

Synopsis: Sullivan Morningstar, the son of Lucifer Morningstar, the grandson of one above all, He was born mortal and will become the successor of his grandfather but before that he need to know what he's going to do first through multiverse. A/n: hey dear reader, you all might have read this fic before, but the original author of this fic could not continue it because he had to focus on his original, so he gave me permission to continue it. [World list] Marvel(Currently) HXH(Finish) RWBY(Finish) Oshi no ko x FATE(Finish) High School DxD(Future confirmed) Genshin Impact Honkai Impact Bleach Naruto One piece support me and advanced chapters on: patreon.com/phelio

Phelio_n_Craze · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Chapter 25 He was really handsome

Jean signed. She didn't know what to say now. Normal people wouldn't light themselves on fire just to test their magic right.

Well, the wizard was by no means normal. Who would have thought that the magic was real and there were wizards and witches in real life.

She always dreamt of being a beautiful witch who rode a broom on a beautiful night sky.

But instead of wonderful magic she awakened her psychic power. Even though it was similar to each other. The magic could do far more creative things than her damnable power.

Sullivan looked at Jean who was now in deep thought like he was a minute ago before he thought it was good to light himself on fire.

"Why are you so surprised that witches and wizards are real? There are heroes and villains that should only be in the movies and there are mutants kind with a variety of powers too."

Jean heard what Sullivan said and she could only nod her head, he had a point there.


Jean looked at Sullivan with her beautiful green eyes. and show him her weakness self and ask him with a trembling voice.

"Will you teach me magic Sol…"

Wow just wow…

"No. I can not and don't use those eye techniques on me. It will not work you could ask the squib"

"I am Luna you meanie"

"Then can you tell me why"

Jean changed back to her usual persona. She could be a great actor.

Sullivan explained to her that her magic core was blocked by some kind of energy blockage. He wasn't powerful enough to unblock it fully and even if he could unblock it. He would surely die by the intense magical fire.

His magic reserve may be very high but the fire was much more powerful than his magic. He could only stand the heat for ten second before His power ran dry.

He could hit and run but his luck base danger sense told him not to.

Jean heard his lesson. She really wanted to know who would have set up those blockages. It not only suppressed her power but It also suppressed her emotion. If it was not for Sullivan to try to unblock it a little bit. She wouldn't know what was taken away from her.

Her emotion was in turmoil but thanks to the Calming Draught she could control herself.

This magical potion even though the taste was disgusting but She needed it, Sullivan gave it to her for free. He was a really nice guy. If it was someone else they would use it to get under her pants.

Looked at him. He was really handsome.

Sullivan didn't know what was inside her mind now. He was thinking about what was behind those blockages. Whatever it was, It's very powerful.

"Jean, Do you have anyone in mind that could block your power. I think it should be someone close to you or someone who you trust the blockage didn't mean harm to you but try to help you control your power."

Jean thought a bit there's not many people who hit his criteria.

"I think this blockage must be the professor doing it. He was the only one who I let into my mind."

Jean looked at Sullivan but somehow she felt she needed to explain to him something.

"He only came inside my mind once when I was a kid. That time I didn't know how to control my power. after that he couldn't come inside my mind without my permission…"

Sullivan nodded his head

"It must be that time when you awaken your power. He did it for you but He should have loosened it as time goes by. otherwise your mind is going to break down. You are lucky that you met me. I broke it a little so your mind won't go bang. be graceful to me mortal"

Sullivan smiled. He didn't know why but he liked to speak like that with his usual lazy attitude.

Jean laughed a little when she saw his smile and heard his speech.

"I will be eternally grateful to you my lord."

Jean bow to him.

The two was now in harmony

"I feel left out"

Luna who sat on the sofa beside them looking at them with puffing cheeks. She was going to eat all of his pudding and cookies for ignoring her!

The two spoke to each other a bit before they heard someone knock at the door. Miles had finished grocery shopping and came to his place.

Sullivan looked at Miles with a smile before speaking.

"Welcome back spider boi…"


Miles was shocked. He knew that he was spider man. Wait a minute…He called him Spider boy? BOY?! He was not a kid anymore! He was eighteen years old. It should be Spider Teenager…Well never mind

3/3 want more? throw me some stone and review please!