
Marvel: Infinity

It's a common desire for people to want to experience transmigration at least once in their lifetime. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 13 advanced chapters at my patreon I don't own anything https://book.qidian.com/info/1021018889/

Abyssuit · Anime & Comics
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317 Chs

Chapter 141: Trouble

The cosmic cube was successfully brought.

After witnessing the destructive power of Jack, even Nick, who was known for his stubbornness, reluctantly chose to compromise.

With such a huge gap in strength, Nick couldn't win even if he wanted to. Even if he called back Captain Marvel, who knows if she could beat Superman? Plus, Nick wouldn't take that risk unless he had Kryptonite or she could arrive immediately.

Therefore, despite his hesitation, Nick had to pretend to be very willing and hand over the cosmic cube to Jack.

Under such overwhelming generosity, Jack could only accept this generous gift.

Of course, he didn't forget to give back a gift. He casually found an alien gadget from a corner and threw it to Nick, believing it would be enough for him to study for ten or twenty years.

When Jack returned home in the afternoon, he couldn't wait to start absorbing the energy of the cosmic cube.

But Wanda anxiously pushed open the door and said. "Pietro got into a fight with people, Jack."


Jack, who had just put away the cosmic cube, and looked at Wanda with a puzzled expression.

'Pietro? Fighting?'

He thought it was no big deal.

But when Wanda said the next sentence, he realized that it was actually a big deal.

"He almost killed someone, The NYPD has taken him away."

'Okay, a civil dispute has turned into a criminal case.'

Jack rubbed his forehead in frustration. Going to the police station was a bit of a hassle.

"Let's go to the police station first, and on the way, you can tell me what happened in detail."

The two of them set out from home, and Wanda began to tell Jack the problem that had happened.

The story was simple, just your typical hero-saving-the-day scenario.

An hour ago, when Pietro and Wanda were leaving school, they saw Chloe, who had come to pick them up, surrounded by four or five people.

They were being rude and disrespectful and even seemed like they wanted to do something to her.

Chloe remained unbothered, maintaining a polite smile on her face and calmly dealing with the group. However, the yellow light slowly flashing on Chloe's temples made Wanda realize that she was starting to panic.

Pietro and Wanda were about to go over and help, as they had seen this kind of thing many times in Sokovia and were experienced in handling it.

However, at that moment, one of the men seemed to lose patience and grabbed Chloe's arm, causing her to panic. Before Wanda could react, Pietro suddenly rushed forward like a madman and kicked the man who was holding Chloe's arm, sending him flying.

It must be said that growing up in a war zone had its advantages in fighting.

The other gangsters turn to face Pietro, their faces twisted in anger. But Pietro doesn't back down. He charges forward, fists flying, and lands a solid punch on the nearest gangster's jaw.

The gangster staggers back, shaken, while Pietro takes on another two attackers at once. He ducks and weaves around their swings, landing punches and kicks with expert accuracy.

The remaining gangsters realize they're outmatched and try to flee, but Pietro won't let them escape. He chases after them, determined to teach them a lesson they won't forget.

At the critical moment, a patrol car from the NYPD arrived and stopped Pietro, taking everyone at the scene, including Pietro and Chloe, back to the police station.

Realizing that things were not good, Wanda rushed back to find someone.

After she finished speaking, Jack asked, "Why was Chloe taken away too? Isn't she the victim?"

"I don't know, but the police at the scene said she was a participant too."

"Well, it looks like we have to go to the police station."

Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the New York Police Department.

Jack parked the car in the parking lot and entered the police station with Wanda.

To their surprise, as soon as they entered the police station, they saw Chloe supporting Pietro, who had a swollen and bruised face, coming out of the police station with a well-dressed police chief.

"Oh, it looks like our little hero has been released without charge." Jack said jokingly, looking at Pietro, who looked uncomfortable and hid behind Chloe.

"You must be his guardian," the police chief said, reaching out to greet them. "I'm George Stacy, the police chief of the NYPD. Mr. Maximoff is fine. He was very brave and knocked down five street thugs from Hell's Kitchen by himself, but I have to say, it's better to call the police next time."

"Thank you, Chief. I'll teach him well...wait, did you say your name is what?"

Jack's smile froze, and he looked surprised at the police chief.

"George Stacy. Is there a problem?"

George obviously didn't realize there was anything wrong with his name and looked at Jack, wondering if he had arrested him before.

"Uh...no, it's just that you have the same name as a friend of mine." Jack laughed it off and then pulled Wanda to leave.

George watched as Jack hurriedly left, even more confused. He thought about whether he should look into the other person and see if he was up to something, otherwise, he wouldn't have had that reaction.

On the other hand, Jack returned to the car, unable to calm down for a long time.

'George Stacy? Maybe it's just a coincidence.'

With this thought in mind but still uneasy, Jack had Red Queen investigate, but before the results came back, he, Wanda, and Pietro got in the car.

"Alright, let's go home first, have our protector Pietro take care of his injuries, and then have a delicious dinner to calm our nerves. How does that sound to you guys?"

Jack looked at the three of them, Wanda had no complaints, Pietro also wanted to get home quickly, and as for Chloe, she was currently carefully massaging the sore spots on Pietro's arm and didn't hear what he said at all.


Jack nodded, started the car, and drove away.

They quickly arrived home, and Pietro went to clean up his injuries.

His injuries looked quite scary, but they were just minor wounds that didn't require a trip to the hospital, and they had medicine in their first aid kit to treat them.

Chloe pressed Pietro onto the couch and went to find the medicine kit, rushing about and looking like a girlfriend who was worried about him.

Meanwhile, Pietro sat on the couch with a contented expression, enjoying Chloe's gentle care.

Jack looked at them, shook his head, and turned to walk into the kitchen.

Pietro knew exactly what was on his mind, making him feel weird.

'Wanda used to be in love with Vision, a robot, and now Pietro, her brother, was falling for Chloe, an android.'

'Were these siblings fond of robots?'

Shaking his head to clear these thoughts, Jack asked Red Queen about the investigation into George Stacy.

A thorough report appeared in front of him, and as he read through it, his expression became increasingly strange.

"It's really him."



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