
I wake up in the Jungle.

I woke up screaming. My head was pounding, trying to kill me, but I didn't pay much attention to that. My eyes scanned the surroundings, cataloging everything they saw. I noticed the pigment of the leaves in the forest clearing I was in, I could count the number of ants climbing the tree 10 feet in front of me. I could smell the smoke from some meat cooking not too far away, I could hear the chatter of insects above me. But I did not pay much attention to any of it. No, my mind was focused on the lightning that just shot out of my hands.

I felt like I should be panicking. But somehow I was not. A part of me felt scared, but that part was buried deep. Beyond reason, I felt calm, my mind felt analytical, and I felt alive. More than I ever had. I felt amazing!

Looks like I spoke too early because a second later I groaned grabbing my head, pain shooting through me. What was that? Before I could ponder more about my situation, I heard noises coming his way. A squad of men, I could hear their footsteps thumping, just like I could hear their guns clinking. A snarl ripped out of my mouth… these mortals dared to try, and hunt me?!

I blinked. Where the hell did that thought come from? Just like that, the clarity vanished. I started to tremble in terror, I was an accountant from Ontario, I lived in Scarborough because I couldn't afford to live in Toronto, and I had a girlfriend. Her name was… what was her name? What was my name?

I started to breathe heavily, panicking… am I having a panic attack? No, no, no… I must calm down. Fear is the mind-killer, I quoted to myself. 'Jason,' my mind supplied, my name is Jason? But was that always my name?

Before I could think more clearly, a squad of men come upon me, guns raised. They shouted instructions at me.

"Don't move!"

"Get on the ground!"

"That's a bit contradictory, isn't it? Should I get on the ground, or not move?" I heard myself respond. What the hell was wrong with me? I should be scared, yet my gut is telling me I could kill all of these men before they could so much as blink in my direction.

Instead of terror, I felt amused. I noticed their building tension, the sweat rolling down their foreheads, the gulping of the men behind me, and thought it was right. I was the hunter, they were the prey. Why should I feel scared?

The confidence and amusement vanished, replaced with disorientation when the first gun went off, and I blacked out.


For the second time in a few minutes, I woke up gasping, only this time my mind was completely clear. There was no disorientation, I knew what had happened. I had been reincarnated, just like all those fanfics I used to read when younger.

First things first, I had to make sure I was ok. I stood up, and checked myself. I… I was ripped. I had never been much of a gym guy in my life… in my previous life? I wasn't sure. The point is, while not unhealthy, I was never super fit. But now? My arms were bulging with muscles, I was tall. I had to be over six feet, and I had a distinct impression that my body would be shredded under my… armor? What the hell was I wearing? Some kind of gold, black, and blue armor? More than just that, I felt wonderful, I felt alive, and I could feel the power running through me. I felt I could lift cars, I could punch buildings.

I shook my head and noticed the fact that I held a bloody spear in my hand. Cool, I am a crazy man. I started to get a little scared when I took a look around me and saw the butchered bodies of the men who had come to hunt me. I knelt down by one of them and turned him over as easily as lifting a bag of candy. He was dead, I realized coldly, still somehow not panicking, but the thing I was interested in was the right side of his upper chest. A symbol I realized very clearly, was the logo of S.H.I.E.L.D. I was in some version of Marvel.

Perhaps it was the adrenaline, or maybe some perk of my reincarnation but I didn't freak out, which I rightly should have. I dropped the spear from my hand and ran. The first thing I noticed was that I was fast, not Flash fast, but more like faster than bullets fast. It felt amazing, and a little weird but I had to get away.

I was following my instincts, letting them lead me back to my home, or rather this body's home. Who even was I? And where in the hell did I get sent to? I had been ignoring these questions because they were scary, but I couldn't run from them.

I came to a halt in front of a small hut, nothing fancy, just some wooden logs, covered with more chopped wood. I absently noticed that I wasn't even breathing hard, or sweating as I moved inside. This was my current residence.

As if practiced, I moved to the side of the little shack that I knew had a mirror that I had stolen from some local villages nearby a few weeks ago. I walked in front of the mirror holding my breath, dreading what I would see.

"I have absolutely no idea who I am looking at," I muttered looking at the decidedly handsome face. A strong jawline, deep blue eyes, and curling wavy black locks of hair made me look like a Greek god.




Wait a minute… I recognize that face, I recognize that armor… and it all came rushing back. I grabbed my head as memories poured into me, not of my life, but the life of the body I was forced into. We were merging, our memories, our skills, our instincts were all becoming one… no, that was not it. I was absorbing him, I was taking in all he was into me, and he was ceasing to exist.

After a few intense moments, things calmed down, and I finally knew who I was, or rather whose life I had taken over. I was Jason, the twin brother of Wonder Woman, and I was reincarnated into the MCU.

Ok, calm down. Take a deep breath. I'd never been much of a comic reader. Don't get me wrong, I was a fan of superheroes, I watched all the superhero movies, and I knew a lot of the most popular comic book arcs, but reading the comics themselves? I'd only ever read maybe 40-50 issues in my whole life.

One of those had been Wonder Woman's run during Dc Rebirth. The story involved Diana finding her long-lost twin brother, getting betrayed by him because he was being manipulated by Grail, daughter of Darkseid, then reconciling with him to take on Darkseid. Granted, Darkseid had been nowhere near his full power, but he was still Darkseid.

The point was, Jason had been able to go up against him back when he was nothing but a cocky arrogant jealous brat. He had been angry at being abandoned, forced to hide after being given up by his mother, Hippolyta to hide him from Zeus's wife, Hera.

After reconciling with Diana, he started to follow in her footsteps of being a hero, eventually, they came to face the Dark Gods from the Dark Multiverse… where he sacrificed himself, letting the Gods take him with them back to their home. That's where his story had ended in the comics, and I never thought much about him, he was just some brief character… but not here. My head hurt with Jason's memories, he had been forced to fend for himself in the Dark multiverse, a place of horrors for decades. Whatever he had faced there had been so traumatic his memories of the experience had been repressed.

Eventually, he had managed to free himself from that place, being spat out in the Mcu multiverse, instead of being back home. One of the first things he had seen was a news clip of Tony Stark boldly proclaiming, "I am Iron Man."

Jason not wanting to get into conflict with the Heroes of this universe decided to lay low, so he flew to some jungle in the mountains of Canada. Only, unfortunately for him, there was a S.H.I.E.L.D. base close by, who noticed his arrival and had been trying to hunt the rogue enhanced for a few weeks.

I sat down, trying to remember his abilities. Jason, as an Amazonian Demigod had been as strong as Diana, just as durable, and could fly. Though he lacked the other blessings Diana had been given by the Gods, he had actually inherited more from Zeus than her.

He had inherited the power of storms from Zeus. He could create, and control lightning like his father, and had great control over air. His Aerokinesis was so proficient that he could density shift, and become air itself like a logia from One Piece. He had even avoided Omega Beams with that ability. Oh, and he could regenerate, I remember once he got his throat slit and healed from it in seconds. It wasn't like Wolverine's level of regeneration, but it was still cool.

The coolest thing though was that he had a magic armor, crafted by Zeus, and the Gods originally for Wonder Woman, but ended up with him. It allowed him to channel the power of any Olympian, though one at a time, along with enhancing his base attributes. And finally, he had a god-level weapon. An indestructible spear that could pierce through almost anything, designed by Artemis, and forged by Hephaestus. Jason had the power, tools, and potential to be one of the strongest beings around, and now all that was mine.

I had been lucky, I remember reading stories where poor fools would be reincarnated as random powerless humans struggling to survive, and here I was being reborn in the body of a powerful God.

And to do what? Boy, you are just Jason the accountant from Scarborough. You are no God my mind whispered to me. I should be sad, I'd lost my friends, my family, and my girlfriend… they must be distraught over my death? Disappearance? But I hardly remember any of them, I remembered who I was, my life but nothing about those who were close to me.

I was beginning to panic a little, something was wrong with me, I knew I should be distraught, sad, panicked but I was not. I took a deep breath, panic does nothing. I had an idea, time to think.

"Ok, here we go." I muttered searching my memories of Jason the Demigod, and it came easy to me, "Wisdom of Athena."

I channeled the power of the wisest Goddess of Olympus, and my mind felt… clearer. I didn't feel I was smarter, or some sort of a genius inventor, but I could think clearly.

And I understood why I wasn't reacting the way I should. I had been thinking of myself as my past self… I was not. Jason the accountant was dead… I was no longer that man but I was not Jason the Demigod either. I was me… a fusion of both those beings, I was someone new. Technically, I was born only an hour ago.

I needed some time to think, some time to get used to my new powers, decide what to do with my now immortal life, and how to survive in the Mcu's very busy next decade. More than that, I needed to decide who I was going to be… this was a new beginning, a new life… and I should start it with a new name. Something appropriate, something to represent both my human and my godly nature.

I thought for a moment… before I grinned settling on my new name.

Damn... never thought myself as a fanfic writer, but here we are. Just something I've been pondering. I wanted to do a story in the Mcu for a while, very cliche to have a SI I guess, but I was curious to try my hand at it. And Jason was just character I had in mind precisely because he has little history, so I could write him however I want.

That, and he has cool ass powers.

Anyway, I am a noob author, I can't promise regular updates, I'll see how it goes. Maybe this will die with no readers. I dunno, leave me a review, a comment, anything if you like it. Share your thoughts. Peace.

Endless_Sagecreators' thoughts
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