
Chapter - 1 : Slept with Tony Stark

"If you were given the chance to cross into the Marvel universe, would you be willing?"

"Fuck Off" Adrian looked at the prompts popping up on his computer screen, and his mood was quite angry.

He was downloading a game from a torrent website, and the 80GB game he was downloading had already reached 99% completion, about to finish successfully. But at that moment, the computer suddenly crashed, leaving Adrian feeling uneasy.

Then there is this prompt about crossing over to the Marvel universe keeps popping up on the screen.

Adrian, who did not want to dwell on it, first pulled out the computer's network plug.

Regardless of whether it's crashed, unplugging the network and disconnecting it effectively guarantees the security of one terabyte of data on his computer.

After disconnecting the internet, Adrian refrained from using the mouse to select 'yes' or 'no' in the prompt. Instead, he forcefully shut down the computer by pressing the power off button.


No matter how many times he pressed the button, the computer wouldn't turn off.

"Sure enough, it crashed. I still don't want to believe you won't shut down," Adrian muttered, his expression darkening as he unplugged the power cable.


Then, a scene of shock appeared on Adrian's face as the computer still failed to shut down.

Seeing the situation, Adrian remained unfazed by the self-induced tremors. He quickly grabbed his mobile phone from the side, opened the web link to 'Quora' typed a line swiftly, ''Suddenly confronted with the opportunity to time travel, what should I do?''

"What are you waiting for, just go for it"

"Yes, let's not waste any time. Transmigration is a dream for everyone,"

"Is this some sort of prank? Has someone escaped from a mental hospital?"

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Adrian posted out of habit. Nowadays, in the era of internet, it's just normal to take a screenshot and share it in friends' circles.

Transmigration has always been ridiculed by people, who think it's impossible to really exist. Now that it's appeared in front of Adrian, one can only imagine how excited he must feel.

Sending a post is also a first step, and meanwhile, after unplugging the computer, it's unclear whether it's a virtual power issue or if there's a real problem.

After quickly scanning the comments and waiting a few minutes to ensure that the desktop computer truly couldn't be powered off, Adrian replied below the post, "Since no one else is willing to come, I'm going alone".

After making this reply, Adrian clicked on the 'Yes' option displayed on the desktop computer.

In the next second, Adrian witnessed a sudden suction emanating from the computer screen, transforming into a black hole that began pulling everything towards it, including Adrian himself.

"Sure enough, it's a crossing," Adrian thought to himself, his eyes flashing with anticipation as he didn't resist the pull.

In the next moment, he found himself being absorbed into the computer.

When he reappeared, Adrian found himself in a room adorned with futuristic decorations and extreme luxury.

Virtual projections adorned the surrounding walls.

"Ouch, who's cursing at me?" Adrian groaned, clutching his aching head. He opened his eyes, momentarily confused, then exclaimed, "What the...?"

Before he could contemplate his situation further, sudden foreign memories began to invade his mind, memories that were not his own.

"What is this?" Adrian gasped, clutching his head as if to ward off the onslaught of new thoughts.

After the sudden influx of memories and the subsiding headache, Adrian finally felt a sense of clarity. He slowly opened his eyes, momentarily confused, then exclaimed, "What the...?"

He cursed as he threw an object to the ground in frustration.

Adrian's mood soured considerably.

Though he had indeed crossed over, waking up in bed with a man was not a pleasant situation.

Adrian began contemplating whether he should just end it all.

"Good morning, Sir Adrian," a mechanical male voice suddenly rang out in the room.

Adrian was startled but then he recalled JARVIS from his memories. But before he could react, a middle-aged man with chestnut-colored hair and a handsome mustache climbed out of bed and stared at him silently.

Tony Stark!

Recognizing him instantly, Adrian shouted, "You asked for it!"

In the next moment, Adrian leaped off the bed, rushed towards Tony Stark, and threw a punch at him.

"Hey!" Tony Stark exclaimed in surprise as Adrian's fist connected with his eye, leaving him with a black eye.

"Damn it, Adrian, are you out of your mind? Just because my father left a message before he died asking me to take care of you doesn't mean you can beat me up like this," Tony Stark admonished Adrian, visibly angry.

The two exchanged blows for a moment before they were separated and found themselves in a living room.

At that moment, Pepper Potts, dressed in professional attire, entered the room and served coffee to both men.

"Adrian, did you misunderstand Tony's drunken ramblings last night?" Pepper asked, smiling as she inquired about the reason for their fight. "You and Tony got drunk together last night, and I thought it would be convenient for you to share a bed."

"...." Adrian was speechless.

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