
Chapter 261: Aunt May's Death! The Tragic Fate Spider-Men Can't Escape!

Needless to say, the two figures in the night sky were the other two Spider-Men. They both jumped down.

"Wait! Wait!" Holland's Peter Parker immediately shouted, causing the other two Spider-Men to stop.

"About May, I'm very sorry," Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker said.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I understand how you feel," Garfield's Peter Parker also said.

"No, no, no!" Holland's Peter Parker interrupted the other two Spider-Men, "Don't tell me you understand what I've been through. She's gone, and it's all my fault. Her death was meaningless."

"Aunt May is dead?" Inside the Answer Space, Peter Parker was devastated, "How could Aunt May die?"

"Peter, don't worry. No matter what led to Aunt May's death, this future has already shown us that we will prevent it in advance. We won't let it happen again," Tony Stark said.

"And you're even more powerful than your original self. You have the ability to protect her," Steve Rogers said, "This tragedy won't happen again."

"Yes, it won't happen. I won't let it happen!" Peter Parker clenched his fist.

"So, there are things I must do." In the video, Holland's Peter Parker sounded determined.

"Peter, please don't..." Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker started to say.

"You don't belong here." Holland's Peter Parker said to Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker, then turned to Garfield's Peter Parker, "And you too. So, I'm sending you both back. Those other guys are from your worlds, right?"

Garfield's Peter Parker nodded.

"So, you handle it. If they die, if you kill them, that's your responsibility, not my problem. I don't care anymore." Holland's Peter Parker's heart was already broken, "I'm sorry I dragged you into this. You must go home now."

"My uncle was killed, it's my fault," Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker spoke up.

"I lost Gwen. She was my MJ. I couldn't save her, and I can never forgive myself for that," Garfield's Peter Parker said, "I kept trying, kept trying to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man because I know that's what she wanted me to do. But to some extent, I'm not clenching my fist anymore..."

"I just don't want you to end up like me." Garfield's Peter Parker concluded.

"I found who I believed was responsible. I wanted him dead, and I got what I wanted, but things didn't get any better." Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker continued, "It took me a long time to learn to walk through the darkness."

Holland's Peter Parker also mentioned Aunt May's death. He said, "She told me, 'With great power...'"

"'...comes great responsibility,'" Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker finished the quote, his uncle had told him those words too.

"How did you guys know?" Holland's Peter Parker asked.

"My uncle said it," Garfield's Peter Parker said.

"Maybe his death wasn't entirely meaningless, Peter," Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker added.

The space darkened, and the video ended here.

"So, Ned is definitely not some kind of mage; he was able to open the portal purely by accident," Stephen Strange said.

"If he can open a portal accidentally, doesn't that precisely show that he's a genius at learning magic?" Tony Stark said.

"I remember a certain future Sorcerer Supreme saying that he was thrown onto Mount Everest to learn how to open portals and he succeeded, but this guy did it accidentally," Steve Rogers told Stephen Strange, "It sounds like he might have more talent for being the Sorcerer Supreme than you."

"Well then, why did the Ancient One choose me instead of him?" Stephen Strange retorted.

"More importantly, I'm concerned about Aunt May's death," Bruce Banner said, "Our previous worries were right. The people coming from other worlds aren't just superheroes; there are super villains too. It's those super villains who killed Peter's Aunt May."

"For those two Spider-Man worlds, we actually have some understanding," Nick Fury said, "Their worlds don't seem to have very high-end powers. Spider-Man is their only superhero, and Spider-Man can handle the majority of their supervillains. Dealing with their villains shouldn't be difficult."

"But for ordinary people, it's still a disaster," Bruce Banner said, "So, it's better if we prevent them from coming over."

"Of course," Nick Fury said, "If they're here as guests, everyone's welcome; if they're here to cause trouble, no one is!"

"Why are people from other worlds coming to ours in the first place?" Clint Barton asked.

"For now, we probably don't have a way of knowing. No relevant information has been revealed," Nick Fury said.

[The second question begins. Please be prepared.]

[After the leader of the Eternals, Ajak, died, who became the new leader of the Eternals?]

[A: Ikaris]

[B: Druig]

[C: Sersi]

[D: Thena]

[Answering correctly rewards "Navy Six-Style." Answering incorrectly deducts one year of lifespan.]

"What? Ajak will die?" Sersi looked at the question and was greatly shocked.

"What abilities does Ajak have?" Phil Coulson asked.

"Healing ability," Sersi said.

"It sounds like her combat abilities might not be strong, so it's possible she was killed," Phil Coulson said.

"But who would do that?" Sersi couldn't understand at all, "We don't interfere in human affairs, which means we have no enemies. Who would target us?"

"Not having enemies doesn't mean you won't be attacked," Nick Fury said, "Don't forget, stirring up conflict is one of the things humans are best at. Sometimes, trouble comes even when you're just sitting at home."

"Perhaps you're all overthinking this. Maybe it was just an accident," Scott Lang said, "Like a car accident?"

"That's not possible," Sersi shook her head, "First of all, Ajak can heal others and herself. Unless she died on the spot, she can heal herself. Moreover, even though Ajak's ability isn't combat-based, she's still an Eternal. Her combat abilities and reflexes aren't something an ordinary person can compare to. It's hard for me to believe that she would die like an ordinary person in a car accident."

"It could be a more severe accident, like an earthquake, a fire, a big explosion," Scott Lang shrugged.

"I'll investigate the reason after the quiz ends. The question doesn't provide any clues, and just imagining won't help us find the cause," Sersi said.

"So, who will be the new leader?" Stephen Strange said.

"I think it's Ikaris," Sersi said, "He's the strongest among us."

"Sorry, you mentioned earlier that Ajak's ability is healing, not combat. So, I think your leader isn't chosen based on combat abilities," Steve Rogers said.

"In that case, it's still Ikaris," Sersi said, "Ikaris is the most respected among us. Everyone trusts him, and he's always been Aunt Ajak's right-hand man."

"We've got a sense of who you guys are now," Tony Stark asked, "What about Thena and Gilgamesh?"

"Thena is the least likely to be a leader. Although her combat abilities are top-notch among us, she has some physical issues," Sersi said.

"Top-notch combat abilities?" Stephen Strange asked, "What abilities does she have?"

"She can create weapons," Sersi said.

"A female version of Tony?" James Rhodes said.

"Not that kind of creation," Sersi said, "She wants a certain weapon, and it just appears, instead of spending time building it like Iron Man."

"So she could just conjure a nuclear bomb and level everything?" Tony Stark said.

"She can't conjure weapons like that," Sersi said helplessly, "Mainly, it's cold weapons, like knives and swords. If we're talking about firearms, Gilgamesh's abilities are more like firearms. He can emit laser-like attacks from his hands."

"That's far worse than Ikaris shooting lasers from his eyes," Tony Stark said.

"Oh, by the way, if you watch Bollywood movies, you might have seen Gilgamesh," Sersi said, "He's a popular Bollywood actor."

"Sorry, I only watch Hollywood movies," Tony Stark shook his head.

"It sounds like Ikaris is the most suitable for the leader," Steve Rogers said.

"It must be Ikaris then," Sersi made her choice, "A!"

[Answer incorrect! One year of lifespan deducted!]

Hearing this deduction prompt, Scott Lang almost laughed, "Is the Answer Space serious? They're immortal beings, and you deduct one year of lifespan? What's the difference from not deducting anything?"

"Guys like Thor have incredibly long lifespans, almost equivalent to getting a reward for free," Clint Barton said, "We only have a few decades to a hundred years of life. It really does seem unfair."

"Unfair?" Bruce Banner smiled, "Clint, at least you're staying in the Answer Space and receiving a lot of rewards. Those billions of people who have no idea what the Answer Space is, do you think they might also find it unfair?"

"Some are born billionaires, with more money than they can spend on firewood, while some are born poor as dirt, and they work their whole lives and still consider firewood scarce..." Stephen Strange said, "There are too many unfair things. If you focus on them, you'll only be seeking trouble."

"I was just saying it offhandedly," Clint Barton shrugged.

"I suddenly think that Thena might be the new leader of the Eternals," Loki suddenly spoke up.

"Me?" Sersi quickly shook her head, "How is that possible? Among the Eternals, I'm just average, inconspicuous, and my abilities are quite ordinary. I don't have the talent to be a leader."

"Ikaris is the most likely leader, but the Answer Space has already told us it's not him. Thena has physical issues and isn't suitable to be a leader, so two out of the four options are already ruled out. Sersi, you now have a 50% chance," Loki said, "Compared to a guy who went to become an actor, I think you're more likely."

"I think if the Answer Space chose Sersi, it might have already indicated something," Thor chimed in, "There are 11 Eternals, why wasn't someone else brought in, and why you?"

At this point, the space lit up, and a video started playing.

The latest scene showed Sprite and Sersi, walking side by side. In front of them walked Sersi's boyfriend, Dane.

"You're really in love?" Sprite asked.

"What if I am?" Sersi retorted.

"Then you better tell him the truth," Sprite said.

"I'll find the right moment," Sersi said.

"He won't be immortal. You should live with him," Sprite suggested.

"I'll live with you," Sersi said.

Just then, a giant monster emerged from the nearby river.

"Shit! Is that a Deviant?" Sprite was immediately shocked.

"Dane, run!" Sersi shouted to Dane.

"Deviant?" Answer Space, Sersi was also extremely surprised, "How can Deviants appear?"

"Didn't you say you already wiped them out a long time ago?" Nick Fury asked.

"Yes, or rather, we thought we wiped them out," Sersi said.

"Well, another threat has shown up," Nick Fury shrugged.

"If the Deviants really appeared, then it's the responsibility of the Eternals," Sersi's expression turned serious, "We'll take responsibility for wiping them out again, completely."

In the scene, the Deviant had already jumped onto the shore from the water. Sersi calmly pressed both hands on the ground. The earth suddenly turned as soft as mud, and the Deviant sank into it. With another press, the ground became solid again, encapsulating the Deviant in the earth.

"Let's go!" Sersi called to Dane, and together with Sprite, the three turned and fled.

"What the hell is that thing!" Dane asked while running.

"Deviant!" Sprite answered.

"You said you killed them all!" Dane shouted.

"Did you tell him?" Sersi asked Sprite.

"Do you believe me now?" Sprite ignored Sersi and asked Dane.

"I do now," Dane said.

The ground didn't hold the Deviant for long. It exerted force with its hooves, freeing itself from the ground, and charged at them again.

Sersi and the others climbed onto a bridge. Sprite extended her hand, and countless illusions of her and Sersi appeared on the bridge, moving around.

"So, the ability of this Eternal is creating illusions?" Stephen Strange remarked as the video played.

"Sprite, this is her ability," Sersi said.

"If it's only creating illusions and manipulating matter, it seems like the two of you can't defeat that Deviant," Steve Rogers said.

Steve Rogers hit the nail on the head – Sersi and Sprite indeed couldn't defeat the Deviant.

No, it wasn't just that they couldn't defeat it, but it seemed unlikely they could even escape.

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