
Ch 3: Preparing For Big Thing

[Ding! +120 Points From Kingpin.]

[Ding! +100 Points From Bullseye.]

[Ding! +50 Points From Madame Gao.]

[Ding! +70 Points From Nick Fury.]

'It seems like big forces start noticing my activities.' The young man who was in his early twenties is sitting on a sofa while eating ice cream. Then he looked at the little girl that was lying on his lap that seems about 12-13 years old. And a soft smile appears on his face.

"Psychic ability is an amazing ability isn't it?" Then the young man looked back and saw two people doing house chores one was a woman and the other one was a man.

His name is Jeremy Gilfish transmigrator from another world who awakened [Chaos Bringer System]. What the system does is simple like the name said what he needs to do is cause chaos and the system will absorb energy from it and creates so-called points then using them he can draw a lottery that is connected with the omniverse.

"Well I spend a whole month here free so I guess I need to give you guys my thanks don't you think so?" Then Jeremy took out a small bottle filled with an unknown liquid and middle of it small piece of flesh was floating.

[Item: The Cell Of The Thing

Level: D

Type: Material

Origin: The Thing From Another World

Effect: After injecting it into another living organism it will start to absorb the organism's biomass and it will gradually turn into [The Thing].

Summary: Little bit cell from [The Thing]. An alien parasitic creature that is hostile to all life forms. But don't mistake it for other normal parasites because [The Thing] is way more dangerous than that.

Evaluate: You know this thing almost started the nuclear war.]

It was one of the prizes he got from the novice package. The novice package gives him three free d-level lotteries. And three thing he draw from it was [The Cell Of The Thing], [Doppelgänger], and this thing is the most important part of today's show.

[Item: The Egg Of Spider Train

Level: D

Type: Egg

Origin: Choo Choo Charles

Effect: Place it somewhere dark and wet soon it will hatch a half-spider and half-train monster for you.

Summary: It's an egg of ancient monsters that survived on Aranearum island. They are spider-like creatures with shell armor that look like a train. It's still a question if they are artificial creatures or not.

Evaluation: Don't question how it works or its logic. But believe me, it does a real miracle in terms of causing chaos.]

Since the first day he transmigrated, he knew it was a marvel universe and did a lot of research and exploration. Luckily he has [Doppelgänger] from [D&D] universe. Creatures that can rival Skrulls and are even better at Shapeshifting into someone. Different from Skrulls [Doppelgänger] can copy not only the shape but also complete memory as well.

Well now let's focus on the main course. Jeremy opens the girl's mouth and pours [The Cell Of The Thing] into it. The girl drink it all and lost consciousness instantly. Jeremy was sure soon this little girl will turn into [The Thing]. So Jeremy gets up from the ground and heads towards the door. While walking he looked at the parents of the little girl and said: "Bye, bye."

"Now let's head towards our little stage shall we?" While muttering this he leaves the house. And right after he leaves house fills with horrified screams then blood paints the living room.

In the underground world of New York, many forces hold power. One of them is an organization called Hand. Nobody knows where it originated from some said it's from Japan some said England and some even Chinese but nobody knows for sure. But one thing is for sure it is one of the oldest criminal forces in New York.

And like Fisk is the force they have their own cover company. Which is called Midland Circle Financial. Different from Fisk Industrial it's more like a shell than a company. But even so, as their latest cover company, they need to take care of a few things properly.

So here we are inside Midland Circle Financial in HQ Midland Circle the office of the chairman woman in light brown is sitting while reading important documents. But containing information in these documents isn't related to Midland Circle but to what happened yesterday in Fisk Tower.

"Hmm, looks like Madame Gao's side isn't so peaceful. But a creature with the ability to change into anyone? Seems pretty interesting." The woman said in a low voice while reading documents. Suddenly her phone rings.

She then closes the documents and took the phone.

"Miss Weaver mister Jason agreed to sell his land and wanted to meet you here right now." Hearing this Miss Weaver aka Alexandra Weaver only replied "Let him in."

Then she puts documents into her drawers and waited for the landlord of a certain bankrupt factory. His name is Richard Jason old man who is now 57 this year.

Soon door opens and an old man in a suit comes in with a brown briefcase. He sits on the sofa and said: "I don't wanna waste much time here. Just sign here and transfer the money and the land is yours."

"Oh, could you tell me why did you change your mind suddenly?" Alexandra asked while maintaining her friendly smile.

"Do I have a choice?" Richard asked her with a gloomy face. For this Alexandra only smiled silently. Soon she reads the contract briefly and then signs it. "It was a pleasure to do business with you."

Richard only nodded and leaves the office. After Richard leaves her friendly smile disappears and replaces with a cold expression. Then she took out her phone and calls to someone. "Tell your man that prefer to start. I got the land just now."

Just after leaving Midland Circle Richard took out his phone and calls to someone too. The phone number was named "My Precious". After a few seconds, the owner of the number accepts the call.

"Hello?" From the other side of the phone, a familiar male voice sounds. The voice was Jeremy's voice.

"Hello, I did what you said. Now it's your turn to reach your promise." Richard said while getting in his car.

"Yes of course mister Richard you can believe me completely. Come and pick up little Maya from your old factory." Jeremy said this then Richard hears his daughter's voice: "Dad, are you coming soon? Brother Jeremy said you are going to pick me up soon."

Hearing his daughter's voice Richard gulped his saliva and said: "Don't worry dear I am coming."

"Then please come soon. It's dark here I don't like here." Then the call ended abruptly because the other side of the phone ended the call. Richard took a deep breath and drives towards his old factory with all his speed.

In the abandoned factory that was a little outside New York City Richard was standing front of Jeremy who was hugging a little girl about six or seven years old. She seems to sleep with her closed eyes and a motionless state.

"You know I am impressed, mister Richard. Not many people could do what you did for just an adopted child." Jeremy said while softly stroking Maya's little face. Seeing this Richard walks in front of Jeremy with a grim face then snatches Maya from his hand and said: "I did what you said now leave me and my daughter alone."

"Of course, of course, a deal is a deal after all isn't it?" Then Jeremy starts walking towards the exit. Seeing Jeremy leaving Richard couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. But what he didn't notice was from the corner behind him black long spider legs were coming out.

'Like I agreed I left you alone mister Richard. But my new friend here never said let you go.' Jeremy thought so while closing the factory door. From behind the door, you could hear Richard is scream for help but soon it died down and only silence covers the factory.

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