
MUP: Chapter 105. Defeated

No matter how powerful the missile was, it would be useless if it couldn't hit the target.

Facing the flying anti-tank missile, Bruno calmly shrank back into the sipper hole and tugged the zipper into closing. In the next instant, the spot where the zipper had appeared reverted back into hard asphalt. The missile had hit the road with no effect other than leaving a large hole in the asphalt.

"Get out of here, quick!"

Having successfully rescued the mother and children from the car, Tony turned around just in time to see Bruno using the zipper to move.

[Reputation points from Tony Stark +115]

Even though he had seen the other party use his ability before, it was still difficult for Tony to hide his surprise when he saw it for a second time.

After all, no matter how much Tony thought about it, he couldn't figure out how the ability to open a zipper on the ground worked.

"Jarvis, Divert power to chest RT."

The situation at hand wasn't good. In the end, Tony had no time to study it. Tony curbed his inner curiosity and redirected his attention back to Obadiah.

The energy from the miniature ark reactor converged in the repulsor on Tony's chest, followed by a white shock wave that struck the Iron Monger.

The powerful force of the shockwave sent Iron Monger's heavy body flying back and smashing into the hood of a car.

However, it was clear that while the sheer size of the Iron Monger prevented it from being as agile as Tony's armour, it still gave it formidable defensive capabilities. The force of the shockwave didn't injure Obadiah, who was still in the iron Monger.

With one hand on the car, the Iron Monger's huge metal palm left a deep imprint on the hood of the car.

Standing up on one foot clearly had a very significant impact on the Iron Monger's movements. He grabbed the car beside him and threw it at Tony. Immediately afterwards, a huge jet of fire from the sole of the Iron Monger's remaining foot propelled Obadiah to leap toward Tony.

Wobbling and steadying himself on one foot, the Iron Monger swung his thick metal arm and knocked Tony straight off his feet.

"Tony, why can't you just be a good boy and die?! For 30 years, I've been holding you up! Why can't you just go along with me for once!" Grabbing Tony in his steel armour and slamming him repeatedly, Obadiah's tone was full of hate and enjoyment, "I built this company from nothing, and nothing is going to stand in my way! Least of all... you!"

The furious Obadiah had apparently forgotten that there was another dangerous character on the scene.

Lifting Tony up with one hand around his neck, Obadiah said, "It's over, Tony."

With that, Obadiah swung the other arm of the Iron Monger and was about to smash it towards Tony's head.

If this blow had hit, even with the protection of the helmet, Tony wouldn't be able to escape the powerful impact that could rattle his brain.

However, at this moment, a huge zipper silently appeared on the bus behind Obadiah.

Inside the armour, Tony obviously saw this scene and immediately opened his mouth to attract Obadiah's attention, "You know, even if you kill me, you won't get anything. At best, Stark Industries would be a third-rate company without me."

"You are as cocky as ever, Tony."

In response to Tony's provocative words, Obadiah sneered and moved the Iron Monger's arm to swing down.

In the next moment, a light shout came from behind, "Sticky Fingers!"

As Bruno's voice sounded, a grey and blue Stand emerged from behind him and aimed its punch towards the Iron Monger, "Ari Ari Ari Ari!"

[Sticky Fingers], the Stand Bruno had, wasn't known for its strength. Thus, its constant punches couldn't deal much damage to Obadiah, who was in his thick armour, Iron Monger.

So, after the initial shock, Obadiah laughed when he heard the constant sound of blows coming from the armour but had no damage at all, "So, you can't hurt me..."

"Is that so?"

When Obadiah said that, the clone Bruno faintly smiled.

In the antique shop, Ryan silently shook his head and observed a moment of silence for Obadiah.

In the next second, [Sticky Fingers]'s ability was activated. Zippers had emerged at the places it had punched. Then, tugging on the sliders of the zippers, the Iron Monger had suddenly split apart.

Bruno reached out on pulled Obadiah out of the Iron Monger. He grinned at the bald man, "Do you think I can't hurt you now?"

Turning back and looking at the Iron Monger that was left in pieces, Obadiah, still full of disbelief, "What the hell are you ...?"

However, it was clear that Bruno had lost interest in talking to Obadiah. He casually threw him to the ground and unleashed his ability with an expressionless face, "Sticky Fingers!"

"Ari Ari Ari Ari Ari!"

Without the protection of the Iron Monger, Obadiah was just an ordinary person at best. Obviously, he wouldn't be able to withstand the heavy punches from the Stand.

[Reputation points from Tony Stark +355]

[Reputation points from Obadiah Stane +1600]

Silently looking at Obadiah, who was being beaten by an invisible force, Tony raised an eyebrow. He hadn't forgotten that the other party had called his name when he first appeared. He would rather deal with this weird guy later and went on to ask Jarvis...

"Jarvis, how much power do I have left?"

"19%, Sir."

"That should be enough."

Nodding, Tony then opened his palms and blasted a shock beam from them, sending him floating up to the air.

"Tony, I think you should stay."

"Stay?! I don't think I wanna end up like Obadiah right now."

Glancing down at Obadiah, who was on the verge of being punched into another form, Tony strengthened his intention to leave.

"Sorry. Although I appreciate your help, I have some important things to do ..."

Bruno looked up at Tony, suspended in mid-air; it was obvious that Bruno wouldn't let him go so easily. If Tony left, the purpose of his appearance wouldn't be fulfilled.

In the antique shop, Ryan's mind turned. The Stand [Sticky Fingers] then turned one of his arms into a twirling zipper that extended and flew towards Tony.


Although Tony couldn't see the Stand's appearance, Tony clearly felt an invisible force grabbing his foot and instantly grimaced.

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