
Chapter 6

It had been another 30 minutes before we finally arrived. The journey had been rather long but somewhat comfortable although I was pretty used to having a meal on such a long flight. I wasn't going to complain though when I saw our new home. 

The orphanage I assumed was gonna be our new home instead of some rundown church or something was a big English-style elegant mansion somewhere west of Massachusetts. From one look I could already tell it was one of their safe houses considering there was little observable at this early hour of the day. With all the flying and time difference you would expect the sun to have already risen by now but it's around 5 in the morning right now and all the moving and activities are screwing up my internal clock. 

Mystique walked us around the mansion giving us a brief tour while also showing us to our assigned rooms and stuff. Honestly, I couldn't complain considering we were given individual rooms to share amongst each other each a bigger size than my old apartment's living room but due to us being lesser than they had earlier predicted, there was more than enough for some of us to have our own. From my brief scan of the structure I knew we weren't the only inhabitants of the building but considering the aura's my ring detected on them, I can assume they are all mutants. After a brief chat with Mystique confirming my suspicions while asking whether they would mind us staying and whether they were not some immature insensitive brats, we agreed to meet up to complete our earlier talks around noon when I finally got some much-needed rest. I entered my shared room with Natasha. Yes, she's grown on me so suck it up if you're jealous and after 6 years of sleeping in a room full of other people, I would need some time to go back to sleeping in an individual room even if I'm somewhat of an introvert. 

For those who might wonder why I don't necessarily like insensitive immature children around is that they would all probably be dead by the end of the week. I can't control my fellow sisters from silencing a few pesky bugs, I do not want to be held accountable for their stupidity. Also, the fact that I died saving a kid who was being bullied and pushed around by some assholes from getting skewered by falling steel beams off the side of a construction site doesn't help one bit with my opinion on some children. Children can either be pure angels and fun to be around or fucking insensitive gremlins and devils in human skin. 

As for my prisoner of war, I had asked my ring if there was something I could do about him, and surprise, I now have a prison dimension created by my ring only holding him captive. Very neat I know right, reminds me I have yet to know anything about my ring which brings me to my current situation after I had finally freshened up got some clothes, and was sitting on my bed looking intensively at my ring. 

It was time for me to find out where this ring came from or at least try to. Natasha was currently still freshening up so now was my chance considering I was alone in the room. In my situation, there was nothing better to ask the ring itself the reason cause I wasn't some all-clever protagonist or some omniscient being but god I hoped I wasn't some pawn for some powerful being or such shit. 

"Ring, why did you a green lantern ring from another universe completely choose to bond with me and where did you even come from cause I don't think you should exist here?" 

[Miss, I am an advanced technology unit designated as Prime Overseer that taps and allows my users to utilize energy from the emotional spectrum allowing them to manipulate the energy for a variety of purposes, making it versatile and powerful only limited by their imagination. The current power source I am currently utilizing is the power of will. I am currently bonded with you as you were the most compatible being I found. For any further details, my creator left a note in my subspace. ] 

Suddenly, a folded note appeared in front of me prompting me to subsequently catch it and open it to read its content as there seemed to be writing within. Certain wording had caught my attention from my ring but I could maul over it when I was done sating my current suspicions and curiosity hoping that all this wasn't some sick joke by some omnipotent being who wanted to see me struggle for entertainment. 

'Hello, Daniel or whoever you are called right now, if you are reading this it means you somehow managed to awaken being able to access my creation. Congratulations but let me just tell you one thing, just know you aren't anything special. You are just one of the many lucky bastards who were lucky enough to manage to unconsciously be chosen by one of my creations and what's even more absurd is it ended up fusing with your soul. So now even if you die and end up reincarnating once more, the ring will follow you to your next life, talk about hitting the jackpot when you get skewered like a kebab. If you are wondering if I am the reason for your reincarnation or any situation you experience just know I didn't waste my time trying to and honestly, I don't care cause it's a process of the cycle of life at the end of the day. Some ignorant weaker beings do it for fun but I don't care about such trivial things much if it floats your boat just know the chances of meeting anyone else who reincarnated is probably low as there are infinite realities and multiverses under the overvoid, so no need for getting your panties wet in fear. Wherever you end up may it be as an insect, tree, alien, or human in any universe be it one plagued with eternal war by chaos gods or even a place similar to your old world is all up to your luck in all your lifetimes. 

As for my creation of the lantern power rings, don't even compare it with the inferior version of those paranoid Smurfs. It's better not as powerful as a motherbox from the DC universe but it will depend on you as the user you get the point. Well, a nice benefit to it is that now it's fused with a part of your soul, it can't be lost to anyone else but if you end up somehow stupidly shattering your soul, you will have a very painful following millennia to recover in your following afterlife or reincarnations and might not have access to the ring for a very long time but it will eventually return, probably. How strong you will become is all dependent on you and your efforts so I added my version of the green lantern central power battery into the mix combined with the StarHeart. The best of both worlds I know right and no I did not add any entity representing the physical embodiment of the emotional spectrum. Why the fuck would I give you more of a chance to power up, I'm not your mom or your babysitter. 

The rest you'll have to figure out by yourself. If you ever become strong enough I will have a surprise gift for you. Remember both of you are two separate entities fused although the ring would take a while to grow, take care of my daughter for me, and enjoy your life whatever way you choose to live bye. 


Staring down at the letter, I wanted to chuckle in amusement. This ROB seemed chill, unlike all the others I read in fanfics who would just throw the MCs to another world and leave them with nothing to deal with their shit. I continued to watch slowly even as the note began disintegrating once I finished reading it. The content was rather enlightening, to say the least. 

What made me more surprised is the fact my arrival in this universe on reincarnation is a result of my pure luck. So my understanding of the principles of life from the comics and mythologies is that I could have gone to different afterlives depending on my faith and stuff but I ended up reincarnating. A shiver run down my spine accompanied by cold sweat considering the fact that if all this was just my luck to end up in this fucked up universe full of cosmic bullshit, world-ending threats, and stupid careless geniuses I could have potentially ended up as a fucking human in the imperium of man and end up being persecuted by xenophobic enhanced humans on fucking steroids in the name of heresy using the ring or some chaos gods who saw my soul as a fucking delicious treat to have along with the ring's power. I almost shit myself at this thought but at least now even if I'm in this massive universe full of some shit I had a way to protect myself but had a very long way to go. 

It took me a full minute to calm my erratic imagination and focus on the here and now. I had to find out all the ring's full potential and capabilities if I wanted to survive living in this universe. 

"Ring, can you make a detailed list of all your capabilities and functions at the current moment?" 

[Affirmative. The following are abilities the ring provides; 

- Energy Constructs Creation: It's the primary function of a power ring creating energy constructs based on the user's willpower. The constructs can take various forms and are only limited by the user's imagination and willpower. 

- Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. Due to the addition of the star heart, if the user wishes, they can alter the type of energy they project be it mystical or non-mystical although it would take great mastery. 

- Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the power ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds. In the atmosphere, a Green Lantern has been known to fly as fast as Mach 10 by creating an aerodynamic envelope around his body without causing any consequences to the planet. Although this is the case, they can fly faster in atmospheres because air friction is not a hindrance since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring's field. While out in space it allows for the lantern to travel at a speed approaching or further exceeding light speed. 

- Protection: The rings create protective energy fields around the user, providing a form of shielding against physical and energy-based attacks. 

- Universal Translator: Power rings often come with the ability to translate languages, allowing users to communicate with different alien species. 

- Pocket Dimension: The power rings can create a pocket dimension for storage, allowing users to store objects or even other individuals within the ring. 

- Artificial Intelligence Integration: The rings possess artificial intelligence capabilities, aiding users in various tasks and providing information. 

- Mental Interface: The rings interface with the minds of their users, enhancing mental and cognitive abilities. 

- Scanning and Analysis: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If one can conceive of it, he can probably detect it. Some magical effects like clairvoyance seem to be beyond the scope of the ring. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, radar, television, infrared, ultraviolet, microwave, and high-frequency band communications. The Ring can scan and analyze the surrounding environment, providing information about objects, life forms, and energy signatures to its users. 

- Phasing: The Power Ring allows the wearer to pass through certain solid objects such as walls. Objects that are not penetrable are not known, but it may depend upon the strength of the wearer's willpower and the density of the object's molecular structure. 

- Matter and Energy Manipulation: The ring is capable of transmuting and changing energy and matter due to the starheart. This is highly dependent on the user's willpower and mastery of the ring which in some cases of extreme mastery can lead to the user being capable of altering reality. 

- Matter Creation: The magical properties of the Starheart enable it the ring to generate matter, creating constructs that are not limited to solid light constructs.

- Will Empowerment: The ring's power can be further magnified by the amount of will a user possesses. A wielder can not only ascertain incredible strength if their will is strong enough, but the strongest of wills also acts as a surrogate means of recharging; and in some cases, supercharging their power ring in case they are low on energy at the time. 

- Invisibility and Light Refraction: A ring wielder can render him/her/itself invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around them, as well as that of the power ring. Presumably, a similar action allows an experienced ring wielder to create objects of colors other than green. 

- Precognition: Through the ring, a very skilled green lantern can obtain the ability to divine glimpses into the future in the form of bright radiances. The ability is termed Emerald Sight in most cases. 

- Energy Twin: The power ring allows the wearer to create an "energy twin" of themselves that can travel at far greater speeds than that of the ring wielder's physical form. While the energy twin is active the ring wielder remains motionless, their life force is needed to guide the energy twin. The energy twin can not alter its surroundings and may only be perceived by the Guardians or another ring wielder as a green, ghostlike image. Any knowledge gained by the energy twin is transferred back to the ring wielder's physical form upon recontact with the body. 

- Energy Absorption: The ring can absorb and store other energies. Doing so does NOT replenish the normal store of energy the ring has. A ring that needs recharging but contains a store of electricity could only discharge that electricity, for example. 

- Wormholes and Spatial Warps: The power ring grants its wearer access to wormholes in space, enabling the ring wielder to rapidly cut the time and distance needed for transport. Black holes can also be navigated by experienced ring wielders. 

- Time Travel: Time travel is possible with the power ring, though the further forward in time a ring wielder travels, the more willpower it takes. 

- Limited Cellular Regeneration: The ring can heal physical injuries although its range is limited. Although this is the case, if the user possesses wider medical knowledge they would be able to cure a wider variety of dysfunctions beyond normal physical injuries. 

- Ring Duplication: Most Power Rings are capable of automatically duplicating themselves. Each duplicate typically shares the qualities and capabilities of the original ring. 

- Resurrection: In rare cases, the ring can keep its user alive or even bring them back from death after their body reaches a state of irreversible death all depending on their willpower. 

- Security Protocol: The rings can be programmed. They are coded to the wearer to make them unusable if stolen. 

- Environmental Playback: Upon request, the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. 

- Preset Conditions: Commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date even if the bearer is not wearing the ring. 

- Thought relay: Due to the ring and the user being connected on a mind level, the user through a telepathic link can instruct the ring to do work following their intent at a short distance or even call the ring back to their hand no matter where they are in the universe. 

- Galactic Encyclopedia: The ring is connected to a vast memory bank that has all the history, knowledge, and research of the Maltutians and Green Lantern Corp from Oa. Each ring can function as a ready reference on most peoples, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings and would serve as a repository of the mission reports for reviews and training.] 

Bloody fucking hell. Whoever wrote in the Wiki's back on Earth that the power rings were reality-warping kid gloves was right. I fucking hit the jackpot but the joy you would expect of having all this power wasn't there. Honestly, I was fucking scared shitless at the moment as I suddenly felt massive pressure bear down on me.

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