
Marvel Anime Extraction

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a perilous place to be reborn into, but fortunately the reincarnation comes with a power to obtain any powers from anime. "Ars Magna" Source: "A Certain Magical Index" Description: "Magic that alters reality according to one's thought." From today onwards, everyone in the universe is not allowed to snap fingers!!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/FL_King

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

Why Was It A Frying Pan

Chapter 124 Why Was It A Frying Pan?!

Red Skull watched as the conversation between a person and a Stone turned to be about him.

He didn't even say a word, and his presence was nonexistent. How come he was still tangled in the conversation?!

Soul Stone didn't delay in fulfilling its end of the agreement. An orange light immediately enveloped Red Skull.

His black cloak stopped fluttering, and his two feet reappeared, stepping firmly on the ground.

Red Skull was in a daze as all this happened. His solid corpus became more vivid after spending so much time as a specter. Although this was only a temporary form given by Soul Stone, Red Skull was still surprised.

Fanny walked with a smile towards Red Skull. He casually summoned a fried chicken roll and offered it to Red Skull, "Do you want to try it?"

Red Skull hesitated. He had not tasted food for seventy years since his spectral form could not eat anything. Now, with a temporary physical body, he could finally eat again.

"Thank you!" Red Skull took the Sumire Karaage Rolls and thanked Fanny. Although he did not understand why Fanny wanted to turn him into a physical body, there was nothing to lose.

Dying and disappearing would be a form of relief for him.

The tenderness of the chicken and the delicious taste of Sumire Karaage Rolls assaulted Red Skull's taste buds, which had no resistance after seventy years of fasting. Tears of joy actually dripped on Red Skull's face.

Was this thing's taste really worth crying over?!

Fanny was dumbfounded!

"It's very delicious!" Red Skull inhaled the Sumire Karaage Rolls in just two or three bites, praising its taste. He then asked Fanny, with expectant eyes, "Can I have another one?"

"Go fill yourself!" Fanny immediately used Ars Magna to create a large table and two chairs for Red Skull to eat.

It was as if Red Skull was making up for the last seventy years. Perhaps he was treating this as his last meal, or maybe Sumire Karaage Rolls were just that delicious. Red Skull could not stop eating, even though there was only one type of food.

Red Skull finally slowed down half an hour later. He wasn't as bottomless as Blue-Eyes White Dragon, but he was comparable to the first time Hulk met Fanny.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Helsed!"

Red Skull was a former leader of Hydra, a member of the German upper class. Despite being deceased for seventy years, his past elegance still remained.

"You're welcome!" Fanny shook his head, thinking about how to tell Red Skull about the battle.

Reading people's expressions was a skill that Red Skull had learned from his time as Hydra leader. When he saw Fanny's expression, he immediately said, "Whatever your request may be, if I could fulfill it, you need only to ask!"

"It's nothing; I just want to spar with you." Fanny was a little embarrassed at how easygoing Red Skull was.

"Just a spar?!"

Red Skull was stunned. He was even ready to sacrifice himself to feed the dragon, but Fanny just wanted to find someone to spar with?!

That's it?!

Although he felt that there was no hope of winning, Red Skull still agreed without hesitation. "No problem! Shall we start now?!"

The seventy years of boredom hadn't left Red Skull as jaded as he had expected. He was even looking forward to the fight with Fanny, perhaps even winning.

Although, with the ability that Fanny had displayed, his chances of winning were close to zero.

Fanny was surprised at how eager Red Skull was. It was ultimately due to the lack of conversation partners during the time that Red Skull served in this place.

"If you don't mind, let's start now!" Fanny didn't beat around the bush. He might not have much time left on this planet, so he needed to quickly measure how much experience he could gain from Red Skull.

The Soul Stone had disappeared and stopped talking after transforming Red Skull. Fanny didn't know whether it was still observing.

Red Skull might have a physical body now, but he still belonged to the Soul Stone, so Fanny decided not to fight on the altar. Instead, he brought Red Skull to a beach at the foot of the mountain.

"Are you ready?" Fanny asked Red Skull after equipping Demon Armor Incursio.

"Let's begin!" Red Skull calmed down his nervous mood and nodded. Although Fanny was very strong, he had thought carefully about how to maximize his winning chance.

Fanny didn't open the battle with a bombardment of Explosion Magic, nor did he use Ars Magna to suppress his opponent. Instead, he relied on Demon Armor Incursio's status boost to fight Red Skull in close combat, testing his strength, speed, and defense bit by bit.

Red Skull, whose body had been injected with prototype superhuman serum similar to Captain America's, was not weak at all. With his combat technique, he had held surprising supremacy over Fanny.

Without Demon Armor Incursio's Physical Resistance, Red Skull might actually have a chance to win the battle.

Fanny roughly grasped Red Skull's strength level after some time. It was definitely below Hulk, but it was vastly above the average level of Kamar-Taj mages; especially with the martial arts technique that could be said as innately incompatible with Kamar-Taj's own.

Fanny estimated that Red Skull's overall strength was on par with Mordo's without any serious spells. Red Skull might be weaker, but not by much.

Fanny was extremely happy. Even if Red Skull's actual strength was slightly inferior to Mordo, Red Skull was a training partner who could continue the battle 24/7 without any need to rest or risk injury. Nowhere else could he find such a safe and efficient experience engine.

Hulk had much higher experience output, but he could not be used every day, and Fanny needed to consider the risk of injuring himself.

Fanny planned to end the battle after testing Red Skull some more to check how much experience he could gain. After all, his guess didn't really mean anything; all that mattered was the system's judgment.

Red Skull also knew that Fanny was testing him. After all, he knew how terrifying a serious Fanny could be. The mage had yet to fly to the sky or summon the bright pillar of fire.

He was the dignified leader of Hydra, who had known no defeat other than against Captain America—and even back then, they were technically at a draw.

This time, he had been prepared to lose from the very beginning, but he still had his honor to uphold. He wished to lose with dignity.

"Quicksand!" Fanny's words interrupted Red Skull's thought.

The soft sand under Red Skull's feet suddenly liquefied, and he almost fell into it. Fortunately, he reacted with his superb skill and escaped the quicksand.

But before he could relax, a black pan suddenly appeared in front of his face.

The last thought in his mind was...

Why was it a frying pan?!

Fanny looked at Red Skull's unconscious body with satisfaction, a frying pan made through Ars Magna in his hand.

He was inexperienced with using Ars Magna in battle, and it was difficult to maintain a separate thought process to maintain a created item, so he could only make the simplest of weapons.

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