
Marvel: I am Thanos

Lukas reincarnated in the Marvel World after Thanos snapped his fingers! Just after being reincarnated, his head and arm were chopped off by Thor! Fortunately, Lukas brought a Golden Finger with him, a System! As long as he gets favorability of superheroes, he will get exchange points that can be used to buy many abilities and items! Mutants' Abilities, Fate/Zero Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon, Magical Spells of Journey to the West, and the Immortal World's cultivation techniques. Well... in order not to be killed by Avengers, I will do whatever it takes! ------------------------------------------- Author: ----------- Translator: 3rdX_M ------------------------------------------- Link of the original fanfiction: https://wap.faloo.com/582116.html Five chapters per week (Friday and Saturday are off days) ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God Modifier System. (patreon.com/HaOlu) 2- Harry Potter: The legendary Successor System. (patreon.com/Zainal_BL) 3- Marvel: I am Thanos. 4- Coming Soon. 5- Coming Soon. 6- Coming Soon. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. Please understand that you are in no need to do this as we will continue our constant daily updates for free on Webnovel. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

theTripleX_HSA · Movies
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Chapter: 4 Getting Mystique Women Ability!

Lukas was terrified when he heard that, f***k, not Thor again. I will not mess with you guys again! He had already chopped off Lukas's hands and head once, and you still want him to dig my heart again?

Lukas quickly said: "Natasha, these infinite gems can only be felt by the heart. Even if you let Thor dig out my internal organs, you still can't find it."

Natasha looked impatiently: "How do you feel with your heart after what you did? give me the location of the infinite gems, so can I reincarnate the half of the universe, and I will give you anything you want, even if it was my life!"

Looking at Natasha's serious face, Lukas didn't doubt what Natasha said. In "Avengers 4", Natasha sacrificed for the reincarnation plan. She takes the lead to sacrifice.

Hawkeye and Natasha are on the edge of the cliff on the planet Vomer, begging each other to die, and the scene where Natasha takes the lead to release the rope, and she falls.

Lukas: "It's very simple. I like myself now. if Only you can see how much I have changed, you will like me, and you can feel my heart and will know the true location of the six infinite gems..."

Lukas also made up this improvisation temporarily, not sure if Natasha, who had read countless people, would be fooled.

But in the next second, Natasha took action to stand on her feet, and she kissed Lukas!

"I'm going... is this too honest?" Lukas was surprised. Natasha took Lukas's words seriously. She thought if she earns Thanos's like, he will give her the gems for the universe. She pretends to like Thanos for a short time, and slowly she starts seducing him. I like the action that she will do later.

Like kissing, like...

"I like you, Thanos, I like you so much..." Natasha said these inspirational words while kissing Lukas. She seems to lie.

Some lies, told ten thousand times, the wrong, have become right.

"Oh, Thanos, you are so tall, dear. Can you sit down? I'm tiring to kiss you ."

Natasha is only 1.6 meters, and Thanos is more than two meters, so standing kiss feels uncomfortable. No way, just how many men fell for her? Am I living the dream? It's not every day a god of beauty took action to kiss you, and Lukas couldn't think of any reason for rejection...

He also wants to gain points through Natasha's like, and Natasha also wants to save the lost Avengers comrades. You can say that both sides get what they need!

Oh, dear, so many things started with a simple Kiss. It didn't take long for Natasha to have a relationship with Lukas.

"Oh my God, Thanos and Black Widow were F****king..."

After a while of ups and downs, looking at the black widow sleeping on the floor, me holding her hair, I couldn't accept this reality, at least not in his past life.

In the last few tens of minutes, Lukas also wholly understood the physical difference between ordinary people and superheroes. If you back to Lukas from his previous life, he had a small body. He used to be loved. He had family friends, a house, and a car.

But Thanos's body, even if it was injured and didn't have much strength, but for Lukas, this body was perfect for doing this kind of thing.

Now, after the relationship, the black widow fell asleep.

[System: "Congratulations to the host for winning Natasha's likes. You have earned 5000 points! Would you like to redeem the goods now?"]

Lukas wanted to kiss Natasha a few more times. Hearing the voice of the System, he immediately stood up: "Yes! I want to exchange my points for something that can change my shape, is there any?"

Now the remaining half of the entire universe hated Thanos to death. Lukas had to change his shape. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous. Lukas has to wait until all of Thanos's strength is restored, and Lukas's true face will be revealed again.

[System: "Recommend the host to obtain the variant ability of 'Mystique women' shapeshifting ability, you can exchange 5000 points to gain it!"]

"Oh? The ability of mutants?" Lukas also knew something about Mystique women's ability. She was not in the MCU movie universe but the "X-Men" series.

This hero was a mutant. She could become anyone and even delay aging.

Lukas didn't hesitate and immediately said: "Exchange now!"

[System: "Congratulations to the host for possessing the mutant ability of Mystique women. The host can become any character he wants."]

Lukas looked at Natasha, and she was sleeping on the ground with messy clothes. He quickly changed his appearance to Natasha's look. Indeed, he changed from a tall Thanos to a small and lovely black widow!

"Yes, now I will not get killed by the Avengers when they see me. It's been five years since people disappeared. Ant-Man Scott will soon return from the subatomic space. Once Scott finds the Avengers, he will start the plan of time-space traveling. Once Iron Man gets the glove and snaps his fingers, I will turn to ashes!"

At the ending of "Avengers 4," Iron Man and other heroes traveled back in time through time and space, and they got six gems. Then Thanos grabs the Infinity Glove, and Iron Man snatches the gems back.

In the end, Iron Man snapped his fingers, Thanos and all the villains turned to ashes, and Iron Man himself died because he couldn't handle the power of the gem.

Lukas must change in the Sequence of events because once Iron Man snaps his fingers, he will die too!