
A new beginning

Aaron was a regular 28 year old movie enthusiast, he especially loved the marvel movies for its details and interconnection between its movies. However, one fine day, there was a sudden zombie outbreak in his otherwise ordinary world. This was one of the main cause for his death. Though he didn't die due to a zombie, as the last remaining humans had actually found a way to get rid of all zombies. However, even with the vaccine, the land, water and air had been infected by the virus and thus slowly evolved the virus to affect humans who were previously immune or vaccinated. This didn't turn them to zombies, it instead just created an insatiable hunger for human brains.

Thus one of the hardcore humans who had survived an apocalypse went down by having his head split open and brain consumed in the middle of an intercourse, the perpetuator being none other than his sexual partner and her boyfriend, who then went on to relish his brain by sharing it between themselves while kissing at the same time. Though Aaron couldn't see all this as he was already dead and currently all he could sense was that he was in a very dark and quiet place, with the occasional movement and tumbling around. He would stretch his legs from time to time as there was very little space and would occasionally cause discomfort to his otherwise curled up self.

"Where am I?" was the only thought in Aaron's mind when he first regained consciousness, only to realize he was in a cramped place with barely any space. He then realized "Wait! why can't I see, hear or feel anything except the walls? Hell! I am not even breathing".

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind...Since I am dead, and now in a dark place with most probably only my soul, am I gonna meet a god and get reincarnated just like I read in those LNs?" this excited him, however, this excitement soon died down and changed into boredom, then irritation, anger and finally into anxiety and desperation, when no one came even after what seemed like an eternity. He was still in the dark abyss. "Is this limbo? am I gonna stay like this here forever?" All this while in the abyss, Aaron had tried to pass away his time by trying to recall every single movie he had ever seen to the tiniest of detail. However, he had now run out of both patience and movies to recall. Just when he thought he was cursed to eternal damnation, he felt the walls clamping around him.

"Oh I'm going to get destroyed now is it?" Aaron smiled pitifully to himself, but to his astonishment, he wasn't crushed to death, instead he was being ejected to what seemed to be an elliptical entrance from where light seemed to enter, though his vision seemed to have gone blurry due to being in the dark place for so long without a speck of light.

on exiting that dark abyss, Aaron started crying tears of relief, however on seeing that he was now being held upside down on one leg, like a chicken to be slaughtered, by a giant. The tears of relief changed into those of fright and sorrow. The last thing he could see before falling asleep due to exhaustion, is being placed in a gigantic cage like prison, with fences double his hieght and length almost triple his.

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