

Finding myself in the world of Marvel, I find myselfas Peter Parker, but not at his teen age, but when he committed suicide. In a completely, normal human body with me not having any of Spiderman's powers and abilities, what can I do right now? Simple. Just hope this watch of mine has transformations that can beat the crap out of all those damn Heroes and Villains.

Animelover07 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs



As usual, after doing some good old training, I start to search for a place for me to have breakfast.

But with the Peter's like to eat a hotdog, I ended up buying 6 hotdogs that I eat on a bench at the fountain.

Licking my finger after finish the last hotdog, I need water as I walk around the place until someone called out my name.

"P-peter?" I heard a female this time only to see my supposed guardian with his husband, May Parker or is it Jameson now.

I of course did not want to greet them back as I walk away from her.

But then a hand grasp my shoulder as I ten behind to see her husband Jay Jameson who has a frown on her face.

"Wait for a minute young man. My wife is talking to you." He told me as I shrug him off.

"Sorry, but you got the wrong person," I tell them without turning my head to look at them.

"Please, can you show us your face?" The woman who raised Peter who died and then get resurrected by that fucker Mephisto as I grip my fist.

My hand now is itching to use Ultimatrix and get the hell away from here but I decide to confront them.

"No need to pent up this feeling anymore. Let's just face it." I turn my head as I adopt a blank expression on my face.

My eyes met with the eyes of the married couple as they stare at me upside down.

Aunt May approached me as her eyes widen a then they sharpened and I got a handprint on my right cheek.

"I get fucking slap on my face." I thought in my head as I grit my teeth and just rub my right cheek.

"Y-you, why do you not contact me? I have worried about you for a long time. No calls, messages and the only thing I got is Mary Jane telling me you wish me to have a good life with my husband." Aunt May lectured me as I rub my backend while feeling annoyed as I a grown-up man and the wielder of a gauntlet with limitless potential is being lectured by my aunty who is supposed to be dead but now is alive.

"I forgot," I replied.

"You did not give me that answer young man. Tell me why have you been up to these days?" She asks me.

"Just lazing in my house, playing the game and do other stuff," I replied in a carefree tone.

"Why you did not visit me, Peter?" She asks me.

"I am busy with my job," I replied as that is the truth.

"What is your job?" She asks me.

"Secret," I replied.

"Mary Jane told me you bought many things when both of you met. Your work, is legal or illegal?" She asks me again.

"Legal one," I replied.

"If it's a legal one, why it unable to tell me your job?" Aunt May ask me.

"Listen here, Aunt May. My job is not something people like you should know. It is a dangerous one." I replied.

"My goodness. Are you involved in some drug business?" She asks me she starts to continues to say something about me have joined a gang and do some legal business to gain so much money.

"Your Uncle Ben will disappoint you if he sees the current you right now. Look at you, not acting like the polite boy I know." Aunt May told me as I look at her.

"Look here, Aunt May. You," I froze remembering how the old Peter felt when his aunt seems to not care for him when he is scared by everyone. He did not have anyone at that time, even though his aunt is still kicking around.

"practically forget about me this past month and here you are accusing me I have forgotten about you. When I am at my below, you are not there for me. So do not say that I did not care for you." My voice becomes higher at the last sentence as the feeling of Peter's anger start to overwhelm me.

"Just go live with your husband Aunt May. I am now fine. I did not need your help anymore. And for Uncle Ben's sake, do not tell me how he is disappointed with me. All I know he will be by my side if he is alive." I then walk away without caring for what Aunt May feels.

"Gosh. That Peter, he has changed." Jay Jameson said as he keeps staring at the figure of Peter until he is out of his view as he looks back at his wife.

"Are you alright?" He asks his wife who look at him.

"Yes. I am alright." Aunt May replied.

They both then walk away.

My breathing now is haggard as the feeling of anger still did not get away as I see my hand is shaking violently.

Not because of fear but anger as I am now in an alley as I then punch the wall behind me many time as then my fist break through it as my head feels dizzy a second as my view become distort for seconds.

"RARGHH!" I then scream in anger as the feeling slowly faded away but my head feels heavy.

My ears then hear footsteps as I see 4 men who had tattoos on them as they approach me with malicious intent as I look coldly toward them.

"Perfect timing." I thought in my head.

"Oh man, we get ourselves a haul today." The one who has a skull tattoo on his forehead said as the one on his right had the same tattoo but on his chin, as he takes out a gun as the other 2 are just big dude.

"Hand in your wallet and smartphone toward us or we will kill you. Jewels too if you had them on you." The leader said but I glared at him.

"This trash. They are not worth it for me to use Ultimatrix. " I thought in my head as I appear in front of the guy who is currently holding the gun as I kick away the gun with me thrust my index finger to the collar bone as blood sop out from there.

The others are surprised seeing this as I kick the leader's crotch very hard without holding back as he grunts in pain with I use my elbow to smash his mouth breaking some of his teeth as he fell on the ground.

My killing intent becomes thick as the 2 big dudes are frozen when I glare at them as I crack my knuckles.

They want to run but I already grab their faces and smash their head toward the ground cracking their head as their head has blood spread on the ground.

All 4 men now are badly injured as I look at them without pity.

"Ptui." I spit on the leader's face as I grab my smartphone and call Amy.

"Sup Peter. Miss me already?" She asks me.

"Look, Amy. I need you to ask for some help from the agency to clean up my mess." I said as I switched it to video call and showed her what happens to those near-death state men.

"Damn. You did not hold back when you umm, beat them badly." Amy said.

"Okay. I will tell our workplace about this. And make sure to kick the heroes butt while you at it too. You are the most famous person, I mean your alter ego is in the social media." Amy said to me.

"Whatever." I ended the call and make my way out of there.

Arriving at my home, I go toward my training room as I approached my punching bag I without taking a deep breath punch it creating a hole in it.

"Damn. My strength increased." I mutter as I replaced it as this time I kick it sending the punching bag to the wall as this proves the theory of my physical trait has increased after what just happen to me.

Then, I start to bench press my customised dumbell for an hour as I then did it by my right arm only and then left arm.

I then grab a towel and wipe off all the sweats on my body as I throw it to the trashbin as I go to my bathroom for a bath.

And then I decide to make a simple dinner for me which is fried rice and stir-fried kimchi as I indulged them.

After finish eating them, I wash all the dirty plates as I then go toward my IT room which now shows many items I have made with a particular large-screen computer that looks exactly like Bat Computer is in the room.

Activating the Ultimatrix, I scroll pass-through some of my aliens that I have used as I stumbled against one particular alien as green flash as I turn into Grey Matter.

"Now, where are we on building an AI. Right, the part where it needs a failsafe, untrackable network, firewalls and all the knowledge in this world, or as much as I can put into this Artificial Intelligence."I then laugh like a madman as I continue to do my work building it.




" Fascinating." Reed Richard said as they all see the recorded video of what Lodestar do.

"Based on the reading that Jarvis manages to record, this creature emits magnetically pulse and energy that Magneto usually emitted out. So yeah, what we this creature is a pure second Magneto, not a clone of him or his lost son." Tony Stark said as a flaking screen shows the figure of Magneto and Lodestar as they have a matching match in terms of abilities.

"This device of him. If we get our hand of it, think of the possibility. We can make an evolutionary in terms of our ways when we handle the likes of Magneto and other villains. With the shape-shifting powers, we did not have to worry about the ability of Skrull as we have our shape-shifting device." Reed told Stark as he nods in agreement.

The orange portal behind them as they see the Sorcerer Supreme or his alter ego, Doctor Strange comes out.

"Stark. Reed." He greeted both genii as they nodded their head toward him.

"Sup Strange. You never visited us unless Dormammu wants to invade the Earth." Tony said.

"No. But this one involves the timeline." He said as he shows his bracket which holds the Time Stone, one of the Infinity Stones in the Universe.

"It seems a being has disrupted the timeline." He told both leaders.

"What did you mean by that? Is it Kang?" Reed ask.

"No. What I mean an omnipotent being has changed the timeline that is supposed to happen." He informs them.

"Is it dangerous? I mean what happens to the future? Did you get a glimpse of it?" Tony ask him.

"That is what worried me. I cannot see the future. The definite one. And they change recently. Many future possible outcomes but one thing for sure, it is a bad one." He told both of them.

"We need to hold a meeting. I mean, not the Avengers, Fantastic Four or the X-Men, but you know," Tony did not continue his words as both Sorcerer and the other genius know what he implied.

As the Illuminati hold a meeting that no one knew of.


"Are you sure that you did not have a problem handling the Time Stone?" Namor, the King of Atlantis ask Doctor Strange.

"I have to hold it for years. Are you doubting of my abilities holding it?" Doctor of Strange asks Namor as they both stare at each other until Professor X cough gaining their attention.

"This meeting shall go peacefully. Don't you agree Black Bolt?"He asks the Inn King who nodded his head, agreeing with what the mutant said.

" But I also believe I have something that I just say. Tell me, does the government has released a warrant to capture this shapeshifter?" He asks Tony who shakes his head.

"Nope," Tony replied as they never called him despite him following around in the SHIELD office.

Well, as he is the director of SHIELD, he always had to handle them as they captured super-powered people who break the law but these past days, they have just kept quiet and never said anything about the shapeshifter when they hold a meeting.

"Now this is a surprising one. Usually, they will ask us to immediately people like a shapeshifter." Charles Xavier said.

"No. I think the shapeshifter has affiliated with the government." Reed said.

"Red Falcon, Captain America and the others said they see him talking with a Secret Agent when they go to rescue the hijacked aeroplane," Tony told them.

"Stark. Maybe you can ask those people from the government when you had a meeting with them?" Namor said to Tony who is rubbing his chin.

"That is a good idea. Anyway, Iron man, are you and Captain America faring well after you guys decide to make peace with each other." Professor Xavier ask the billionaire.

"Yeah. Took me a week of me apologising and you know, argues with him to see the point." Tony said as he remembers how head Cap has their faction that might each other.

Civil War, a fight between heroes composed both of them as the leader, a dark history that they will never forget.

And it ended when he and Cap met in secret as they argue for hours until they decide to make peace, ending the Civil War as they both did not want anyone to lose their lives.

"Enough of that. This shapeshifter, I can say he is not fond of us." Reed said.

"So what does it suggest? Fight against him?" Namor ask.

"Maybe. With what he has done to our 4 unofficial and official members of Avengers." Tony said.

Black Bolt then make a hand sign which Professor Xavier translate for them.

"He is saying" "Is he a Skrull?" The mutant ask.

"There is a possibility he is one," Reed replied.

"But there is also also a theory we believe he has a shape-shifting technology." The Ulmatrix symbol appears as they all stare at the symbol of the green hourglass.

"Hmm. If we want an answer, we can just ask him directly." Namor said as they all stare at him, somehow agree and did not agree with his method.


"Damn that creature. Killing my ants." Ant-Man grumbled as his successor is beside him, staring at him.

"I can track him and give him some good old punches for killing your ants," Scott told the first Ant-Man who grumbled.

"And you will invite me too. No one spins my father and blast him away easily without getting his butt kick by me." Hope Van Dyne said as she now wears her suit until someone grabs her shoulder.

"Calm down sweetie," Janet said to her daughter.

"Guys. Hate to break your hate toward the shapeshifter but I think you guys want to see this." Red Falcon said to them as they all follow him as they see a screen of some shale shifter who injured Hank is now battling a rock and a familiar mutant who goes by the name Pyro.

And the shapeshifter now is in the form of. curling ball who effortlessly keep bouncing, hitting both villains.


I just woke up as I decide to take a nap as I grab a leftover fried rice yesterday in my refrigerator and reheat it back.

Then, I put the food on my plate and start to take a bite when the news channel shows alive news.

"BREAKING NEWS! 2 mutants now are rampaging at the centre of New York City. Cops and the militaries are trying to fend them off but their effort is useless as both evil mutants shake their attempt easily." The female reporter said as I quickly scoop up a huge amount of field rice as the bowl is empty as I drink my glass of water.

My hand already tap the Ultimatrix as a flash green occurs as I change into Jetray.


I go toward the east as that is the centre of the city as I see smoke in the air with me sees the helicopter who now has its tail caught in the fire.

My body dash toward the helicopter with me grabbing the reporter, his cameraman and the pilot as I landed them on the road, a little far away from both evil mutants.

I turn my head as I dash toward them as my hand smack the Ultimatrix as I change into another alien.

"Cannonbolt!" I announce as I curl into a ball hitting Pyro sensing him crash on a car as his rock body kick me but my boxes of a car as I spin my body when he tries to catch me as my body shot up hitting his face making him fell backwards.

I landed on his body as I keep bouncing on his body many time as a tiny crack appears on his face he then rolls to his left but I still hit him as I uncurl myself and backhand him away.

He stands up and glared at me.

"The recent shapeshifter. Be honoured as you will die by my hand." He announces with an arrogant tone.

"Says the one who has a crack on his body." I cross my arm as he throws a punch toward my chest as I get push backwards as he keeps throwing many punches as I only guard myself against his assault.

Jumping backwards, I became a pinball and rotate at the same place before blasting myself forward as he punches me but his fist get thrown backwards.

"Okay. I need to settle this sooner." Tapping the Ultimatrix, fur grows my body as I become thin back as my hand elongated forward as I grow a bit taller.

"Blitzwolfer!" I duck a punch as I flip over his body as my mouth has open to 4 directions as I led out a supersonic howl that I focus on his head only making his head buried on the ground with his rock skin has cracked.

Clenching my fist, I punch his head many time as much as I can as he tried to stand bit due to being punched so many time on his backhead, as I roughly grab his blood hair only to see a bleeding and bruised face as I throw him away like a sack of rubbish.

I turn my head to confront Pyro only to see he is running away with a cop bike making me groan.

Taking a deep breath, I released a howl.

"AHWOOOOO!" A green sonic wave hit Pyro as my howl make the bike to be flip backwards as he rolls himself on the road.

Putting all the strength on my leg, I run at him and then leap toward him as I released another sonic howl that knocks off his lighter but a small spark on his hand become a nig fire where he directed at me.

Soon the fire engulfs me as people gasped seeing me get burned by the mutant who feels relief, happy and now cocky since he thought he has killed me.

"Ha! I have killed the newbie. Guess he is not that strong." Pyro said in a cocky tone but then a water stream hit his face as his former get erased.

And the one who shot it is me, who has transformed into Water Hazard.

"Tough luck for you evildoer," I said as I shot a stream of high-pressure water that pushes him back to a traffic pole that has bent a bit.

I approach him as he has a tiny flame that has bigger but a shot of water delete it as I keep shooting water at him leaving him no chance to use his mutant power as I am now a step from him as I Yakuza kick him making him released a cough of saliva.

Combos of kick and punches are delivered toward him who did not have the chance to block it as I then deliver a right hook that knocks him out.


"There goes my list defeating these villains," I mutter as the cops arrive but I already shot a water blast that makes me jump on a roof as I run away from that place since I am slightly not fond of the cops.

But that does not mean I hate them.


"Damn it. Pyro and Rocky get captured." A male who has the appearance of a toad said as a large male in front of him keep mucking his cracker.

"Who makes them get captured?" Blob ask Toad.

"The new shape-shifting guy." Toad replied.

"Then perhaps we can payback on him." Blob said as Toad smile hearing that.

"Cool idea you suggested there Fatty." A voice sounded behind them as they turn their head only to see Boom Boom.

"This takes me back to when we used to hang together." Toad said as the 3 evil mutants chuckle.

"So when will we start? And where?"


Peter who now is in his bedroom is sleeping not noticing his Ultimatrix who glows brighter for a second.

"5 New Alien DNA has been added to the Ultimatrix. Playlist 1,2 and 3 have been unlocked completely." The device said as it then keeps quiet, not aware of its owner who is currently dreaming of stuffing himself with so many fried chicken and hot dog.