
Marvel: l am the One Above All.

The One Above All created the omniverse itself in the beginning of creation and after creating it, created the Living Tribunal to oversee the multiverse and act as it's overseer the Multiverse and act as it's sole and highest authority as well as it's overseer. When Beta Ray Bill died in his battle with Asteroth, she first appeared presumably as a mysterious, white robed man who then used his power's to revive the dead gladiator. When the Fantastic Four journeyed beyond the plane of existence, they entered the realm of the One Above All where he was taking the form of Jon Stevens. The One Above All appeared in front of a pregnant Susan Storm who was fearing for his life at the hands of the Silver Surfer gave her hope by healing Reed Richards severely damaged face and afterwards sent them home. He made an appearance as a homeless man in the street advising Peter Parker known as Spider-Man to see his dying Aunt May. He also comforts him that he should just let her die because death is a natural part of life. Unfortunately, Peter does take not her advice. When the Thing died, the One Above All appeared and congratulates the Fantastic Four for exploring the multiverse whom the latter promised extraordinary new wonder's in the later years and later afterwards resurrected the Thing.

Travis_LaRowe_2834 · Action
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27 Chs

(A chance at true love.)

Chapter thirteen:

Honestly, he thought it was fine, decent at least. He could get used to it. But he felt the fanfare was a bit much. The speech, the quake, and the lightning. They were unnecessary. Right?

"Well... they were necessary for me. I mean, I thought it fitting. But, she sighed, no, it wasn't, I only needed to focus on the intention of naming you in order for it to take hold. Said Unova Titania.

Thought so, but, it was pretty awesome. Corvus smiled. Unova brightened at that and nodded as she closed her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her.

"That's right! Theatricality and presentation are important. You don't know how many times in the past I've made things happen only for mortals who witnessed to say or think things along the lines of wait, that's it? So I decided that when interacting with them, I'd put a little flair into it. She said and ended with jazz hands on the word flair.

Corvus thought about it and could see how that could be the case. The Primordials and Hera gratified more by the act he put on rather than their actual interaction with him, if he took out the dog head at the end, anyway.

"Anyway, back to the main subject. Is there any particular Marvel universe you're partial to or most familiar with? Said Unova Titania.

He pondered seriously. "Honestly, the MCU is what I'm most familiar with these days. I haven't read any of the comics in a long while. However, I'd love to meet everyone else as well. So, rather than a single universe, can't I just travel them all freely? Replied Corvus Rigel.

Unova replies quickly. "Sure, you just need to figure out how to do it yourself. I'm not going to help you every time. But I will do it once. Again, any specific universe, or rather any specific character you want to meet more than any others? A girl maybe? She snickered at that statement.

"What's with you and that anyway? Corvus turned around and asked. "I've actively ignored it for a while now but it seems as though you're trying to pimp out the heroines to me. He said with a look of mild disgust.

Unova waved dismissively. "Oh please, that's not it at all. I'm saying you should get a girlfriend. Fall in love, have a family. That sort of thing.

"And why should I do that? If I fell in love, wouldn't I just be depressed when they die as I continue on?" He retorted, his brow raised and his face set in a deadpan expression.

"Easy. If she, whoever she is, agrees to be with you for all time, while acknowledging just what exactly that completely entails, her time in my multiverse ends and she becomes an extension of your's. Said Unova Titania.

Corvus eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock. After a whole minute his brows furrowed and he cupped his hand over his mouth while his eyebrow rested in the other hand as he fully digested what he just heard. "What would happen to the universe if she did leave, a character that it's fate was dependent on, even if only partially, suddenly leaving would have consequences, wouldn't it?" Replied Corvus Rigel.

"Again, easy. That specific universe will reset to keep balance and another of her will be born eventually, retreating the condition fate needs in order for her to go through life she and end up exactly the same she before you met and interfered with her fate. Said Unova Titania.

"Why does it feel like there's a catch. He started to grow suspicious.

"Oh there is a catch. How hard do you think it'll be to convince someone that you are what you say you are and still expect them to love you exactly as you are and understand the implications of being with you for eternity? To leave everything they have behind, forever? Friends, family, responsibilities." Said Unova Titania.

"Ah, good point. Yeah, that would take time, and an extremely, special kind of way, woman that I'd only meet once every billion years. And probably take more than a few times around the bend... Look. If that's the case, I really don't know which universe I want to go on. Can you just, send me to one you feel the most appropriate for me and I'll take it from there?" Replied Corvus Rigel.

This numbskull... whatever. If he starts reality hoping then he'll meet her eventually... wait... eventually Then a grin creeped on her face that she quickly hid with a hand.

"Yes, I can do that for you. Have fun... she said in a sing-song manner and snapped her fingers.

Corvus was now slowly turning into motes of light again, all the while thinking to himself. "That... was omnious... right? Corvus Rigel said to himself.