
Marvel Anime Extraction

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a perilous place to be reborn into, but fortunately the reincarnation comes with a power to obtain any powers from anime. "Ars Magna" Source: "A Certain Magical Index" Description: "Magic that alters reality according to one's thought." From today onwards, everyone in the universe is not allowed to snap fingers!!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/FL_King

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

What Exactly Are You Raising

Chapter 142 What Exactly Are You Raising?

In the end, Fanny attributed this to a kind of willpower. After all, the super soldier serum also affected the mind: the doctor had said it made the good part better and the bad part worse.

From Fanny's point of view, rather than the good or bad part, the serum strengthened the strong part and weakened the weak.

As for why Red Skull didn't have the same level of strength, perhaps it was because his serum-augmented body was destroyed. Maybe it was the influence of the soul gem, or perhaps the serum never played a role at all.

Captain America's catchphrase was, "I could do this all day," but fortunately, he didn't say that to Fanny tonight. The battle lasted for around 20 minutes before he took the initiative to admit defeat.

Captain America had never been obsessed with victory and defeat. He was also painfully aware that Fanny was holding back; he might be able to push through with his tenacity and not lose, but it was impossible to tell if he could ever win.

On top of that, he still needed to conserve his strength for when they engaged in the operation to arrest Loki, so he chose to admit defeat.

"You're honestly stronger than I imagined." Fanny sighed as he sat beside Captain America on the ground. Captain America was only slightly panting himself.

"Well, I was quite an outstanding soldier back then." Captain America smiled, feeling nostalgia and sadness. He recalled the comrades that had fought by his side to life and death situations back then. He had always preferred working in a team rather than alone.

That was why he disliked Stark's individualist and narcissistic personality.

Due to Fanny's miscalculation, the experience points gained from the fight with Captain America was somewhat beyond his expectation. He would probably be able to proceed with the seventh extraction by practicing skills on his own.

Fanny's impression of Captain America had improved greatly. He casually summoned two fried chicken pieces and offered one to the Captain, "Do you want to try it?"

Captain America was again surprised to see fried chicken pieces suddenly appear in Fanny's hand. "What is this?"

"The one and only 'Sumire Karaage Roll' in the entire universe. It has many special effects, including delicious taste, pleasant emotions, and healing factors. It's something I never travel without!" Fanny introduced it with a proud face.

"Uh..." Captain America's confused face never went away during Fanny's introduction. "So it's…food?"

"..." It was an oversimplified way to put it, but it wasn't wrong, so Fanny nodded.

Captain America hesitantly received the 'Sumire Karaage Rolls' from Fanny. This was yet another novelty of the modern world that he wasn't used to, but the fragrant scent tempted him to taste it.

"I didn't expect that you don't even need to use your hands to cook anymore." Captain America sighed as if amazed by the progress of the world.

"What are you talking about?" Fanny glanced at Captain America speechlessly. He explained, "This is a special situation for me, the one and only in the entire universe. Even I still have to use my hands to cook!"

Captain America was a little stunned when he heard that, but the fried chicken was already in his mouth. The fragrance made him subconsciously bite into it.

When he tasted the food, all thoughts and objections disappeared from Captain America's mind. All he could think about was the delicious taste of 'Sumire Karaage Rolls.'


Fanny was unsurprised that Captain America was also subjugated by the taste of 'Sumire Karaage Rolls.' It would be much more surprising if the Captain called it 'unpalatable.'

"How did you make it?" Captain America asked with eyes full of interest after finishing his 'Sumire Karaage Rolls.'

Fanny summoned two more fried chicken pieces and offered them to Captain America. He said, "I could give you the recipe, but just be warned, it would never be as good as when I make it. It would still be very delicious, though."

"May I?" Captain America looked a little embarrassed, but he quickly took the fried chicken pieces from Fanny. If this was a dating simulator, Fanny would've captured his heart already.

Captain America's action reminded Fanny of the Kamar-Taj mages. His half-year absence must have depleted all of Kamar-Taj's stockpile. He had no idea how they were doing right now.

That was also why Fanny didn't dare to show his face in Kamar-Taj. He was afraid that the mages would imprison him and force him to continuously summon fried chicken rolls.

Fanny and Captain America returned to the helicarrier after the 'Sumire Karaage Rolls Diplomatic Maneuver.' They talked and laughed while discussing cooking.

Tony was shocked when he happened upon them by chance.

"How come you get so chummy with that old man?" Tony secretly asked Fanny after Captain America had happily left with the recipe.

"What do you mean 'chummy?'" Fanny rolled his eyes at Tony. "I was just teaching him how to cook fried chicken."

"Speaking of which, it's been quite a while since I last ate it. Give me one!" Tony's greed suddenly surfaced at the mention of 'Sumire Karaage Rolls.' He knew that the fried chicken could be summoned indefinitely, so he immediately asked for one.

"..." Fanny was a little speechless, but he still casually summoned two for him. "Has your battle armor been repaired?"

"It's just some minor damage." Tony was still sulking over the previous battle. He spoke while eating the fried chicken, "Even if you hadn't intervened, I could've dealt with that shocking actor!"

Fanny silently glanced at Tony. He wasn't sure that he could win against Thor himself; he wouldn't have to blackmail the Thunder God with the hammer otherwise.

As he watched Tony greedily devouring the fried chicken, Fanny was suddenly reminded of Blue-Eyes White Dragon. "Hey, if you have time, can you give me some more Arc Reactor?"

"For your little pet?" Tony paused, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Yeah!" Fanny nodded.

"What exactly are you raising?" Tony didn't really want to know the first time around, but it's already half a year. He couldn't help being curious.

"Do you want to know?" Fanny looked at Tony. He had planned to train on his own to get the final bit of experience points, but it would be even better if Tony was willing to fill it.

"It's fine if you don't want to!" Tony shook his head.

"I don't mind, but this place is too cramped for it. Put on the armor; I'll take you to see it."

Tony's curiosity only grows. He immediately returned to his quarters to put on his armor, ready to see this unknown pet.

But Nick Fury interrupted their little excursion just before Fanny opened the portal.

"Everyone, to the bridge!"

The two of them looked at each other. Tony put away his curiosity and headed to the bridge.

Fanny frowned. He was only a little bit away from the seventh draw. He would've preferred to extract the seventh skill before the operation began. But he didn't know why Nick Fury had gathered the team; it might be important, so he decided to look at the situation first.

Everyone arrived at the conference table on the bridge not long after the announcement. Apart from Fanny, everyone had a cautious expression on their face. Fanny decided to farm the last bit of experience by floating a little bit over the floor while waiting for Nick Fury.

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