
Oliver vs the Beyonder: part 3 (chapter 82)

previously in chapter 81

The Beyonder appeared before him, extending a hand. "Come on, take out something else," he said, his voice laced with amusement as he increased the gravity, pinning Oliver to the ground like a mountain pressing down on him. With great effort, Oliver managed to retrieve the nullification band and activated all of its options. A pulse of pure energy surged forth, deactivating the abnormal gravity and permanently neutralizing one of the Beyonder's powers. However, the Beyonder quickly adapted, manipulating reality to create a vacuum that absorbed the energy before restoring his matter manipulation abilities. With a wave of his hand, he transformed the landscape into a colossal arena.

"Well, we can't have a proper fight without matter manipulation, can we?" the Beyonder chuckled as he then broke the nullification band. Oliver cursed under his breath, realizing the immense challenge ahead. He activated his dragonforge exosuit and assumed his demonic form, ready to face whatever came his way. The Beyonder extended his hand, shattering space into glass-like shards that hurtled toward the exosuit, chipping away at its armor. But Oliver's suit absorbed the attack, barely, holding strong against the Beyonder's relentless assault.


Chapter 82

Meanwhile, Oliver wasn't staying idle. He could be seen flying with his wings unfolded, appearing behind the Beyonder. "Someone is being sneaky," the Beyonder snickered as he saw a large amount of black fire hurtling towards him. With a wave of his hand, the Beyonder transformed the hellfire into black butterflies. "Beautiful, ain't it?" he chuckled as the exosuit emerged through the clouds of butterflies, punching the Beyonder. He effortlessly grabbed the exosuit's arms, chuckling at its intelligence, before ragdolling the suit and throwing it into the far distance. Oliver, however, managed to land a punch on the Beyonder's dome, creating a shockwave upon impact. The Beyonder tilted his head, smiling. "Well, that was pathetic," he said unhappily before reality warped.

Oliver was sent crashing through the Earth's crust, causing a large crater to form, but oliver continued his descend, descending deep into the core. As he began to burn, his skin started to fall off. "Burn, baby, burn," the Beyonder chuckled. But what he didn't expect was Oliver's transformation – his hair turned blood red, scales appeared, horns emerged, and he grew in size as he climbed out of the core. His injuries started to heal as he flew out of the Earth's depths, arriving in the air where the Beyonder awaited.

"See, you still have something up your sleeve," the Beyonder laughed. "He wasn't lying when he said you would be interesting," he continued to laugh. Oliver then equipped his symbiote suit, catching the Beyonder's attention. "And a symbiote suit," he laughed. But Oliver activated the suit's options, releasing a dark pulse of energy that weakened the Beyonder.

"Huh, it's actually weakening me," the Beyonder said in surprise. With a twenty-fivefold increase in his attributes, Oliver gave the Beyonder a surprise as he sent him flying, crashing into a mountain and creating a crater. "Now, this is what I'm talking about," the Beyonder laughed, increasing his power to fifty percent. He released so much psionic energy that all matter in the surrounding crumbled and trampled. Oliver was dragged and ragdolled, but before the Beyonder could slam him again, the exosuit finally arrived, punching the Beyonder.

"Piss off, pest," the Beyonder shouted, he then tapped on the head of the exosuit before the exosuit could react, shattering it like a piece of weak glass. He looked down at Oliver, who was holding a pocket watch while bleeding from everywhere. This was the nexus watch, used to travel to different dimensions, but right now, it couldn't. "Now what are you holding?" The Beyonder speed blitzed Oliver, arriving in front of him, only to find himself slowed, frozen in time. "Fuck, that hurt," Oliver said, finally catching his breath as he sat down. "You want a break?" The Beyonder's booming voice sounded again, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering.

To Oliver's horror, the Beyonder shattered the time stop, staring at him happily. "So, you got anything else? 'Cause I am starting to get bored out of beating you, like a dog" the Beyonder smiled. Oliver sighed before getting up, his eyes no longer filled with denial but with a calm and serene look, he fixed his posture as he made a hand gesture towards the Beyonder "Well then, let me whoop your ass," he smiled, still in his hybrid form, standing at 15 feet tall, before an exact version of him appeared.

Seeing this sight, the Beyonder laughed maniacally, looking at Oliver. "He was right. You are interesting, Fateless. Come," he beckoned before the two Olivers engaged. The fight was intense, each Oliver utilizing their enhanced strength and hybrid symbiotic form to go after the Beyonder. They tag-teamed him, their movements fluid and coordinated.

The original Oliver lunged forward, striking with precision, while his duplicate Oliver circled around, launching surprise attacks from the side. The Beyonder, though powerful, was taken aback by the sheer ferocity and synchronization of the two Olivers.

The environment around them trembled as the ground cracked under their feet. Trees were uprooted, and rocks were sent flying as they clashed with the Beyonder. Their punches echoed like thunder, sending shockwaves through the air.

The two Olivers moved in perfect sync, their movements choreographed like a deadly dance. As they closed in on the Beyonder, they unleashed a barrage of strikes, each blow aimed with lethal precision. The original Oliver lunged forward with a powerful thrust, aiming for the Beyonder's chest, while the duplicate Oliver followed with a sweeping kick aimed at his legs.

The Beyonder, caught off guard by their relentless assault, struggled to defend himself, although it wasn't clear where this was an act. He summoned barriers of energy to deflect their attacks which he didn't need to as the two oliver weren't even doing damage but it was fun, and he liked fun things and letting weaker beings think they had a chance, but the two Olivers pressed on relentlessly. With each strike, they forced the Beyonder back, slowly but surely gaining ground.

As the fight raged on, the environment around them bore the brunt of their ferocity. The ground beneath their feet trembled, fissures forming as the earth cracked and split apart. Trees were torn from their roots, mountains shattered, oceans burned, and boulders were sent hurtling through the air as the three combatants clashed with titanic force.

Despite the Beyonder's incredible power, the two Olivers fought with unwavering determination. They utilized every advantage their hybrid symbiotic forms afforded them, seamlessly transitioning between offense and defense. Their movements were fluid and precise, a testament to their years of training and experience.

With each passing minute, the intensity of the battle only seemed to grow. The air crackled with energy as the combatants clashed, their every move sending shockwaves rippling through the surrounding landscape. The sky above churned with dark clouds, thunder echoing ominously in the distance as nature itself seemed to mirror the violence below.

But even as the two Olivers fought with all their might, the Beyonder remained a formidable adversary. His reality-warping abilities allowed him to counter their attacks with ease, twisting the very fabric of existence to suit his whims. Yet still, the two Olivers pressed on, their determination unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the minutes passed and fatigue began to set in, the true extent of the battle's toll became apparent. The ground was littered with debris, the once lush landscape now a scarred and battered wasteland. Yet still, the two Olivers fought on, their spirits unbroken despite their wounds.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, one of the Olivers faltered. With a final, desperate effort, the Beyonder unleashed a devastating blast of energy, striking his opponent with lethal force. The duplicate Oliver staggered, his form flickering before collapsing to the ground in a heap.

But even in defeat, the original Oliver refused to back down. He was missing a hand, an eye, and both of his horns and wings, as well as most of his scales and surrounding where pits and pieces of his shell home that shattered by the beyonder, making all of his item disappear into the realm that exited before time, before there was anything. "Any last words?" the Beyonder asked as Oliver stopped laughing. "Well, I wished I could have made Wanda's ring," he sighed before crouching down as he continued to bleed. He couldn't see from one eye as it was missing before extending his only hand towards the Beyonder. "Now, then let's dance, shall we?" The simple action of Oliver made the Beyonder quiet for a second before laughing as he ascended higher up.


A/N Well, another chapter, and I, uh, have end-of-the-year exams tomorrow and here I am editing and writing chapters instead of revising. Well, wish me luck because I am going to need it, just like my body. Oliver over here is going to need it too. 

Talking about writing chapters, I'm currently writing Chapter 4 (which means it's 50% likely to get published) of my MCU Alchemist fanfic. It's about a guy looking to create potions to level up his class and unlock more alchemy-related skills while also preparing for a cosmic-scaled war (you'll find out more on this topic in the next chapter or so). Additionally, he's fighting against MCU heroes and villains because I decided to lean more towards the evil spectrum, unlike my boy Oliver over here, who leans slightly towards the good side of the spectrum. so if you are interested, read for more updates as i will let you when i am publishing it. so what i wanted to ask was, give ideas for materials such as the extremist, or the hulks blood, or the fruit from what the what if series that is grows on bisons in the ream infect by the tesseract cube.

Next chapter