
Inserting Myself

- 2/13/2009, 2:30 pm, at home-

I have been on an enjoyable roll learning how to fight and boosting my financial status. I have begun to integrate my door-opening and spirit vision into my fighting style. "Im surprised my spirit vision is this strong despite not being a Seer" Leon voiced in thought. "I always thought that having a strong spirit of intuition and guidance was a strictly Klein thing after all he had sefirah castle but maybe I was wrong or I have some sort of enhanced version due to transmigration".

"I am also proud that the return I'm getting from my investing 20,000 has gone well".

"I have racked in 25,000 and it's still climbing so I invested another 5,000, hey no one has to tell me twice".

"It's going well invest more," Leon said aloud with a hardy laugh. "I can't wait to get rich, I see money in my future".

"With all this going well I still can't forget to get revenge for this body's mother".

"I'm thinking of starting small like ruining a transaction between Fisk and the Maggia family".

"You see it's 2009 and Fisk's influence is great but not as great as it is in the future".

"If I can sow discord between Fisk and his associates". This will weaken his future influence I don't know by how much though. The Maggia family is powerful as well so this may be a pipe dream. "I'm fine if I can just-

destroy some of his things and take out some of his enforcers, yes this is a good plan for now" he mused to himself. "I can't be too impatient after all I still haven't been in a life-and-death fight. People know that Fisk is a menace".

"I know just the place where some of Fisk's goons hang around is an abandoned store where they hang around and sell dope".

"They are relatively low-end thugs and perfect pickings for me".

"They are normal humans I think. "I quickly prepared while waiting for nighttime".

[Scene Change]

-Thugs Pov-

We are making a killing of these dope heads. They keep coming for more.

It was raining that night and our operation was going Smoove as usual. we sat on the steps leading into the abandoned store. The sign of the store is dusty and dingy like it hasn't been cleaned in years. The inside is just empty. Then we suddenly notice someone approaching, "ayyy! Mikey look ya think it's one of them dope heads". The man now known as Mikey said "yea now that we work for Julius the police won't bother us they're paid off".

As the person in question walked into view they saw it was a young guy with a hoodie on. "Heya kid you looking for something?"

The person in question voiced "No i'm just here for some crack" the unassuming youth voiced.

"Haha haha, you look a bit too young to be strung out but hahaha business is business".

"20$ dollars and ill hook ya up", Mikey yelled out "Dontay come look how young this one is". The man Dontay swaggered over and took a look at the young unassuming man. "Hahaha", his laugh made other gangsters come over it was six of them tonight selling. "Kid as I said 20$ and il hook ya up". The "Kid" in question said, "I don't have 20$".

The man Mikey said "Well why did you come this isn't a pity party" he picked up a rock and threw it at the young man while yelling fucking idiot" The rock seemingly hit him and he ran off. "Fucking kid wasting my damn time!" Dontay with a nonchalant tone said from behind Mikey "Stupid ki-"

Mikey hearing commotion behind him said while turning around "why did you stop tal-

There he saw the same kid he just mocked knocking out Dontay". Mikey with a little hesitation tinged with fear yelled "boys!"

"We have a problem". He got no response, he tried again "boys!". After he got no response he looked toward the now frightening young man, "Hey, do you know who I work for if you touch me you're a dead man.. you hear me dead!" he was ignored, and he quickly pulled a switchblade "try me come on" he rushed toward the now mysterious young man as he went to stab the young man disappeared in a split second he thought what before he felt something connect to his jaw an uppercut his teeth crushed his tongue. He had crushed his tongue, he immediately fell down blood oozing from his mouth.

He was woozy on the ground he saw the once unassuming young man now approaching him and with his now damaged tongue he tried yelling "Boys!" but no response. When Mikey was crawling backwards, he got a view into the store his boys were all collapsed no one knows if they were dead or alive.

"Mikey voiced, what do you want in a voice that sounded like he was going to burst into tears?" Blood trickled out of his mouth.

The hooded youth walked over and searched his body and grabbed the switchblade and his flip phones. The hooded youth "What's the code", Mikey with no hesitation "1543".

The youth went through the phone calls and messages. "oh... so your boss is Julius". "Tell me you and he talks about this transaction in your text what is being transacted and where is it happening". Mikey with hesitation stayed silent.

The youth asked once more and got no answer. The youth walked over and stepped on Mikey's knee which made him scream in agony. "Answer me" the youth mouthed once again silence he stepped on the same leg and more screams preceded to bloom into life.

After a relentless "roughing him up a bit" Mikey finally cracked. continuous sobs came from him as he blurted out "At the docks he wanted me to accompany him to buy women from the Maggia family" he said while sobbing the whole time, blood suffusing out of his mouth. "Why, I don't know that's all he told me please no more". The youth in a calm voice that made Mikey's skin crawl mouthed "That's all ok tell Julius Mr. Door sends his regards" before the youth kicked Mikey in the head knocking him out cold.

[A/N: I know that it's been a while since I uploaded so here you go.]

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