

No_Comment_1 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1 The beginning


Alex is a 28-years-old man, who is a avid fan of comics and anime. Spending countless hours immerseing himself with in them. Although he may act like a weeb, but he is was a U.S. Colonel that had fought in the Iraq War and gain many awards for his bravery and selflessness.


While walking at the base camp, a blinding light enveloped Alex.


What the fuck happen to me!?

Why am in New York!?

I've took a look around and see people stare at me, looking as if I'm crazy person.

I decided to walk into a ally, to get away from the stares. But as I was walking, I started up and saw a news about Tony Stark, being kidnapped. The Tony Stark, Iron man, I immediately realised that I got transported to the marvel universe!!!

"I can't believe it, I'm in marvel, how did this happen!!!"

"What happen!?"

"And what the hell was that light!?"

" I need to claim down"


Since I'm in marvel now, I can't freak out about this, after all my training I can't let something like this freak me out. What I need to do first is to find out If I'm in the marvel movies or the comics. Judging by the way Tony looks, this must be the marvel movies, and it seems Iron man 1 begin.

"How am I going to survive this crazy world where superheroes and supervillans can change reality with a snap of a finger, literal!!!"

As I was trying to figure out how I'm going to survive in this crazy world, three foot steps came. Three thugs began to come closer at me and began to surrounded me.

The three look like the Michael, Franklin, and Trevor from GTA.

The one that looked like Michael who seems a little fatter said "Look boys look what we have here, a homeless soldier."

Although I'd look like I'm homeless but that was because of my muddy cloths, which was because my training.

The one that looked like Trevor said "Ya, this basterd is a sorry sight to see"

These basterd really begin to piss me off.

And the basterd that looked like Franklin with a lot less hair said "whatever lets just kick his ass and teach him not to step a foot into are turf"

"Look guys I'm not in the mood to deal with you ugly basterds, just leave before I kick your asses."

"Look boys, we have a hot stuff that thinks he would be able to fight us, hahaha."

"I'll tell you only once more, leave before you get hurt."

"What did you say boy!!!"

As the one that looked like Franklin charge at me, he threw a punches at my face, but I turning my head slightly to the right to dodge the punch, and while dogging give a him a right hook to the basterd face. He flew back, and fell down on the ground and yelled at his friends to kill me. As the two basterd came at me, I charge forward at the basterd on my left, and gave him a roundhouse kick to his head. And when I turn around I charge at the one that look like Travor and kick him on the chest, to knock him back, and when he was knocked back, I'd grab his head and knee him in the head. As all of them where down I then charge at the Michael, who got up early and had pulled out a knife, and begin to slash at me. I'd doged the slash by moving to my right and gave him a roundhouse kick to his head. As he felled back, the other two sawed what I did to him and ran away.

I thought the basterd would get up again but he passed out because of my kick. As I begin claim down and begin to worrie again, a blue block appear before me.