
20. Will

The incident at Osborn Industries created a storm of chaos. Videos and pictures of Connor in his lizard form popped up often, questioning the authorities how a monster appeared right in the middle of the city.

Accusations were raised against Osborn as well. Most of them questioned whether the monster was a byproduct of their new research. But without concrete evidence no media dared to openly raise their voice.

But the impact this incident had on Osborn wasn't small. Even Harry had to come out and make positive statements.

"This was nothing more than an accident. Osborn Industries has always been at the forefront of human development, we have always strived to make humanity walk further down the road development and prosperity."

"As for what happened two days ago... even we aren't clear of the lizard man's origin. But I assure you this is behind us. As a gesture of good will our company will cover the damages to the city and it's people."

Harry was speaking to a group of reporters. Right after his words a cacophony of voices were raised. Harry answered them one by one, he was slightly nervous at the beginning but he slowly got over it.

Suddenly a reporter asked, "Mr. Harry, at what stage is your research?."

Harry looked at the reporter and smiled, "That's a secret for now."

Another one asked, "There is a rumour that this new research is dangerous? Is that true?"

Harry didn't rush, "If it was dangerous do you think we would still be able to carry on with it?"

His return question shut the reporter down.

Harry answered a few more questions before the interview was over. He went back to his office and laid on his chair.

Not too bad, Harry.

He praised himself. Resting for ten minutes he went back out to handle some affairs.

Top floor of Osborn Building.

Norman had a smile on his face when he saw his son on the news. He was nervous at first but he soon got into character.

He couldn't help but remember Adam's words.

"Harry isn't weak."


Days passed. A week after the Lizard incident another shocking news hit the world. Everyone in the business world as well as military were stunned when they heard the news.

The CEO of Osborn Industries Norman Osborn passed away.

It was a natural death. The autopsy report was carefully done, and the cause of death, deteriorated body. Harry was so shocked and numb when he heard the news.

Peter, Adam, Elle and the rest came to offer their condolences. Harry showed a weak smile but all of them could feel how lonely he was right now. Peter gave him a hug as did Adam.

"We are here for you."

Peter said seriously.

Adam's lips slightly curled up when he heard Peter. This guy was foolish at times but he was best suited for this kind of moments. That honest attitude of his had an effect on Harry. He seems to have slightly relaxed.

Harry looked at his friends and found them staring at him. He felt warm deep inside his heart.

After everything was over, Adam and the rest accompanied Harry for the night. They didn't want to leave him alone in this huge manor.

Harry walked along the desolate corridor and reached his father's study. He gently pushed the door and walked in. His eyes couldn't help but gaze at a desk sitting next to the window.

This was where he always remembered his father, strict on the outside but always looking out for him. Right now he wasn't there anymore.

Harry reached out and traced his finger on it. He sat down where his father did and felt strangely comfortable. Unknowingly his eyes scanned past the drawer and couldn't help but open it.

He wasn't expecting anything but he found a letter inside. Harry picked it up and read it.

"Harry, my son.

"By the time you are reading this I won't be with you. All my life I have tried hard to strive for what I built, not just for me but for you as well. Osborn Industries, that's my blood and sweat, as well as your inheritance...

"Throughout these years I have tried to keep one secret from you, about our family bloodline. Osborn line is cursed, a disease plague our line. I am a victim of it and so shall be you, for your safety I have tried to cure this disease but time didn't give me that chance."

"For a man who had everything I couldn't afford that one luxury."

"This curse will start when you are twenty and once it does your body will start to deteriorate and finally you will die like me. But don't worry... Doctor Connor's research is the key to the cure. I have already entrusted the completion of the serum to another..."

"Before you reach twenty he will perfect it. About this man... you can trust him with your life Harry."

"I am sad to not be able to see you take my position as our company's CEO, I am sad to not see you not get married, to not be able to hold my grandchild... but life must go on."

"Live Well Son, I have always been proud of you."

Harry's hands were trembling as he cried silently. Adam stood outside, he didn't disturb him and silently left.


Somewhere deep underground.

Adam was mixing several vials of liquids. He poured the final content into a beaker and slowly heated it. His eyes changed its form and became blood red with three tomoe inside.

Eight years was enough time for him to accumulate enough points to get the Indra bloodline and evolve the sharingan to three tomoe.

He stared at the beaker and analysed how the mixture changed. His eyes along with his memory and knowledge in genetics made him the best when it came to analysing how stuff worked.

After a while he noted down several points on a small notebook. A door to the side was pushed open, Connor in his lab coats walked in with a cup of coffee.

"How is Harry?"

Connor asked.

Adam spoke while writing, "He will pull through."

Connor nodded, he looked at the mixture and asked, "How is this one? Still unstable?"

Adam nodded, "At some point the serum turns unstable. If it's diluted then the problem can be solved."

Connor shook his head, "That defeats the purpose. Limb regeneration needs a lot of boost, not to mention Harry's illness. His serum needs to be atleast three times stronger to forcefully alter his genetic condition."

Adam sighed, "I know."

Connor patted his shoulder, "Don't worry. Before I was alone and stubborn in some of my thinking but now it's different. You are here, we have two more years, I am sure we can find a solution before then."

Adam looked at Connor and nodded. He couldn't help but say, "You know you are much more amiable when you ain't a crazy killing machine."

Connor's mouth twitched. He chose to forget that taint in his life but Adam would bring it up often. He had no choice but to bare with it.

Adam smiled and went back to his research.

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