
marvel dc mashup (now changed to gods are complicated)

so it started out as am marvel dc fanfic, and now, well not too sure anymore...

DragonBoyEx · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


MC- " I think I'll take 1. the Kusuo brothers powers and IQ along with Saiki's power restrictors, 2. a custom system, 3. basically Doomsday's coming back to life but also including being harmed sealed and soul or magic related things merged with Darwin's adaptability, 4. a personal world but not one where I have complete control and stuff more like {A Lazy Man's Adventure} world but with small tribes of humans and nonhumans and a mashup of different worlds, 5. being transmigrated as a character I had created Inspired by a lot of game anime's and novels {Hel Malthor} is the name of the file and character." Honestly I completely expected him to nerf my wishes like all those other useless and sorry excuses for Gods, but this time it would be reasonable, with my 1st wish being three wishes in one and my 3rd wish two in one.

God- *sigh* "no I won't nerf you're wishes I'm a f*cking omnipotent God for multiverse's sake, really I'm more surprised you didn't ask for a notebook paper and eraser and start writing whatever you could possibly think of and ask that as you're first wish then be like, oh I'll keep the one's for after I'm reincarnated, sick bastards I blasted them into Oblivion damnit." huh glad I didn't do it when I thought about it, really tho these gods don't have to tolerate us or put up with our sh*t, so don't try to be an asshole or you'll regret it later either by genderbending or worse. *snickers* if you even have the time to regret it.

MC- "so time and space just a mashup of Marvel DC and a bunch of random stuff you can put in. of course for Marvel and DC in modern time and most things too just don't go too crazy. for timelines of course MCU and young justice but add in some stuff from the comics too. Do give me a house and money but no identity, papers or past of any kind. transmigrated on Earth." that should just about do it.

God- "Any questions? no? alright I'll send you off, but this won't be the last time we see each other, f*ck it god politics are a b*tch, actually no all politics are a b*itch in general, karmas a mountain of a b*tch, quite literally too considering the one in this universe is actually a freakin dog. *murmur* but the b*tchiest of 'em all is b*tch from shield hero *murmur*." Huh didn't know even god politicks were so troublesome wait, I-I don't feel so good I feel like I'm gonna vomit.


(3rd point of view)

our Mc now named Hel Malthor, woke up next a mountain, he had a dragon skull as a head vines intertwining around it grass, in his empty eye sockets tiny blue blames flickered his neck had blue and rotten bark with mold and plants growing on it, body like a tree's trunk but blue instead of brown just like his neck with small green scales here and there, his arms a mass of vines and exotic plants ending in long bony claws as fingers, his back had a dragons tail and the only part of his bod not plant nor undead full of emerald, ocean blue and red scales, his legs had vines and bark enveloping solid draconian bones, his feet were wooden trunks, his entire form flickered like a flame some parts occasionally became transparent. He wore a necklace with the skulls of gods, demons and beasts of untold strength the claws and fangs of some, the hands and paws of others organs that allowed supernatural feats, pieces of carnivorous or otherwise plants. and a golden pouch floating at his waist.

here you go if anyones actually reading this if you want to know the mountain is Mount Justice from young justice.

DragonBoyExcreators' thoughts