
killing an eldritch god (chapter 22)

In the midst of the chaotic scene, Kulan Gath, the malevolent necromancer, stood encircled by his red-hand ninjas. His proclamation echoed through the desolate landscape, "You must be famished and exhuasted from your long journey, Marrow God. This entire planet is yours to devour, and then, if you're pleased, we shall join your host and devour the cosmos." The air hung heavy with ominous intent, and the atmosphere reeked of dark sorcery. Sinister shadows danced on the dilapidated ruins nearby, adding an eerie touch to the unfolding confrontation.

Suddenly, a sharp whistling sound pierced the tense air. All eyes, including those of the necromancer and his soldiers, turned skyward, but it was already too late. A colossal fiery bone arrow hurtled down from above, striking the eldritch god in the head. Flames erupted, engulfing the eldritch god, the necromancer, and his minions in a blazing inferno.

This arrow, however, was no ordinary projectile. It was a masterpiece from Oliver's arsenal—forged from the formidable horn of a triceratops, pulsating with primal energy if such a thing even existed. The explosive impact unleashed a torrent of scorching flames, leaving devastation in its wake. The primal power infused in the arrow manifested with an intensity that defied ordinary craftsmanship.

[ Name: Triceratops Horn Arrow ]

[ Grade: Blue ]

[ Description: Forged from the formidable horn of an ancient triceratops, this arrow transcends ordinary craftsmanship. It pulsates with primal energy, a testament to the raw power contained within. ]

[ Option 1: Inferno Cataclysm (Rank: E) (Active) - Unleashes a torrent of scorching flames upon impact, engulfing the target and the surrounding area in a magical inferno, dealing devastating fire damage. ]

[ Option 2: Piercing Gaze of the Ancients (Rank: E) (Passive) - The arrow is imbued with the wisdom of ancient creatures, automatically seeking and exploiting the weakest points of its target, ensuring critical hits with every shot. ]

[ Durability: 95% ]

Simultaneously, Oliver wielded the Dino-Spine Bow, an equally formidable weapon crafted from the formidable spine of a medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur. The bowstring, intricately woven from the resilient intestine of a Brontosaurus, added a touch of macabre sophistication. The bow unleashed a relentless volley of arrows with enhanced penetration power, and its durability was reinforced by an ancient resilience.

[ Name: Dino-Spine Bow ]

[ Grade: Blue ]

[ Description: Crafted from the formidable spine of a medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur and reinforced with steel, this bow is a testament to both ancient strength and modern engineering. Its bowstring is intricately woven from the resilient intestine of a Brontosaurus. ]

[ Option 1: Death Dealer (Rank: E) (Active) - Unleashes the deadly potential of the Dino-Spine Bow, allowing two arrows to be shot consecutively with enhanced penetration power. Nearly impervious to defenses, this skill is a formidable force in the hands of a skilled archer twice a day. ]

[ Option 2: Ancient Resilience (Rank: E) (Passive) - Enhances the bow's durability by 55%, making it more resistant to wear and tear. ]

[ Durability: 78% ]

With the eldritch god incinerated and his minions vanquished, only Kulan Gath remained. Despite the fiery onslaught, the sorcerer somehow survived. His defiant words were abruptly cut short as another arrow, this time thorned and paralyzing, struck him in the head. The evil sorcerer lay paralyzed on the floor, a testament to Oliver's unyielding determination and lethal precision. As the embers of the magical inferno slowly dissipated, the savage avengers stared in confusion, only to turn their gaze in unison towards Oliver, who revealed himself, still wearing the symbiote. The air hung heavy with an eerie calm as Oliver stood.

He then gracefully leapt down from the half-destroyed rooftop, landing with a controlled thud near the priest and the heroes. Confusion flickered across their faces for a moment, but they remained tense, ready for a fight. Oliver, however, had no interest in a confrontation. Instead, he approached the lifeless eldritch god. The necromancer, recognizing Oliver, muttered, anger visible in his voice. "You, it's you, the hunter of the titan, the black dread." The titles were fitting—the locals in the savage land called him the hunter of the titan due to his solitary battles against large dinosaurs, always emerging alive.

Oliver's black symbiote suit, reminiscent of the night itself, earned him the moniker of the black dread. With a glance at the sorcerer, Oliver remarked, "So you sent your soldiers to kill me?" The question hung in the air rhetorically as he retrieved his arrows. In an instant, he disappeared, leaving the heroes and the sorcerer momentarily stunned. However, he reappeared, this time without his bow but with a bowl, his bone sword, which he stabbed into the sorcerer's stomach, and a knife.

As Oliver began to butcher the eldritch god, flames from the activated ember strike option from the bone sword, and engulfed the sorcerer, who struggled in vain. Ignoring the fiery spectacle, Oliver mused, "Well, this leaves me with a single mana," while collecting the horns, nails, blood, and flesh of the eldritch god. He then turned his attention to the heroes.

The barbarian spoke first, "By Crom," looking at oliver who was butchering the eldritch god, before he sighted as he said, " we thank you for your help, honorable hunter," earning an acknowledging nod from Oliver. He then directed his focus to Frank Castle, known as the Punisher. "The Punisher, right? What is the date in the outside world?" Oliver received a strange look from the gunslinger, who provided the information. To the outside world, only a brief period had passed since Oliver's disappearance.

"This doesn't make sense, unless that portal transported me back in time two years," Oliver mused. The revelation seemed to make sense to him, and he shrugged indifferently. The savage land, as it turned out, was situated in Antarctica.


A/N before you comment about how he shouldn't be able to kill an eldritch god, its already stated at the beginning of the chapter that the eldritch god was famished, and the marrow god grows stronger the more he eats, even growing to the size of several building tall after being let lose onto earth, yet the savage avengers defeated him by hammering wolverines claws into its skull, literally, conan created a hammer made out of a symbiote before hammering wolverine into the elderitch gods skull.

PS: you think people haven't encountered Oliver, he is in fact quite well known in the savage land, and some people don't like him much, after all, he is a hunter who kills and butcher's creature, (including an eldritch god apparently).


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