

Finding myself in the world of Marvel, I find myselfas Peter Parker, but not at his teen age, but when he committed suicide. In a completely, normal human body with me not having any of Spiderman's powers and abilities, what can I do right now? Simple. Just hope this watch of mine has transformations that can beat the crap out of all those damn Heroes and Villains.

Animelover07 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs



"Okay. This is going to take a lot of time, patience and will to face these transformations." I thought in my head as I am staring at many hologram figures from the Ultimatrix as my alien countdown has to exceed over 40,emm maybe 50.

I lost count as I dismiss it as I am now in my penthouse 3 days after the previous accident as no major attack occurs which make Mike call me back to the HQ for me to continue my heroic patrol which is leaving many small criminals to almost die and crippled.

"So what am I going to do today? The answer is obvious. Time to take out these new guys for a test drive." I enter the elevator that leads me to my training room under the building I lived in.

It takes only a month for me to use all the aliens that fit the job to create this training floor for me.

It mostly is a white space room that has nothing as it serves as a place for me to test out all my alien transformation, minis few ones that stand stall as Big Ben.

"Okay. First, this one." I smack the Ultimatrix after locking on one alien as my body skin become purple as my legs have turned into a single tail. My body now has marked on it with my head has become like a snake.

"Arbok." I slurred as I have become a freaking Pokemon.

"Now this is unexpected transformation. But oh well, it just proves to me that my Ultimatrix is different from Original." I take a look at my appearance noticing it have my both hand but there are 2 claws on my thumb.

The basic instinct of this transformation let me know the claws have poison on them and I can determine them to have it or not. And it cannot extend.

"Now this is reassuring one. I did not want to kill anybody when they touch my stinger." I then familiarise myself with this transformation as I try out all the attack that I remembered by spitting out many poison needles from my mouth.

"This transformation is useful against many opponents and very handful of opponents that I need to interrogate." I cannot contain my glee passing this transformation is mostly based on a poisonous one, a dangerous element for me to finish my opponent life slowly.

"Kukuku." I giggle like a certain Sannin from an anime, the most popular one as my head has many images and scenarios when I fight against my opponents.

15 minutes later, I decide it is enough for me to be in this form as I slap the Ultimatrix symbol on my chest as I grow big--

"Ouch!" I groan in pain as I notice my height now is reaching the limit of the height of this floor as I almost slap my forehead if I can reach it knowing which being I have transformed.

"Haha. Nice joke Ultimatrix. You make me turn into Greymon, no rather Geogreymon of all the time I want a not so big alien." I said as I become a T-Rex being which is orange skin that has blue markings with both of my shoulders has spikes on them with my upper part of my face is covered with hard brown skin has a red marking on it. On it has 3 horns and several spikes with my 5 fingers now have become 3 fingers.

My head crushed the roof right now as I decide I should change to someone else as a green flash once again occurs as I shrink back to my normal height as I become a humanoid one but this time, I become something else.

Right now I have become a human with both of my hand has grenade-like gauntlet with my face now wears a mask that looks a bit like Star Trooper but in black with several red markings on it. My suit meanwhile is mostly black with a red strap that looks like a cross with the Ultimatrix is on the centre of it.

"Whoa. Who's this guy?" I mutter as I cannot identify what this being is.

"Ultimatrix. Can you tell me what I just transform?" I ask the Ultimatrix which glow green.

"Grenadian. A species that has a gauntlet on its arm that can unleash an explosion. The more sweat or liquid you gathered on your body, the more powerful explosion will be able to be related to the user. Even though the user did not have liquid, you can still be released a powerful explosion but will be at the cost of your arm feel ache." Ultimatrix inform me with its monotone voice of mine as I gasped knowing I have become Bakugou that wears Star Trooper.

"Damn, imagine a planet full of Bakugou. Yup, any insane people will live on that planet." I point my hand as then an explosion is a blast as I feel awed seeing this as I start to remember some movements from Bakugou that he performs when he fights.

Not only that, but this body also can emit heat and can charge the power of the explosion. The more longer and energy when my gauntlet is charging, I may create a huge explosion easily at any time I wanted.

"Sweet," I said as I start to play with this transformation by pushing the limit of my unleashing my explosion while my arms feel ache right now but it is a price I may pay as I believe by pushing more limit of this body physical, I can imagine myself to create an explosion equal to tons of TNT.


My penthouse shake slightly due to me keeps blasting explosion like a maniac as I keep laughing evilly making me perfectly look and sounded like a damn villain.

An hour passes as I tap my Ultimatrix as this time, my gauntlet disappear with my helmet as I become a humanoid bull with me wearing crimson pad on my shoulder, the same goes for my arm and knee.

"Okay. What this one do?" I mutter as then my head or rather my instinct tell me what can I do.

"Okay. It seems this one is a bulldozer and I can adjust the hardness of my entire body. Okay, like Kirishima from My Hero Academia. That is 2 aliens based on that anime." I continue to practice this form by pushing the limit of my gardening but my head now feels heavy due to my body start to get tired as I feel a bit sluggish.


"Are you seeing this?" Captain America asked some of the Avengers as he shows the newspaper of the crippled criminals that is caused by the Enforcer, a name that all the media start to call Peter due to the influence by Amy who suggests in the social media with the military backing her up by sharing the names to many people.

Since calling Peter Shape Shifter every time is very lame.

"Yes, Cap. But this guy is a slippery one and has the backing of the government." Tony Stark said.

"Even the Senators?" He asks the Director of Shield who nod his head making the super-soldier sigh.

"That is not all Cap. It seems every action this guy does, many people supported him. Even the one he has killed. This guy did not pull his punches." said Sam Wilson.

"Is this guy Skrull or some experiment that the government make behind us?" Steve ask.

"We do not know. All we know this guy mostly is affiliated with a Secret Service agent. " Rhodey said as he is sipping his coffee.

"How many his kill count?" Steve ask.

"Approximately about 20 I think." Replied Hawkeye who is eating his pancake.

"And all the crippled guys he has made?" asked Steve.

"More than 40. Or more." Replied Rhodes.

"We need to talk. We need to know whose side he is with." Tony said.

"Hmmp. As if. You just want to know what he is capable of Stark." Wolverine said as he is drinking beer in the early morning.

"Don't we all want to know what he is capable of?" Tony quip toward the mutant who scoff.

"Next time I meet him, I am going to have a long talk with him," Miles said as he is holding 2 plates full of pancakes.

"Yeah. Where you get your butt kick." Kaine said as he is pouring syrup on his pancake.

"And embarrass yourself more when you lose against him again," Amadeus added.

"As if. He just caught me off guard last time."Miles said denying their accusation.

" Yeah yeah, too overconfident is bad Miles. You must keep a calm mind fighting your opponent." Kaine tells his fellow spiderling as he is taking a bite of his pancake.

"I know that " Miles grumbled.

"Gentleman. I believe I have some videos that I founded with the help of Jarvis using social media." Vision who phases through the wall which nobody flinches as they get used to it said while holding a tablet in his hand.

"Here. Take a look at this. It seems our Enforcer here has some busy days this past week." Vision said shown many images of Peter in his alien form defeating people on the road and throw many snipers from the building.

"Damn. He throws people from a building that is the height as Washington, DC tallest building. He makes the like of Punisher and Daredevil pale in comparison to how he treats all the criminals." Said Tony Stark while the others frown seeing all the videos of Peter in his Heatblast form just blast a huge fireball that brief 3 guys leaving them as scorching men lying on the floor.

"Whoever this guy is, all I can say he did not give a damn of heat he inflicts toward the criminals." Sam Wilson said as he gives the table toward Steve who watches several videos of Peter's actions.

The super soldier released a sigh as he gives the tablet back to Vision.

"He is a merciless one. Like the Punisher, Daredevil and Deadpool. But this pattern shows like he is guarding someone." Steve commented.

"Well, all the Secret Service Agents have the responsibility taking care of the Presidents with some of the Senators when villains and evil mutant start to appear out nowhere these last years. So it is no wonder they want someone like this Enforcer in their agency. This guy is a jack of all trade, the one who can handle any kind of situation he faces." Rhodes said to them.

All of them stay quiet but for Tony Stark who sees how each creature slaps their head on the symbol of Ultimatrix, he only had one thought in his head.

"This type of technology. I need it for me to create a suite of shapeshifting ones. A suit that exceeds all my other suit." He thought in his head as he already makes a plan to use his SHIELD agents to find out the real identity of this Enforcer and track him to wherever he lives.


"Okay. I guess that is enough for today." Peter said as he now is laying on the floor after doing his routine of tearing his body and muscles apart which leave him back to a sweating mess as his veins can be seen by naked eyes right now.

He closed his eyes while leaving the healing to his healing factor that has kicked in like 15 minutes pass before he flips to stand on the floor.

"Fuuhh. Okay, time for some food or should I just completed building my AI today. Nah, let's just go eat for now. I am hungry and need some doughnuts and cold green tea for my stomach to indulge in." He takes the elevator toward his bedroom as takes a shower to clean himself.

After that, he wipes his wet body while choosing the attire he wants to wear today.

"White shirt and a blue hoodie with jeans. And a yellow sneakers. That should do it." He dons them and exits his penthouse to go to the party in the city by using one of his inventions which is a skateboard that he builds that has the same function as the one Edohawa Conan have but the faster and has sine weapon. It also cannot be stolen and have safety measure.

The wheel is black with the body is mostly red with blue markings on it to at least honour the classic suit he has burned to make him remember the old Peter Parker despite he did not want to.

Of course, during his journey, many people stare at him due to the rare sight of a moving skateboard that moves as fast as a motorcycle and car.

And yeah, Peter also wears rectangle-shaped black glasses to make him look cooler.

"Now where is this Tasty Pantry." He mutters as he looks at the location of high recommended pastry on his smartphone as he now is going there using the guide of the map.

"Take a turn left on this crossroad and gogo straight for about a meter, then look on your left and you will see your destination." Je read the guide of the map as he so as what he read.

"Here it is." He said as he moved into the side of the road as he straps his skateboard on his back as he sees a decent amount of people is in there which confirm the popularity of people visiting there.

An hour pass and on his hand now is a wrapper that has apple fritters with chocolate doughnuts in it.

"Okay. Now time to go to find some drink for my throat." I start to walk to my right but then my feet step on something as I look at what I just step.

A lizard that is half the size of the cat as I kick it away feeling disgusted seeing this green lizard as I see my shoes did not have any weird goo or spit on them.

The Lizard then crawl into a basal at the side of the road making me feel annoyed that I did not kill but hold back down that thought.

"Killing people these past days make me jist want to kill something annoying in front of my eyes. I need to learn how to tone it." I thought while grabbing 2 bottles of mineral water a can of lychee drink.

After paying them, I sit on a bench while enjoying the view of many public transportation pass by while munching my apple fritters and doughnuts.

And it will stay that had if a sewer lid that in the middle of the road pipped out that makes a rider who rides a scooter to feel surprised as he lost control of his vehicle as he hit a bus.

A green scale hand crawls up ad I see a man who has half of his face is covered in green scales that resemble a Lizard.

But then 3 more appear with their appearances are the same as their eyes are slit as they released a roar and start to thrash the vehicles around them.

"Okay. Hero Time I guess." I send a message to Amy to jam all the security cameras around me so no one will ne able to pinpoint out my identity as the Enforcer this early.

15 seconds later I got a reply to her with a thumb up making me know she had done it as I enter an alley with me crouching down beside a trash compactor.

"Better transform fast. It smells very bad here." The dial of the Ultimatrix popped up as I select for an alien to fight them off.

Locking into one alien, my palm push down the dial as the green flash envelop me as I turn into something else.

"Wildmutt!" I roar though no one will be able to understand it as my grills perk up seeing one of the Lizard has picked up a random man by his throat.

Sensing the fear from the man, I start to run and jump toward the lizard as he fell to the road freeing the man who immediately run away from us as I without mercy bite the throat of this half-lizard man who tried to pry me off.

He roars in pain as my bite dig deeper than he thought as I throw him away as he holds his bleeding throat as I swept his head with my paw making his neck bent forcefully as he fell on the road.

He is not dead but barely alive.

I sense the other 3 are attacking e me from behind but I dodge and quickly stab his thigh with all my claws deeply as the other one has his hand bite by my mouth.

"Now!" The last one tried to tackle me but I pull the man I bite while letting go of him from my bite as I grip the remaining man, and swing him toward these 2 lizard with all my strength as they get thrown away by that hit.

I growl as I land on them as I start to deliver many claws slashes toward them as I tear them skins, even their reptile skins as I leave them with them now have looked at me like I am their predator.

"Grr," I smirk making them more scared but then I see many same heat signatures beneath the sewer as I take notice how there many get signatures trailing through it.

"Okay. This reminds me of The Amazing Spider-Man movie, the first one which is starred by Andrew Garfield." I thought in my head as my head start to connect the dots of what happens to this mutated human I defeated. And there is, only one person able to make these half-human and half lizard appearances. Doctor Curtis Connor or his villain persona whose name is The Lizard. I wanted the sewer under the city as I spread all my sense as I follow the trail that may lead me to him.

After all, I have a Lizard to catch.

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