
Marvel's Shinobi

Jason, a hot blooded young man who was fortunate enough to stumble upon a second chance at life. Living as someone he dreamed of, a Shinobi! "Haha, Fire ability? Take my Majestic Flame Destroyer! " "Oh please, Psychic? Taste my Tsukuyomi!! " "Heh, Big muscles you got there. Try my Taijutsu, Inner Gates!!"

DreAm_b0At · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

4. First Objective



A figure was moving with incomparable agility. It moved around a room and settled after some time revealing a boy about ten years old.

It's been one month since Adam started to train. Since he lit the first spark of chakra, his body began to automatically merge physical and spiritual energies to create even more.

One week made him go from a commoner to an academic level ninja. Training has made his body stronger and nimbler, the noticeable thing was that he was getting thinner but Adam could feel explosive strength residing within his body.

My chakra is still negligible, in fact it's barely at the level of an academic student but... I can now fight!

Adam wanted to build up his base before going out for battle. He was confused as to how the rewards were given, after all he really didn't want to kill like a lunatic for points.

In the end he needed actual battle to determine how the points were given.

Adam finished his daily routine and pulled out a notebook. He bought it last week.

He went through several folders and opened a particular one. In it were info regarding several crimes during the last month.

Adam had to go many newspapers, magazines, blogs, forums and several large and small websites to gather everything in this folder.

What he was looking at was the picture of a man. This particular man was the result of his month long investigation.

I need to scout the place, who knows how strict the surveillance is.

A wide grin was plastered across his face. He felt his heart pump faster at the thought of this.

Soon the day went by, the sun went down and the stars lit up the sky.

Adam made sure his parents were asleep and opened the window on his room. His face was covered by a black mask he bought in China town, it was a fox mask.

He nimbly jumped out, landing on the ground by using the walls as a foothold to reduce the impact.

He walked through the dark shadows of the buildings, avoiding many the surveillance along the way. One month was enough for him to collect the location of every camera in the area.

Soon he reached a dangerous part of the city. Thugs wandered this block frequently and fights were a common place here. His objective was to find someone wanted by the police.

According to the intel he gathered this guy has already killed two woman after brutally violating them. The police did catch him but he escaped and disappeared from sight.

Adam knew someone must be helping him otherwise it was impossible for someone to escape and then disappear. His target wasn't all that resourceful enough to do it alone.

Adam had high IQ from birth. He and Peter can be said to be the two kings within their grade. The teachers had high hopes for their future.

From what he gathered from this guy's habits, background and previous MO's it was most likely for him to be acquainted with this area's gang.

Adam was a like a shadow as he blended into the darkness. For some reason he felt alive and excited rather than being scared since this was his first time doing something like this.

His eyes registered every single face passing by. After an entire night of scouting he narrowed the most probable place for that trash to appear.

"Devils Lair."

It was the headquarters of the gang ruling this area, Devil Gang.

"Hmm, I can't go in without preparations."

Adam withdrew for the night and prepared himself. Even though he was now an academy level ninja and stronger than most people, he still won't be able to defeat more than a dozen fully grown men on his own.

The next day Adam spent his time buying several items he needed and waited for the sun to set. His parents were bewildered as to why he was acting so excited for.

Soon the anticipated time came. Like yesterday Adam jumped out of his room and reached Devils Lair, this time he had a small backpack on him.

Adam ran up to a luxury looking car and squatted down. He took out several small objects the size of a small rock. He then pried open the fuel mouth and put the stuff he brought inside the fuel tank.

He did the same for two more cars and hid near the door to the bar and counted silently under his breath. After he counted upto thirty...


Cars worth hundreds of thousands of dollar were lit up in flames like fire works.The guards at the bar's entrance were shocked, they immediately pulled out their guns and ran up to the car while saying something through their earpiece.

The bar's door was kicked open from inside. Several other guards and thugs poured out. Adam took this chance and sneaked in, no one noticed a shadow sneak into the bar.

Adam scanned the bar as soon as he got in. Because he wore a black dress and a black mask with nothing other other than two black eyes exposed, he was practically blended with the shadows.

The bar was empty due to all the thugs running outside. Adam didn't wait around and placed several cans at inconspicuous places. An odourless gas was slowly pouring out of it.

Adam checked his watch and moved towards a hidden door by the curtains. Usually guards would be here, blocking any irrelevant person from going in but now...

He carefully opened the door and found one camera aimed at the door. Adam wasn't fazed by it, he took out a small metal ball and flicked it. The camera was destroyed upon collision.

As soon as the camera was destroyed Adam heard sounds of footsteps and hid himself.

Three bulky men wearing sleeveless shirt with a Devils tattoo on their arms rushed out, following them were two men wearing jackets. They had standard guns on their hands.

"Where is that fucker!? "

"Get the rest inside and lock this place!! That fucker is inside!"

One thug immediately yelled out. The other guards and thugs rushed inside as soon as they got the order. The bar door was shut tight.

One of the men wearing a jacket immediately barked out orders.

"Search everywhere! I want this place turned over! Find that bastard for me!!"

The men immediately scoured the entire place. But even after ten minutes they found noone.

"Did you check everywhere!?"

"Yes boss! No one!"

"Where did he go!?"

While the thugs were in confusion and in a rage over where Adam went, the person in question was looking at them from above, his body seems to have merged with the ceiling.

Found You.