
leaving Baldur's gate (chapter 41)

prevoius in chapter 40

**ROAR** Suddenly, a creature emerged from the bar, a human woman halfway through her werewolf transformation. "What the hell is that?" Adam exclaimed as the half-elf woman healed herself with magic, revealing her to be a sorcerer. "Not what, but who. She's our friend," said the halfling woman as the almost-werewolf woman lunged towards them. "Back away!" warned the half-elf woman urgently, attempting to conjure a shield. The werewolf-woman tore through the shield, but just as she was about to attack her ally, a chain of stars appeared, intercepting her claws. The stars wrapped around the werewolf, their sharp edges piercing her skin. **ROAR** The werewolf roared in pain.

Meanwhile, a large, built man with a strange purple mark on the right side of his face ran out of the bar, still bleeding. "Nerys, no, we're your allies," he pleaded with the werewolf-woman, now identified as Nerys. Strangely, she responded, "There are no allies, ONLY BODIES," trying to break free from the star chain, which Adam tightened, adding pressure.


In the middle of the night, Adam found himself standing among a motley crew consisting of the half-elf woman, the halfling woman, the blond human man, and the bald human with the pink paint on the right side of his body—or at least, that was what Adam hoped to be. "None of you know what it's like, this rage," the werewolf woman yelled, her voice echoing through the dimly lit alley. The halfling woman, Shandie, stepped forward with a needle in hand. "Whatever happened to you, we will make it right," she said reassuringly. "But for now, the best thing you can do is sleep." With a quick stab, she administered a sedative to the werewolf woman, who soon fell into a deep slumber.

Adam dismissed the star formations with a wave of his hand, contemplating the existence of werewolves in this world. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised," he thought to himself. The blond human male, Krydle, approached him with gratitude. "Thank you, friend, for your help," he said sincerely. Shandie interjected, "Wait, weren't you the one who bumped into us last night?" Adam chuckled, pointing to Krydle. "Well, you bumped into me while you were too busy arguing with your boyfriend over there." Krydle scratched the back of his head sheepishly, unable to retort.

The human male with the pink tattoo on his eye, whose name Adam hadn't caught yet, stepped forward. "Thank you for helping our friend, honorable wizard," he said with a nod of respect. Adam appreciated the man's attitude, especially the little hamster on his shoulder. "I should probably get my own pet; it would be nice," Adam mused aloud. "Yeah, don't worry about it. I was just passing by," he added, then turned to the half-elf woman, who seemed to want to say something but decided otherwise.

 "Well, anyways, I've got things I need to do, so good luck with your hairy trouble," he said with a grin before making his way back to the workshop. The human man gently picked up Nerys, who remained unconscious in his arms.

In the flickering glow of the furnace, Adam could be seen, hammering away at the metal that slowly took shape under his skilled hands. Hours upon hours passed until finally, a blade emerged. He inspected it closely, turning it this way and that. "Finally, no imperfections. Now all I need is to craft the handle," he murmured to himself. Carefully placing the blade inside a protective pouch, Adam then proceeded to clean the shop one last time. 

"This should be my last day in this shop, in this city," he thought, surveying the familiar surroundings. "Hmm, everything seems fine. Uther should wake up to a nice shop," he considered, noticing a box on the counter with a note that read, "Take this before you go off to your death and return to whatever god you worship." Adam chuckled, shaking his head. "This darn dwarf," he muttered, placing the box inside his pouch before locking up the shop securely, ensuring the key was safely inside.

Dressed in a well-fitted suit of armor, Adam stood before the shop, taking a moment to reflect. "Well, this was nice while it lasted," he said softly to himself before turning on his heel. "Now then, where should I go?" Having spent two months in Baldur's Gate, Adam had explored much of the city and its surroundings, even venturing into the underground areas. The only place he hadn't visited was the magic library, which required membership and spell sharing—something he wasn't keen on. "Well, goodbye, Baldur's Gate," he said, casting one last glance at the port city before walking away.

-Scene Change-

On a large snowy mountain in an unknown region, several wolves could be seen pulling a carriage through a fierce storm. Guiding the carriage was a figure clad in heavy belt armor, barely visible through the swirling snow. Inside the carriage, figures huddled together for warmth, among them Adam, also armored against the biting cold. Suddenly, a voice summoned from within the carriage, "Thief!" Adam's brow furrowed in confusion. "That's weird, I didn't activate my mana string," he thought to himself. 

Another voice followed, more menacing this time, "Say that again, and I will cut your tongue out." The carriage driver shouted back, "What the hell is going on back there?" Inside the cramped carriage, a brown-haired, almost balding dwarf accused a man across from him, "I saw you trying to pocket some. Every ounce of chardalyn must go to the man in charge." The accused man protested, "I didn't take anything, I was just looking," setting off a heated argument within the confined space.

In the cramped carriage, Adam could predict the inevitable. "There's going to be a brawl in there. I should have just walked," he muttered under his breath as the tension escalated. The dwarven man accused the other, "You don't need your hands to look," prompting the accused to retort, "Last time I checked, you weren't paying. Who says your little grey hands aren't stealing from the stash?" The dwarf's face flushed with anger as he shot up from his seat, roaring, "This little fist will burst you open!" His fist connected with the accused, igniting an all-out brawl that Adam managed to extricate himself from. Sneakily, he retrieved the source of their greed—a mining haul. It turned out these people in the carriage were miners.

 Adam left them to their fate, the carriage soon crashing, the miners turning against each other in a deadly fight. Adam was already far away, walking beneath the looming rocky mountain. "This world is just as dangerous as my own, if not more," he mused, continuing his journey. He pulled out a map, dotted with marked places, but one unmarked building caught his attention—a rumored ruin of a magic tower that once belonged to a great mage. Hearing the rumors and acquiring the location, Adam decided to venture there, not for the potential inheritance, but for the journey itself. Along the way, there were forests with monsters, magical plants, and mountains with magical ores—each fascinating to Adam.

After walking for a few more minutes, Adam noticed something—or rather, someone—approaching. As the figure drew closer, Adam realized it was a giant of a person, a woman standing at least 7 feet tall. She had light-dark skin, braided dark hair, and wore thick belt armor while wielding two battle axes. Adam was taken aback. "I don't know whether to be aroused or impressed... maybe both," he thought to himself. Despite his surprise, he readied his quickest and deadliest spell, but the giant woman didn't seem to have ill intentions as she spoke with a hoarse voice.


A/N another chapter and ya boy got a weird taste in woman, i am sure its not a reflection of me as the aurther, TOTALLY.

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