

Duke, a young man awakened his X Gene to become the conduit of the Speed Force, a multiversal cosmic concept in the Marvel Multiverse

David_555 · Movies
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56 Chs

War I

A/N: [You guys should help me understand something, maybe I'm in the wrong. I thought the whole point of a ff was taking an original movie or anime or story and adding your own characters, changing the plot, time frames and everything right? ]



"Sigh. It's a beautiful city isn't it?" Duke who was seated outside the Helicarrier head a voice before turning around and seeing Cap

sitting beside him with a small smile on his face.

With a small smile he turned around and continued gazing at the huge city from afar. "How does it feel when you run so fast?" Cap asked and picked up a small stone and began fiddling with it.

"Euphoric yet scary." Duke replied with with his smile still on his face. "The euphoric feeling when time slows down to a crawl around you is certainly the best, however it's frightening because, one wrong misstep, and you can kill the person close to you." Duke added, as he took out another cheeseburger from his pocket.

"The world has certainly changed a lot since the last time I saw it. " Cap spoke as Duke raised an eyebrow. "The people have changed, the infrastructure changed, the food changed, even the music changed." Cap said with a sigh.

"I don't understand." Duke said. "You know me right? Captain America from the world war." Cap said as Duke nodded. "The last thing I remember was driving a plane into the ocean and being late for my date." He said as a feeling of grief, loneliness and sorrow seemed to diffuse from his person as Duke sighed.

"The next thing I remember, is waking up in the 21st Century with everything and everyone I know gone forever, lost within the sands of time." Cap continued with a sad smile. "That's pretty rough man." Duke sympathized. He knew how it felt to be alone, so he understood what the soldier was feeling.

"And now, there's a threat to the world. Loki is planning on using the Tesseract to open a wormhole in space and lead an alien army to bring an end to humanity. " Cap said and stood up. "The only people capable of stopping that is us, and apart from Thor and Banner, the rest of us are just men." He raised his head and said.

"You have a gift kid, a very extraordinary one at that, and deep down you're still one of us. I'm not asking you to become a hero. Just help us defend the world against this destruction, else there won't be a world to live in after this." Cap patted his shoulder and left after speaking as Duke furrowed his brows in deep thought



Three days later..... Stark Tower...

"This suit is probably my biggest masterpiece as of yet. " Tony stood in front of a suit, with a cheeseburger in his mouth.

"Jarvis. Give me stats of the suit." He said as he opened a can of beverage and drank it with a refreshed smile.

"Friction proof, anti-wear, and 40 percent vibranium." The AI said, as he nodded.

"I should upgrade it when I get more vibranium in future to the level of the Mark 12 suit." Tony said. " Alright Jarvis, register this as GS-01. I made for a very special person."

He said as he dropped the now empty van into a bin. "Right away Sir." The AI said.

"Alert! alert! intruder!" Suddenly the alarm went off, as Stark immediately took a watch on the table and put it on his arm.

"Sir, a bunch of unidentified personnel have arrived at the top of the tower. They seem to be building some sort of device." Jarvis said.

"Ready the Mark 12." He said. "Sir, the Mark 12 isn't ready for deployment." Jarvis replied. "Then skip the spinning rims, we're on the clock." He said, as he spotted a figure walking towards him with his usual scepter.

"Please tell me you're going to appeal for my humanity." Loki who had just appeared said with a sneer. He had no visible wounds on his face, as Stark looked on with a bit of surprise.

"Uhh actually I'm planning to threaten you." Stark said. "I didn't know Asgardians possess godly regeneration." He added. "We do regenerate, but it's not as absurd as you think. " Loki smiled and said. "Cloning magic, with it I can trick even the Gods with the keenest senses." Loki said. "Well that solves a lot." Stark chuckled as he poured himself a glass of wine.

"Would you like a drink? " " Stalling me won't change anything." Stark raised his cup and Loki waved his scepter. "No I'm threatening you, that magic staff of destiny in your hand will do you no good." Stark chuckled.

"The Chitauri are coming. What else should I fear?" Loki walked to the glass wall and said as he watched the city down below

"Uhhh the Avengers?" Stark said with a wink. "It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team; earth's mightiest heroes." He said ad he turned around. "I've met all of you." Loki said. "Yeah, you know, lets do a recap, first off you pissed me off, a man in an iron suit, then a super soldier from the past, two of the worlds most dangerous assassins." Stark said.

"Ohh uhh and you super pissed Speedy off. I'm pretty sure he's gonna do more than destroy your face this time." Stark continued.

"That was the plan. I've calculated and orchestrated this from the beginning." Loki chuckled. "Not a great plan at all. You army will come, cool, but he's going to come for you.. oh and uhhh we have a Hulk." Stark smiled.

"But how will your friends fight me, when they're so busy fighting you" Loki instantly appeared before Stark, before tapping his scepter on his chest.

"Ting! Ting!" He rapped on Stark's chest twice, only to hear to sound of metal hitting metal.

"This usually works." Loki said in a bit of surprise. "Oh performance issues, not uncommon, how about a 1 out of 5." Stark chuckled, before Loki grabbed him by the neck and hurled him a couple of meters away.

"Jarvis, anytime now." Stark said with grunts as he slowly stood up.

"You will fall before me!" "Deploy!" Loki grabbed him by the neck once more, before hurling him with enough force to breakthrough the glass window, as he fell to his obvious death.

Suddenly, Loki turned around only to be sent flying a machine like suit.



"I just got a message from Stark. Loki has attacked. We need to go now!" Cap said, as he spoke to the others who were still in the Helicarrier.

"But how do we get there, it's halfway across town." Nat said in frustration.

"I have an idea." Fury said, as he clapped his hands. Instantly, small jet arrived with Clint already seated in the piloting seat.

"Get in." He said as Cap, Nat, and Banner entered and he flew off.

Thor stretched forth his hand and summoned his hammer, before spinning it rapidly and blasting off into the sky in a new suit of armor.



About thirty minutes after the team had left, Fury and the others were busily watching the scenes within the Helicarrier, when a figure suddenly appeared behind them in a burst of reddish gold lightning, as sparks flew all over.

Fury instantly noticed something and turned around with a frown. "I want to help." The figure said, as a small smile crept up on Fury's face.