
11. Accident

It was a Sunday and Adam was completely free. Peter went to Osborn Group and Harry was tagging along with his father, learning from him, after all he is the heir to a multi-billion dollar industry.

As for Elle, she had community work. Adam was alone on a free day and bored, currently he was walking down the streets. Without his friends to squabble along the way he found everything uninteresting.

He was walking past a mall entrance when the door burst open and several figures jumped out. They held guns and fired back into the mall.

At first Adam thought they were here for him but then again he found their target to be police officers hiding behind the shop counter.


A car screeched on the road before stopping at the entrance. A man wearing black clothes yelled to the men while covering for them.

"Get in!!"

Without a second thought they halted their assault and rushed towards the car. Adam was watching this scenario with interest, with his cleaning in the past few years no criminal dared to make any mess within these few blocks. And here was a bunch, firing guns so blatantly on the road.

The car was about to take off when Adam flicked his fingers. A shuriken whistled through the air and dug deep into one of the tires, the car that took off in a hurry lost control and crashed.

The police officers inside the mall just came out to see this sight. They didn't dilly around and immediately surrounded the car, all of them looked confused. Would robbers make such rookie mistake, they didn't know.

Only Idiots would chose a car without checking it first. The criminals were shaken from the crash and dizzy, before they could register what happened three police cars surrounded them.

Adam swaggered away, he didn't care about what happened next.

Should I go there?

He only hesitated for a second before making his decision. Very soon he stood before a building, he thought for a second and stepped through the gates.

A slightly old guard asked him his purpose and Adam simply lied. The old guard didn't ask much question and let him in. Adam was a smart handsome young man, the guard didn't think he was bad.

This place was an orphanage, there wasn't any valuables here, only kids and that is way too eye catching to steal. He walked past the corridors and saw kids of various ages. Some caretakers were there to look after them.

He continued to walk around and came upon a lawn. Immediately his eyes locked onto a figure playing with some kids, her fair face and auburn hair under the sun was breathtaking. She was the perfect portrait of beauty.

A smile unknowingly climbed on his face. He stood there and silently watched. Only when someone patted his shoulder did he come back to reality.

He turned around to see an old Nun stand behind him, she had a kind smile on her face.

"Adam, what brings you here?"

"Ah, nothing. I was just walking by, Elle told me she would be here today so I thought I would check in."

He lied through his teeth.

The Nun had a knowing smile on her face. Adam felt as if she had seen through his secrets.

"Elle! Look who's here?"

Elle who was surrounded by kids turned around and saw Adam. Surprise flickered in her eyes, she immediately walked over.

"Adam, why are you here?"

"Oh, apparently he was just walking by all the way from Queens and thought to check in on you."

Adam smiled bitterly. Elle however was shy and glared at the Nun. The Nun raised her hands in surrender and walked away laughing.

"Don't mind her, she is always like that."

Elle was embarrassed.

Adam smiled, "That just shows how close you guys are."

Elle smiled beautifully. She pulled Adam towards the kids and introduced them one by one.

Adam knew Elle came here every sunday, to these kids who were in the same situation as her, she found a connection with them.

Several innocent pairs of eyes looked at Adam, like they were expecting something.

Elle smiled and said, "When visiting for the first time you are supposed to bring something for the kids."

Adam scratched his head, "Oh, I didn't know that."

Elle waves her hand, "It's alright."

She patiently told the kids, they seemed a bit down but soon cheered up. Adam showed them some magic tricks using his ninjutsu, all of them quickly took a liking to him.

Elle smiled sweetly. Adam was different from every boy she met before, he was mature, kind, not judgemental and of course handsome. She liked him.

When she first started Highschool she was often bullied and one day Adam passed by. He didn't react and simply looked over before walking away. She was disappointed then.

However from that day forward no girls messed with her. Elle asked around and found that Adam had a good 'talk' with those girls.

She was all alone in a new place and he was there for her. He didn't ask for her gratitude, he simply helped her when she needed it.

She didn't understand why and she didn't care why, all she needed to know was that he protected her. Without expecting anything, not even a word of gratitude.

In her eyes he was perfect.

Adam noticed her gaze and asked, "What wrong?"

Elle smiled, "Nothing."

Adam showed a confused expression and went on with his play. Several Nuns watched this from afar, joy apparent on their faces.

A charming young man surrounded by innocent kids and a beautiful young lady beside him.

One of the Nuns took out a camera and took a shot. They went away after taking the picture.

"This lad is good to her."


Everyone had a satisfied smile on their face as they looked at the picture. This would be their memory of this day, forever.

Next chapter