
Marvel's Shinobi

Jason, a hot blooded young man who was fortunate enough to stumble upon a second chance at life. Living as someone he dreamed of, a Shinobi! "Haha, Fire ability? Take my Majestic Flame Destroyer! " "Oh please, Psychic? Taste my Tsukuyomi!! " "Heh, Big muscles you got there. Try my Taijutsu, Inner Gates!!"

DreAm_b0At · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

5. Kill!

The bar was noisy, men with devil tattoos on their body stood infront the jacketed man. All of them were scared seeing their boss angry.

"The fuck were you doing? Several of our merchandise was destroyed and you couldn't even find the one who did it!!?"

No one dared to even give an excuse. They knew if they stood up right now, they would be finished.

The boss glared angrily at them and couldn't help but gnash his teeth in anger. He looked back and asked.

"What do you think we should do? If we can't deliver by midnight our credibility will take a hit."

The one he asked was a ferocious looking man with a scar on his left cheek. He was six feet tall and wore a brown leather jacket.

Hearing his boss's question the man thought for a second and said, "I will negotiate and try to change the delivery date. That should give us some time to secure another batch, but the price might be lower."

The boss nodded. Anything is fine as long as they can deliver.

A pair of black eyes were staring at the man wearing the leather jacket. The owner of those eyes was supporting himself by using decorations on the ceiling as a foothold.

Adam had found his target. His eyes locked onto the leather jacketed man the moment he ran out with the boss.

His mind raced seeing his prey, a sense of excitement covered him. For a ten year old boy this was inconceivable and yet here it was.

Adam's heart beat slowed down, his excitement turned to calmness as his body slowly merged with the shadows. He was waiting.

And soon it happened. The leather Jacketed man finished his discussion with the boss and turned around to leave, he was just about to reach the door leading inwards when the man felt his blood run cold.


Before he could realise what happened he felt his vision shift unnaturally. His body lost its balance and fell down. He laid on the ground watching his boss and the rest of the gang look at him in shock.

Soon the light in his eyes dimmed and was completely covered in darkness.

Adam stood before his body, unemotionally. He didn't show remorse nor was there any shock when he killed for the first time. In his mind he felt like it was as easy as breathing.

The entire bar was silent. Just as second ago the boss of Devil Gang was discussing with his right hand man on how to secure their customers trust. After he saw him leave to make the necessary preparations he heard an unnatural sound.

By the time he turned around he saw his trusted man on the floor with his neck twisted to his back. Standing next to him was a figure, three to four feet in height, wearing black clothes and a black fox mask.

A pair of black eyes like an abyss stared calmly at them. For some reason all of them took a step back. Adam didn't wait for them and pushed off on his feet.

Like a shell he changed into the men, a kunai appeared at some point in his hand. He slashed at the man near to him, his throat was slit and he fell down.

When the body hit the floor the others woke up from their daze. All of them attacked, Adam took down two more before he was blocked from all sides.

He didn't panic, a man slammed his metal bar towards Adam. Dodging the attack he sweeped the man off of his feet and plunged the kunai into his head.

Creating a hole in their defence he rushed out and attacked. The others tried to block him but those who did fell down a second later.

The boss felt his heart tremble.

What... A kid!? How....

"Kill him!! Shoot him now!! "

The boss didn't want to know who was his enemy was, he didn't care if it was a kid or an adult. Those pair of eyes made him tremble, the way he killed his men chilled his heart, all he wanted now was to put several holes in him.

The men behind his raised their guns and fired.

"Don't shoot!"


Miserable screams echoed through the club, the men holding the gun didn't care about their men. They wanted to live and for that this masked guy has to die.


After a round of bullets were fired everyone infront was dead.

The boss swallowed hard, "Check whether he is dead or not."

The men didn't want to move but they had no choice. They cautiously took one step after another. Bodies laid everywhere, blood dyed the entire floor.

"Bos-Boss... he ain't here."

One of them stuttered. Suddenly all of them felt weak, their raised arms fell down powerlessly. Their knees buckled and all of them fell down.

"What's happening!? I can't move!"

The boss was scared. Just as he was panicking Adam walked out of the shadows. He slashed the kunai as he walked through the group of powerless men on the floor.

The boss seemed to be stronger than the rest. He was still able to keep it together and force his body to kneel.

He looked up at Adam who was killing his men like plucking out weeds and yelled, "Who the f*ck are you!?"

Adam now stood before the boss. His kunai was dripping with blood. His calm eyes invoked fear within the boss, he quivered.

"Why... why are..... you doing this!?"

His eyes were bloodshot and he was trembling but he managed to squeeze out those words.

Adam slightly changed his voice and answered, "Why? Hmm... well, you are a murderer, drug lord, thief and a gang boss, so I am doing a favour to the society. Also I really need points."

He finished his words and sliced the boss's throat. The man fell powerlessly on the floor and took his final breath.

Adam pulled out a bottle and poured it on the ground. He took a look around and made sure he left no trace before leaving.


The next day the entire block was surrounded by reporters and police. The notorious Devil Gang were destroyed in a single night.

Except one person, every single one of them were killed off by a single cut to their throat.

Every single news channel broadcasted this gruesome event. Except the Devil Gang's customers no one else felt pity for them.

While the neighborhood was ablaze with the destruction of Devil Gang, the one responsible for it was having breakfast with his family.

"Good! Those bastards are finally gone!"

His Dad commented. His ever so gentle mother lightly nudged his father to stop talking about death in the morning.

Adam smiled as he watched his parents. He finished his food and went for school.

"Be careful!"

His mother waved him goodbye, which embarrassed Adam but he still waved back.

I have enough points now. I can officially start my Ninja Arts training!