
Marvel: Gunfighter

A little warning. In this variation of the Marvel world, there are 10 women for 1 man and many superheroes you know now wear skirts. And now let's move on to the synopsis. Your life has come to an end, but you have a rare chance to live a second one. Don't miss it. And don't forget to fulfill the promise you made to the one who gave you this chance. And if there are problems... Well... Colonel Colt has long figured out how to make people equal.

ghnfgyighk · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

About love and why you can't walk at night: Part 1

Somewhere in an unknown place.

A large building that had once been the warehouse and headquarters of a not very large company selling small-sized household appliances, was now a very deplorable sight. After the owners went bankrupt, crushed by competitors, several years passed and there were no people willing to buy an empty property. And if the abandonment outside is not so striking, then if someone is inside, they will immediately understand that no one has been watching this place for a long time. Peeling paint, crumbling plaster in some places. The shelves, once bursting with goods, are now covered with a thick, two-finger layer of dust. Scattered here and there are empty, rotten boxes, crates, rusted remains of equipment that they could not or did not want to take out mixed with other small garbage. Desolation blows from everywhere here. From everywhere except one place.

One of the rooms, located on the second floor level, was once used for planning meetings and meetings and has an area appropriate for these events. Unlike the rest of the building, it doesn't look empty. At the wall farthest from the entrance there is a fully working kitchen with everything you need, including a sink with water. Along the left wall is a narrow but long table, on which rests an open pizza box and three chairs next to it. Opposite there is a large soft sofa in black with a pillow and a crumpled blanket. And many other little things necessary for life, including such large things as another sofa, a couple of tables designed for work and even a shower stall. The most remarkable is the design in the center of the room: on a half-meter platform, where the chief's desk used to stand, there is a hemispherical metal frame hung with monitors in the upper half, and in the lower half covering computer cases fastened together, which, in turn, contain powerful "iron". Numerous wires, carefully assembled into bundles and fastened with clamps, go down somewhere through holes made in the floor. Completing the picture is a massive, rotatable armchair with a high back and footrests. On the sides, a little further than the armrests, two keyboards are fixed, another one in front is folding so that you can sit comfortably.

The mistress of all this splendor is now settled in her box and watched through one of the monitors a rather interesting picture.

"Thanks for the donation, Ironledifan-014, but if I invite you home, I'll have to call the whole chat. And in this case, I will be erased by the root, heh. If you know what I mean." — playing dota on his stream, a cute green-eyed guy broadcasts. At first glance, everything is fine — the usual way to earn money for a boy. Even the fact that he focuses specifically on the game, and not on the demonstration of biceps with a bare torso, although interesting, is not inherently something exceptional. It becomes much more interesting if you know a little more about it. This boy has been suffering from acute psychological trauma since he was 11 and could not communicate normally with girls for the last 6 years, and now he is quietly chatting with more than thirty thousand people. The girl frowned, she really appreciated the friendship of the woman who had entrusted her to look after this boy and his sister. It is necessary to inform the one who saved her life a couple of years ago about such a sharp change in the behavior of the boy. There is no need to believe in recovery. The medical record says that no significant progress in treatment has been achieved.The girl exhaled thoughtfully, leaned her head back and whispered faintly:

— "Maybe before I say something, I should talk to the boy myself?"


Today pleases with good weather. Despite the bright sun and the absence of clouds in the sky, the heat is not felt — summer has just begun and is only gaining momentum. Getting out of the taxi, I took a deep breath of air, which even at the entrance to Central Park turned out to be much cleaner than in the rest of the city. Looking around, I noticed the nearest bench and moved towards it. People pass by—mostly women, casting interested glances at me, but there are also guys. I must admit, most of them look much better than those I met on the first day here — almost no different in appearance from the inhabitants of my old world. The most noticeable difference is a flock of girls with almost every one of them. At the beginning, I was afraid that various people would start approaching me in order to get acquainted, but practice has shown that everything is not so. For sure, because the guys here are very vulnerable and touchy creatures, no one just wants unnecessary problems.

So, in thought, I spent about half an hour until I noticed Catherine, who froze near the gate, looking at passers-by. Probably looking for me. Well, it's not the case to make a girl wait. Approaching, I look at my first friend in this world. Why a friend? Because after our adventures together, I won't turn my tongue to call Kat just an acquaintance. The girl looks great: dressed in a blue shirt that fits the curve of the waist and emphasizes a small tight chest, the top two buttons of which are unbuttoned, showing a white T-shirt, blue skinny jeans and sneakers with white laces. Her hair is pulled into a high ponytail with a white elastic band. The combination of the color of the girl's hair and eyes with her clothes looks just amazing.

When I got close enough, I was noticed. Seeing the right person, Catherine went to meet him. At first, quite cheerfully, but as she approached, her step slowed down, and she began to look somehow uncertain and embarrassed. The girl's last steps were only slightly faster than a turtle's. Stopping a step away from me, she was the first to greet me, shifting from foot to foot in embarrassment:

— "Hello."

What I saw turned out to be so touching that I just couldn't restrain the impulse.

"Kat!" — I grab the surprised squeaking girl in my arms, who clearly did not expect such a reaction from me. — "You look amazing!"

"Thank you... but... everyone is looking at us..." — Kat was in a shocked state and these words came out almost in a whisper. And around, many passers-by really looked in our direction, attracted by the performance. Someone looked with a smile and gave the girl a thumbs-up, someone indifferently and immediately returned to his business, and someone disapprovingly and even with envy.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to embarrass you." — Having calmed my feelings, I release the prey to freedom, continuing, nevertheless, to hold her hand — "Better tell me, how is your leg? I was worried when I couldn't get in touch with you right away. I have to thank my sister for helping me find your number."

"Almost fine. It still hurts if I strain myself, but I can walk normally now." — The girl, still slightly depressed, answered me. Heh, I can understand it — she picked up impressions in five minutes for the whole day ahead. Having decided that you we already start walking, I gently dragging with her deep into the park.


We slowly moved along an alley surrounded by trees that gave a wide shade, creating a pleasant picture to the eye, having a great time talking about how we spent the next month, about our tastes, hobbies, plans for the future and just various funny and not very little things. Katyusha talked about her family and various cases in the service. At such moments, sadness slipped through her eyes and facial expression, but it was clear that she was able to cope with it and was ready to move on.

Old Connor couldn't, so I had to redo various tales and anecdotes from the past world on the go, some of which managed to cause a ringing, cheerful laugh from my companion. At such moments, it was a pleasure to look at her. A bright smile and sparkles in my eyes beckoned me to cuddle this girl again, and, I confess, I couldn't resist a couple of times. I was especially pleased that the girl began to respond uncertainly, but to hugs. I promised to introduce my sister—Kat wanted to thank her for helping us meet.

"Oh, look! Katya pointed her finger somewhere in the sky." — There's an iron lady flying.

"Indeed." — Having traced the direction, I notice a red figure at a height of a couple of hundred meters, moving away in the opposite direction from us. — "I read on the Internet that it was she who closed the alien portal, sending a nuclear missile there, that the idiots-military wanted to throw at the city."

"If that's the case, she's an even bigger heroine than I thought." — The girl thoughtfully drawled, and suddenly asked. — "Would you like to meet her?"

"More likely yes than no." — I replied, a little confused by the question. — "But I won't look for meetings on purpose."

— "Why?"

"She is a super—popular billionaire, and even a superheroine. Imagine her reaction if I suddenly approach her. I think it's going to be something like, Oh, you're another fan! Boy, I already have escorts for today, keep an autograph and go home." — I tried to portray the bitchy person I imagine Stark to be. — "And I don't like a biased attitude. So what's the point of spoiling your mood?"

Having lost sight of Stark's silhouette, we continued on our way. We walked in silence for several minutes, holding hands. Catherine looked thoughtful, and I was in no hurry to interrupt her thoughts.

"You know," — the girl broke the silence first. — "At first glance it does not catch the eye, but you are very unusual."

Shaking her head, choosing her words, after a second she continued:

"The day we met, you behaved very confidently and boldly. Saved me, encouraged me... fought with me. Most guys, and girls, too, would run in fear or faint. But not you. You were so..." — Kat twirled her fingers in the air. — "Reliable. Even now, it's not I who am leading you, but you who are leading me, all our walk. And your words about Stark are also different from what others say."

We stopped. Catherine turned her face to me and our eyes were opposite each other, since we have the same height. There was determination in the girl's gaze.

— "I want to know and understand you. To reveal all your secrets, if you let me."

Silently I pull Kat to me and gently kiss her on the lips. The girl jerked as if from an electric shock and froze, but after a second she returned the kiss and hugged me in return.

I won't tell you all my secrets right away, but if everything goes well with us, then why not? We broke the kiss only when the air ran out. Looking at the girl in my arms, blushing with pleasure and shame turned out to be especially pleasant. The understanding that this is mine now cannot be compared with anything else, there is simply nothing better.

— "An unusual confession, but I appreciated it, as you can see."

"Connor… I'm so glad!" — Kat throws herself on my neck, smearing tears of happiness on my shoulder. And I am once again surprised by the local life. What else can you expect when the beginning of a relationship for a simple girl here is comparable in importance to a second birth. I hug my girlfriend tighter now and stroke her hair.

— "That's enough. Here it is necessary to rejoice, not cry. Come on, I'll treat you to some goodies."

— "Yes!"

I heard the answer, it's time to act.

The rest of the day was fun. The first thing we did was go to the nearest cafe for a snack, where I paid the bill. Kat's objections were argued by the fact that he was obliged to pay for shocking her and the audience around the whole meeting. My arguments were heard, considered and considered worthy. But with the condition that my girlfriend will pay next time. Under pressure, I had to agree and swear that it would be so. However, Catherine didn't notice the fingers crossed behind her back. It all ended with a long deep kiss, initiated by a girl who used her tongue. I did not remain in debt. Our battle could have gone on forever if not for the oxygen demand of our bodies and the taxi that came up.

Saying goodbye to happy Kat, I walked home with a stupid smile on my face.