
Chapter: 91

"Tony, you're still too young to understand this, so I want to capture it on film for you.

This is something I built for you, and one day you'll realize that it represents everything, not just people's inventions. It represents the culmination of my life's work. It's the key to the future.

I'm limited by the technological limitations of my time, but I believe that one day you'll unlock this puzzle. And when you do, you'll change the world.

You are my greatest creation, now and in the future – only you."

"How is it going? Any progress?" Mark asked as he walked in from outside.

"Did the one-eyed pirate leave?" Tony turned to look at Mark.

"He left, still figuring out what he can bring to complete our deal. What are you looking at?"

"The footage and notes my father Howard left for me. Nick Fury said they might hold the key to unlocking Howard's envisioned powerful energy source. But whether it's the notes, the footage, or anything else he left behind, I've gone through them all, and I still haven't found any clues about that energy source."

Tony rubbed his temples in frustration. He really wanted to solve this damn palladium poisoning and conquer this damn energy source, because it was his father Howard Stark's expectation of him.

In Tony's memory, Howard had never expressed any of his expectations for him, nor had he ever praised him. But when he heard Howard say he was his greatest creation, Tony really wanted to prove it by working hard.

But now, he was disappointed in himself. Among the things Howard left behind, he hadn't found even a trace of anything related to changing the world or energy source.

"Can I take a look at it?" Seeing Tony's demeanor, Mark decided to give him some hints.

"Sure, go ahead. I've given up. I can't find any hidden meaning in the footage he left behind." Tony took the remote control and rewound the recording, playing it for Mark again.

The recording wasn't long, and young Tony appeared in it, which surprised and amused Mark.

Soon, the film ended, and Mark turned to Tony. "What if there's simply no hidden meaning at all?"

"What do you mean?" Tony asked curiously.

"I mean, literally, what if, as mentioned in the film, the model of the future city is the key to the future, the key to unlocking the energy source."

"!" Hearing Mark's words, Tony suddenly felt enlightened. He became energized, realizing that maybe Howard meant it literally. He had been trapped by his fixed mindset and overthinking things.

"You're a genius, Mark!" Tony exclaimed, excitedly hugging Mark's neck and playfully messing with his head.

Mark reluctantly removed Tony's sinful hands from his neck. "Of course, I know I'm a genius, no need to tell me. But the model of the future city has always been in your office; I haven't included it in the digital library."

"It's alright. Tomorrow morning, I'll go to the office and bring it back!"

"Don't forget to bring a gift for Pepper. Show her some care. It's been a few days since you last visited her. The company just stabilized, and with the high demand for orders on my end, there are probably many things at Stark Industries that need her attention," Mark reminded him.

"Don't worry, I've got it under control. Can't you trust me to handle things?" Tony confidently replied.

"It's precisely because you're handling things that I'm worried," Mark shook his head helplessly.


"Hey, Pepper, do you have a moment?" Tony pushed open the door, holding a box of strawberries in his hands.

"You have 30 seconds, I'm busy today," Pepper said, sounding a bit weary.

"Okay, so here's the thing... I don't know how to describe it. You know how life is so short? I've never had a chance to express myself, and it's only recently that I've come to realize this. I just wanted to say... what I want to say is..."

If Mark were here right now, he would probably give Tony a slap on the head. He couldn't even articulate his feelings properly.

"Let me interrupt you for a moment. If you keep beating around the bush like this, I'll throw something at your head," Pepper cut him off. Apparently, Pepper and Mark shared a similar perspective.

"I've been working hard these past few days, managing a company. Do you know how difficult it is? Everyone expects you to be Iron Man, and yet, you've disappeared. I'm trying to do what you should be doing.

Are these strawberries for me? You know, I'm allergic to only one thing in the world, and that's strawberries."

Now, if Mark were to find out, he would have yet another reason to beat Tony up. Not knowing the taboo of the person he likes, it's just pathetic. If it weren't for Tony's wealth, perhaps he would have remained a virgin for life.

"That's progress, Pepper. Now I know there's a connection between you and strawberries," Tony remarked.

"Now, please disappear from my sight!" Pepper angrily uttered each word.

"Um... okay, I'll take the model of the future city with me."

"!" Pepper stared at Tony with wide eyes, furious. "So you just came to see me as a side note? Taking the model is your real motive!"

Tony didn't dare to say anything this time. He quickly got up and rushed out the door. "I'll have security help me with it--"


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