
Marvel's Shinobi

Jason, a hot blooded young man who was fortunate enough to stumble upon a second chance at life. Living as someone he dreamed of, a Shinobi! "Haha, Fire ability? Take my Majestic Flame Destroyer! " "Oh please, Psychic? Taste my Tsukuyomi!! " "Heh, Big muscles you got there. Try my Taijutsu, Inner Gates!!"

DreAm_b0At · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

6. Fire Affinity

Adam was quite excited. He had a light smile on his face which got the attention of the entire class, since Adam always showed a bored expression.

This Adam kind of freaked out Harry and Peter to certain extent.

"Hey Adam, are you alright?"

Peter suddenly asked.

Adam looked over, "Hmm, what's wrong? Why did you suddenly ask that?"

Peter was confused, "You seem different, you are smiling."

This time it was Adam's turn to be confused, "Huh? When did I ever not smile?"

Peter said bluntly, "You do smile, it's just that... somehow you have been smiling all this time. Frankly it's getting weird."

Adam finally understood what Peter meant. He laughed out loud, the thought of training ninja arts made his blood seethe with excitement, so he couldn't be blamed.

Adam calmed himself and reassured Peter he was fine. Peter was like a chatterbox as he kept on asking from time to time, Harry who came in quite late heard Peter and asked the same question.

Adam finally couldn't handle it, "Give me a break guys! "

Harry and Peter backed off but they still looked at him dubiously. Adam learned his lesson, he won't ever show such emotions towards these two Idiots ever again.

What's wrong with me getting excited!? Those two! Hmph!

The day went by. Peter and Harry bid farewell to Adam and asked him to take care of himself, to which both of them earned a middle finger.

He rushed home, greeted his parents and got into his room and locked it. His parents were surprised to see Adam so excited, they looked at each other and shrugged.

Adam was currently checking his status.


>Adam Jason(????)

>Strength: 4

>Agility: 3

>Spirit: 5

>Chakra: Academy Student

Good, strength, agility and spirit went up.

He checked the reality points and was surprised to find he had 20.

He calculated in his mind.

I took down 24 gangsters, a single life give me points between 0 and 1. But now I have 20, there is no way I am this lucky.

He was going through the rewards section when he saw a small tab at the bottom. He focused on it.

[Kill List]

>Devil Gang leader, 5 RP

>Vice Leader, 2 RP

>32 Subordinates, 13RP

Huh? Their leader bagged me 5 points and that other guy got me 2? But that's just one person, how could they earn me that many points.

He pondered for a while and came up with a theory. One life doesn't necessarily mean just one life, if that gang leader has killed more than one person then his life would be that much he has killed.

Thinking in that direction it made sense. Each life they took stacked upon theirs. And when I killed them it's equal to me killing that many people.

Adam sighed in relief knowing this was the case. If he had to kill a person for every single point then he will die from exhaustion.

With that trouble out of the way his mood was lifted and he scrolled through the shop. He finally settled on two items.

>Fire Affinity (10 RP)

>Fire Ball Jutsu (1 RP)

>Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu (3 RP)

>Fire Dragon Bullet Jutsu (4 RP)

He confirmed his choice. A stream of information rose from the depths of his body and imprinted itself on his mind.

Adam sat in meditation to get used to the information. He opened his eyes after a while and smiled.

The system directly imprinted every information onto his mind. So he doesn't need to go through endless training to get familiar with the jutsu combination hand signs.

I need a clear plan, I can't just get every bloodline I fancy. The best path is to step by step reach the primogenitors bloodline, the Otsutsuki. For that I need to combine Indra and Ashura then mix it with the Hyuuga bloodline.

He had thoroughly gone through the bloodlines list. The shop did have Otsutsuki bloodline but he wasn't sure what kind of abilities it would give him. He didn't want to leave it to luck.

Most importantly that would be a huge leap in power, he wouldn't even know from where to start. That path is destructive.

I have a few more years... gotta get strong!

Adam looked at his watch, there was still time before dinner so he decided to go through all the jutsus available.

He scrolled through the list and recognised several famous jutsus. He anticipated the time when he would be able to use these techniques.

As Adam was going through all them a particular jutsu caught his eye.

Hmm... it's that jutsu, but... the name is a bit different.

Although the name was different he immediately recognised which jutsu it was. Adam got a closer look at jutsu's description and his eyes almost jumped out of his socket.

Fuck!! That's way too awesome!!! I gotta get it!

He calmed down and checked the points needed for the jutsu and felt his heart stop for a second. He then smiled bitterly.

It's hopeless.

He closed the interface and laid down. Feeling the warmth of his bed he let out a smile.

"Adam, come down for dinner."

His mother called out.

"One minute."

Pushing every other thought aside Adam walked down. A smile crept onto his face when he saw a table full of dishes and the smiling face of his family.

"What were you doing up there?"

William asked.


Adam simply replied.

"You have been like that for a while now, what's got you so excited?"

William looked at his son dubiously.

"Really, Dad, it's nothing."

Adam replied with an honest face.

William didn't believe it.

Georgia kicked him under the table and glared at him. William shook his head and let go of the matter.

"Eat up."

Adam chuckled when he saw his father's defeated expression. He picked up his plate and started to stuff his mouth with food.

Gotta find a place to practice those jutsus.

Adam made a note in his mind and went back to eating.