
Marvel Anime Extraction

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a perilous place to be reborn into, but fortunately the reincarnation comes with a power to obtain any powers from anime. "Ars Magna" Source: "A Certain Magical Index" Description: "Magic that alters reality according to one's thought." From today onwards, everyone in the universe is not allowed to snap fingers!!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/FL_King

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

Are You Selling It

Chapter 140 Are You Selling It?

Thor was so angry that he was at a loss for words. He could only glare at Fanny. "This victory would be a disgraceful one for you."

"That doesn't matter. Only the result does." Fanny honestly didn't care; he only wanted the system to judge him as a victor. Glory and whatnot didn't matter. They would just get in the way of getting more experience points. He would think about glory after he got his seventh skill.

"Hurry up and admit your loss!" Fanny urged again. He had teleported the hammer to the same point in the sky, so it wouldn't take long for the hammer to return.

"I did not lose!" Thor shook his head stubbornly.

"Do you value your pride that much more than your hammer?" Fanny tried to persuade Thor, "Have you forgotten what happened to you when it did not acknowledge you? Who knows, maybe it would be sad and abandon you again if you're not careful!"

Hesitation flashed on Thor's face. Being abandoned by the hammer in the past was a traumatic experience that he didn't want to repeat. He was not smart enough to recall that Odin was the only master of that hammer.

In the end, Thor compromised, out of the desire to find Loki as soon as possible—and fear that Mjolnir would abandon him.

"I lost!" Thor muttered softly while clenching his fists. It wasn't like this was his first defeat, but this was the first time that he had been so thoroughly humiliated.

"Yeah!" Fanny smiled under his helmet, already tasting the experience. Before he could say anything more, the sonic boom came into hearing range again.


Thor stared at Fanny vigilantly. He ordered Mjolnir to make an evasive maneuver before catching it in his hand.

Thor carefully inspected the hammer, making sure there was no problem or damage. He held it tightly and frowned at Fanny. "Are you really from Midgard?"

"Indeed!" Fanny nodded and landed on the ground. "We are also here for Loki. You can understand the full extent of the situation from the person in charge."

Before their battle, Thor would have arrogantly ignored Fanny's words. But Fanny's display of strength changed his mind. Also, he was not in Asgard. He felt that he need to grow out of his recklessness.

"Is it President?" Thor asked after thinking for a bit.

"Uh, no. It's a person called Nick. Also, the president is a position, not a name." Fanny shook his head to stop Thor from asking too many questions. "Just come with me."

Fanny reported to the headset while leading Thor to the helicarrier, "Well, mission complete. I'm taking Thor back."

Everyone in the aircraft carrier was speechless, especially Captain America. He felt that he had misjudged Fanny. Because of Fanny's actions during the fight, he begins to have some objections to his savior.

"You didn't have to fight." Captain America complained.

Before Fanny could answer, Tony interjected while removing his armor, "Pardon us for not having your gift of eloquence, Captain! And you saw how he started it."

Captain America and Tony continued to argue about the topic. Fanny turned off his headset, too lazy to listen to their quarrel. He didn't want to join the Avengers anyway; those two could fight however they wanted.

Thor was surprised to see the cloaked helicarrier. He couldn't help but compare and brag about his homeland: "Our Asgard has large spacecrafts, much bigger than this."

"Are you selling it?" Fanny turned his head and asked Thor.

"What?" Thor's reaction was delayed by surprise.

"I said, is your Asgardian spaceship for sale?" Fanny repeated.

"Uh..." Thor scratched his head. He was a prince, not some merchant. How could he know if the spaceships were for sale or not? The Thunder God replied honestly, "I usually use the Bifrost to go around; I have no idea if the spaceships were for sale."

"I see!" Fanny carefreely shrugged.

"My name is Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD and the leader of this place!" Nick Fury immediately greeted Thor when the Thunder God entered the Helicarrier bridge.

Thor carefully sized Nick Fury, taking an interest in the eyepatch. He suddenly asked, "Are you stronger than the two of them?"

The question surprised Nick Fury. He spread his hands out and replied honestly, "I probably can't handle a single punch from them!"

"Then why are you leading the team?!" It was Thor's turn to be surprised.

"Because we don't rely on our fists to choose a leader." Fanny removed 'Demon Armor Incursio' and rolled his eyes.

Thor looked at Nick Fury again, his thought indiscernible. He then inexplicably nodded and shook Nick Fury's hand.

"Thor Odinson, from Asgard."

Everyone else then did their self-introduction until it was Fanny's turn.

"Fanny Helsed of Earth, professional mage!"

Thor was still unhappy with the battle he had just had with Fanny, but he was not in Asgard, so he begrudgingly replied, "Loki knows a lot of magic, none of them as powerful as yours. However, my mother's magic is definitely stronger. She is the most powerful sorcerer in the nine realms."

Fanny pouted but didn't refute Thor's assertion. The magic wielded by Thor's mother was certainly not weak, and being Loki's master, her dagger arts cannot be ignored as well. But Fanny couldn't really accept the assertion that she was the strongest sorcerer in the nine realms.

That list must have discounted Ancient One!

Fanny guessed that this title was only used within the Asgard royal family. Or perhaps they have divided the profession of mage into categories, like sorcerers, witches, etc.

Oh well, it's fine if she wanted to call herself the number one sorcerer in the nine realms. Fanny could still claim the title of the strongest Explosion Magic user in the nine realms!

"Loki is very dangerous, and I must capture him as soon as possible. When Heimdallr saw that Loki had made contact with the Chitauri, he suspected that Loki might bring them to attack the Earth," Thor began explaining his mission after they finished with the introduction.

"Oh, right, the Chitauri is a race that doesn't belong to Asgard or any planet. They're often deployed as invasion forces against the planets in the universe."

Worried that Fanny and the others might misunderstand, Thor specifically mentioned that the Chitauri was not affiliated with Asgard.

"Did Asgard send you on your own?" Nick Fury asked Thor.

"The Bifrost is suffering some problems, and the nine realms are in chaos. Asgard could not spare any more forces."

Fanny suspected that Thor was only reiterating what Odin had said. Odin must have wanted to distract Thor from his lover on Earth. If Loki hadn't unexpectedly reappeared on Earth, Odin probably would've kept Thor away from Earth for quite some time.

"Your brother Loki is in a certain country below us, controlling the rulers through an unknown method. We are discussing a way to deal with him." Nick Fury looked at Thor and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Suggestions?" Thor subconsciously swung his hammer. "Can't we just fight him head-on?"

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