
Marvel: Loki the Playboy

Thor and Loki are the children of a dynasty of great actors. Their mother Frigga is a grande dame of the stage and muse of the finest European movie directors, their father Odin is going down in history as the Lawrence Olivier of his time. Thor and Loki are following on their steps, with everything to prove, to themselves and to the world. But as they become dragged under the public eye, so does their past, full of secrets and lies. There are things that not even Thor can protect Loki from.

God_Child · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter - 27

Walking the red carpet together was a high. Even though Loki would never admit to it out loud, sharing space with the celebrities was quite the sensation. The shouting and screaming and the flashes, although not aimed at them, was a mighty electric buzz. And Thor looked so fucking gorgeous it was out of this world. The people who saw him pass tonight, whether or not they knew his name yet, would not forget him.

And Thor kept turning to him to share the excitement, with complicit smiles, bright stares, a hand constantly on Loki, on the small of his back, on his shoulder, so radiantly happy. Loki wondered if Thor realised they could easily be mistaken for a couple. If he did, he wasn't bothered. He threw him several stares that were nothing less than flirtatious, wagging his eyebrows, small tight-lipped smile, eyes dazzling.

The second-hand embarrassment from watching Thor present the award, on his best behaviour, and kind of stiff, was soon forgotten amid the bustle of the gala dinner. That big time producer Thor talked so much about, Tony Stark, could surely fill up a room.

"So, Hamlet! Wow! You're only, what, seventeen?" His words quick, like darts.

Loki relished the chance to talk about that unbelievable opportunity his Edward Scissorhands had led to, when a woman looking to put on a teenage Hamlet up in Stratford-upon-Avon had been made aware of Loki's existence. She wanted to address the issues of mental illness in the play and abound on this side of the character. Loki was on board with that, and pushing the boat away from the dock, before she had even finished exposing her vision. He talked about the project animatedly, under Mr. Stark's very big, very bright, soul-searching eyes. This man's full attention was quite an intense experience. Even with that trim, manicured beard and the wrinkles in his face that told his age, there was something childish about him which Loki found, hm, rather attractive. His enthusiasm, his curiosity, the small teeth in his easy smile. And the guy went so camp when he laughed. He was magnetic. No wonder Thor never shut up about him.

"You know, I have to talk about you with Tim. Tim Burton," said Tony. "He's casting for his next thing, and I swear you could be Johnny Depp's kid brother. It's a small part, but it's eye-catching. It would get you lots of attention, probably a foot in the door."

Loki bit a nail.

"I'm not sure I want to make movies," he said. "I don't think I'm cut for it. I would hate the publicity tours. And I'm not very politically correct when I'm annoyed or bored."

Tony narrowed his eyes into a mischievous squint.

"Neither am I." A smirk. "You and your brother, you're like the sun and the moon. It would be brilliant to have you both in something. Have you ever worked together before?"

"Yes. When we were kids."

"Was he as stubborn and air-headed already then? It's obvious that you got all the brains in the family. And the… Well, he has looks, but you, my dear, you have the je-ne-sais-quoi…"

Loki returned the stare with unblinking eyes.

"…Are you making a pass on me, Mr. Stark?"

"God forbid," he smiled, still eyefucking Loki silly, "that would be illegal. And something tells me big brother there would see my head on a pole if I did."

Loki let his eyes droop, knowing how long his lashes looked when he did that.

"It's not like he has a say," he said.

Tony pulled back, broke eye contact, had a sip of his drink.

"…Maybe when you're older."

"I am of age in England," said Loki. He was having fun with this.

Tony bit his lip, as if trying to hold temptation at bay. Loki thought he looked pretty sexy like that.

"Alright then, maybe when you look older," said Tony, with another sip.

"I may not be interested then," countered Loki.

Tony chuckled. "Oh, I can be very, very interesting, not to mention charming," he purred.

"Charm is not what I'm looking for," said Loki.

Oh, Tony's smile. He was adoring him. Loki had him on the palm of his hand.

"And what is it that you look for, then?" mumbled Tony.

(Enters Thor.) "What is going on here?"

"Mr. Stark was offering me a job," said Loki, gaze locked on Tony, mischief shamelessly in his eyes.

Thor frowned at Stark's angelic smile. Tony had a drink with a look that seemed to say he had a joke he was keeping to himself.

As the evening wore on, there were a few more and more lingering stares across the room. Thor made the rounds, talking to people and laughing and being his gorgeous, sunshiny self, but turned every few minutes to smile at Loki, raise his glass to him, throw him a wink.

Loki watched with interest as Thor turned down several girls who were obviously flirting with him, taking especial delight in the one that tried to drag him to dance. The way Thor had cast a quick look at Loki and extricated himself from her paws had been blooming priceless.

Well, well, well.


For a while now, Loki had been looking more and more bored and tired. Thor sat down with him with a concerned frown.

"Not enjoying yourself, brother?"

"Had enough I think," said Loki, stretching his long arms into full wingspan. "If you can get me a cab and lend me the keys…"

Thor got up on his feet.

"Nah, I'll come with," said Thor. "Mum would fucking kill me if I let you walk around L.A. on your own."

"You sure?" said Loki.

"Yeah," said Thor. "And I've had enough too."

They drove back in silence.

"Not one single solitary star here," said Loki then, looking out the open window.

He looked thoughtful, placid. Thor had not seen him like this since… Well, a long long time ago. He looked content.

"You hate this," said Thor, no heat in his tone.

"With the strength of a million suns," said Loki, with a smile. And after a beat, "Do you like it here?"

"You kidding? It never fucking rains," answered Thor.

"I like the rain," muttered Loki after a spell, staring into space. "I like storms."

Thor stole a glimpse of him, his profile so sharp.

"I know," said Thor.

The thrum of the car was relaxing. Thor considered turning on the radio and playing some music. He didn't. They stayed in silence a bit longer.

"I don't remember the last time we were together this long without fighting," mused Thor.

"I do," said Loki, eyes front, and was that the shadow of a smile.

"Do you?" asked Thor.

"Iceland," said Loki. And he turned his face to the window.

Thor's stomach was churning.