
Bruce Almighty moon(chapter 23)

Exiting a still-open clothing store, Adam emerged wearing a thin turtleneck shirt, a lightweight fabric coat, and black jeans. He had left his weapon coat behind, intending to stitch it up himself. A pair of glasses with a small chain connected to the coat completed his ensemble, adding to his already impressive appearance with his long, uncut hair. Now, all he was missing was a book, and he would resemble one of those male leads from a webtoon. Noticing the bustling streets, Adam grumbled, "I'm still confused about where they all go when I get attacked, its like they disappear to a pocket dimension" he sighted, before he though to himself, "god i wish i had a pocket dimension"

After walking for a while, he arrived at an old bookstore where an elderly lady was engrossed in a book, with a steaming cup sitting in front of her. Upon his entrance, the old lady greeted him with a smile and a British accent, "Hello, Adam. How are you doing, child?" Adam sighed, "Hi, Martha. You know, the usual. Just the universe trying to kill me. You look like you had a peaceful night." Martha chuckled, "Well, it's just me and my books." Adam then selected several advanced architecture, beginner engineering, and beginner mechanics books, along with mathematics and chemistry. Observing his choices, Martha chuckled again, "You know, most kids your age buy fantasy-genre books." Adam shrugged, replying, "I'm already living in one," causing Martha to chuckle once more as she bagged his books.

Returning to his boat, exhausted, Adam locked himself in his room, setting the books down. He fell asleep so quickly it seemed as though he had been under anesthesia. The next morning, Adam was already awake, surrounded by a stack of books. After preparing himself breakfast, he spent the next few hours rewriting his grimoire and notebooks from English to his new alphabet, which also served as practice for getting used to his self-made magical letters. This conversion added another layer of security, ensuring that nobody else could read his writings. Satisfied with his progress, Adam continued to learn from his new books and practice his magic.

-scene change-

In the middle of the park, a serene Adam could be observed, his peace perhaps a result of the unusually bright crescent moon that had yet to begin its descent. He sat there, engrossed in an advanced architecture book, with a closed engineering book beside him. Glancing up from his reading, he gazed into the sky, noting, "Almost all of the raw mana in the world is being pushed back by a silverish particle, which I assume is moonlight since..." His voice trailed off as he peered upward before sighing, "Sometimes I forget that this world gets invaded every other Tuesday."

Closing his book, Adam packed his belongings and rose to his feet. "This would have been great if it was nature energy, but instead I get a huge Bruce Almighty moon," he grumbled, staring up at the celestial body. "I bet it's that goddamn Moon Knight," he speculated, walking back to his home. "Well, it doesn't matter. As long as there aren't any monst-" He stopped himself, sighing as he noticed, for the billionth time, that things were too quiet. "Why do I do this to myself?" he muttered, looking down in defeat

Despite his groaning, Adam found himself in the midst of casting a spell - the spinning arrow spell. These spinning arrows were different; they were larger than regular arrows and spun at an incredible speed. Most importantly, there were now six of them. "Alright, show yourself," Adam said aloud, scanning his surroundings. His eyes settled on a seven-foot-tall humanoid creature with the palest skin he had ever seen. Skinny and naked, the creature possessed elongated limbs with five fingers adorned with sharp nails. Its face lacked eyes, nose, or mouth, instead sporting four long horns, two bent forward and two bent back.

Without hesitation, Adam launched three of the arrows at high speed towards the creature, declaring, "Looks like I'm not sleeping tonight." To his surprise, the creature used its elongated hands to block the arrows, causing them to drill through its forearm. One arrow struck its neck, but Adam watched in shock as the creature glowed with a silverish light, regenerating before his eyes.

"Fuck," Adam exclaimed, realizing the dire situation. Within seconds, the creature's knees bent, and it became a blur, darting towards Adam. He barely had time to react as it aimed for his neck, missing and striking his cheek instead, leaving a long claw mark. Falling to the ground, Adam quickly summoned a mana plate in front of his face, anticipating the creature's return. However, his defense was too high, and he suffered five large gashes to his abdomen as a result.

Groaning in pain, Adam attempted to shield himself better while preparing another spell. Just in time, he turned around to parry the creature's strike using the plate, which shattered upon impact. But it was enough to create an opening for Adam to both launch a mana bomb at the creature's head and use the float spell to jump 10 feet up into the sky. The bomb, now the size of a volleyball and more unstable than before, exploded upon impact, obliterating the creature's head and sending him flying.

Tumbling to a halt, Adam groaned, feeling disoriented for a moment. He quickly tended to his wounds with the healing lotus spell before regaining clarity and looking around. Everything seemed to have returned to normal, with a train passing by him. With a smile, Adam thought, "Well, it must be dead." Feeling victorious, Adam made his way towards the corpses of the monster, where he saw bits and pieces of its head strewn about. Picking up one of its horns, he remarked, "Huh, half of it is broken, but it can be useful."

Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the train that had finally arrived. Confused, Adam turned around just in time to hear the yelling of a monstrous creature and several crushing sounds. "It couldn't hurt to check it out," he pondered, although he knew it might not end well. As he approached the train tracks, something fell down, prompting him to cast float on himself to climb onto the train trucks.

Looking down at what had fallen, Adam was surprised to see a literal mummy. "Now I'm definitely checking out what's happening above," he decided, jumping ten feet into the air and climbing up the train. Upon reaching the top, he was greeted by the sight of a mummy being thrown through a train car, its head promptly split by Blade's blade.


A/N: Here's another chapter. You guys will be getting this fanfic daily as I have 30 more chapters in stock. Anyways, you might want to remember that broken half of a horn as it's really important. Anyways, I was thinking of a perfect first-time face-to-face meeting with Adam and Illyana. I'm talking about a perfect moment.

P.S.: I was also thinking (well, more like daydreaming—do any of you guys daydream an entire story, complete with plots, or is it just me?) about an arc between Adam and an OC female queen where he becomes the queen's consort, helping her manage a kingdom that is at war with a demon kingdom and another human kingdom. Watch him fall in love with his perfect woman, only to then lose her and have his Anakin Skywalker moment, his Duke of Arrakis, the Kwisatz Haderach, Paul Muad'Dib, moment, his Eren Yeager moment where he goes "all humans must be extinct." You know, I just don't know if I can pull it off.

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