young man with black hair and a blue mark on his chest asked in a suspicious tone.

[You don't have to, but it's your only choice if you want to save her] The screen replied in a carefree tone.

[Decided quickly because I don't have much time to waste on you.]

Gray looks at the screen with no small amount of suspicion, but in the end, he agrees to join the group. After all, if what this screen is saying is true, then at least he would be able to correct one of his past mistakes.

[Good choice, now here is your phone.]


In a different world

A young blonde was looking at the screen before her with suspicion.

[So, do you accept it or not?]

"What are the benefits?" She asked innocently.

[What do you mean by benefits? I am giving you a chance to take your destiny into your own hands, and you are asking me for more benefits?]

"Yeah! Isn't that how it works? You are basically asking me to do a full-time job, so you should at least give me some side benefits, right?"

[No, there are no benefits to your current rank.]

"And how would I increase my rank?" the blonde asked in an inquisitive manner.

[By completing the mission]

[Now, Ino Yamanaka, this is the last time I am asking you do you accept it or not?]

"Yeah, sure," Ino replied in a calm manner, trying her best to hide her excitement.

As soon as she said that, a black smartphone appeared in her hands at the same time, and knowledge of how to use it also appeared in her brain.

'The hell?' Ino freaked out by this more than anything else. After all, the mind was her forte, so for someone to mess with her mind without her even finding out was scary.

[No need to freak out like that, it's a small thing.]

'No to me, you bastard,' Ino shouted in her head, but on the surface, she was calm and smiling as she watched the screen disappear.


In another world

A teenage girl was lying on her bed while looking at the screen in suspicion. This thing just told her that he could help to bring her dead mother back if she joined this group.

'No matter how I see it, it looks like the work of a demon who wants to consume my soul,' the girl thought before she tried to use her magic on the screen.

"Raeppasid!" Her magic was consumed as her spell began its work, as a bright light covered the screen.

But to her surprise, nothing happened, as the screen remained floating in front of her.

[Are you done? Or do you want to try for the eleventh time? I am sure you will at least make the light show better this time.]

[If not, then listen, you little shit, because I am saying this for the last time. I am not a demon, and I don't want your damned soul.]

[I am just offering you a job. In return, you will get a chance to revive your mother and learn about the magic you have never thought of.]

[So, are you in or not?]


Back to the Marvel world

Mike saw that all of them were online, but they had yet to say a word.

'I guess I have to be the one to start the conversation.'

[Ultimate Meatshied {Manager}: Hello, everyone. I would like to welcome you all to this wonderful multiversal chat group.]

[I am the first member of this group, Michael Godson.]


(Word Count: 1389)

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