
Marvel's Dark Knight Rises

People call "him" a knight, but they don't know that "he" is just a scared boy; people admire "his" spirit, but they never know that "he" may become a madman at any time; people call "him" a knight. A hero, but "he" always only thinks of himself as a criminal. Under the darkness, bats are taking action...

Jun_April · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The Second Spider-Man

Spider-Man died, which made many people sad, but it also made many people happy.

For example, the gangsters who were trading contraband in the alley were obviously no longer as nervous as before.

Even the voice was already several degrees higher.

"Hahaha, that guy who wanders around the city every day is finally dead." In the alley, he looked at the news messages pushed to him on his mobile phone.

A gangster talked happily to his companions.

If they didn't have beer on hand now, Wayne did not doubt that they would raise their glasses and drink happily in the next second.

"Okay, Spider is gone. I wonder if other guys will come out to do something." Another guy who was doing the transaction was evidently calmer.

He still did not relax his vigilance, constantly using his peripheral vision to see if there were any other street heroes appearing around him.

Once one appears, it will definitely interfere with their transactions.

It is better to end the transaction early and nothing will happen.

Everyone can also go home early and have a good night's sleep.

"What are you afraid of? There are no heroes who will come out to take care of us now. They are probably going to pay homage to that spider." The gangster who spoke before was obviously unscrupulous.

He even looked up and thought about looking directly above the alley.

"No way." Just as the gangster was about to say something, a figure appeared in his sight.

That is, a bat.

The shadow of the bat flashed past, and then all he saw was a specially reinforced combat boot.

Wayne jumped down from the air. The black cloak behind him was like a bat spreading its wings as soon as Wayne jumped out, slowing down Wayne's speed.

But the next cloak followed Newton's laws, and it squeaked as Wayne landed at a high speed.


A heavy kick from Wayne caused the gangster to fall into a deep sleep without feeling any pain at all.

He has to say, being young is indeed good.

When you want to sleep, you can always fall asleep.

The other gangster had no intention of drawing a gun. His first choice was to turn around and flee.

Years of criminal experience have long made the current gangsters understand the truth when facing these masked bastards.

Don't think about fighting them, let alone what to say to them.

The only thing you can do is to surrender or run away.

If you're lucky, you might be able to escape from the masked monster.

"Where do you want to go?" A low, devilish voice rang in the gangster's ears.

He had already bumped into Wayne.

Under the collision, Wayne did not retreat at all, but the gangster fell directly to the ground.

He raised his head and looked at Wayne. The gangster stepped back on his hands and knees. He couldn't understand why the guy from before was clearly in front of him when he was still behind him.

In this dark alley, he couldn't see the look in Wayne's eyes at all.

Wayne's eyes were scanning the things in the hands of the gangster in front of him. He hated these guys who traded contraband.

Very annoying.

Wayne walked forward, closing in on the gangster.

The fear brought by the dark figure to the gangster is doubled.

Every time Wayne took a step forward, the gangster's inner fear increased.

The gangster couldn't accept this situation anymore, so he took out the pistol on his waist.

Unfortunately, the gangster's movements were too slow in Wayne's eyes.

Before the gangster could point the gun at him, Wayne had already shot a batarang.

The target of the sharp batarang is not the gun in the gangster's hand, but the gangster's wrist.

"Ah!!! My hand!!"

The gangster pinched his right wrist and screamed.

The batarang had pierced his forearm.

Wayne just watched all this indifferently: "The batarang didn't hurt the important parts of your forearm, it just hurt a little." Wayne didn't care at all about the gangster's howling, he just seemed like a person saying something that had nothing to do with him. Same thing.

Maybe it's because Wayne now has all the abilities of a certain Batman. When Wayne saw the gangster, he instinctively analyzed the locations on the gangster's body that could be subdued but not fatal.

In Wayne's eyes, a gangster is no different from a corpse that has been dissected layer by layer.

"You are a devil!"

The gangster roared at Wayne with snot and tears.

But Wayne didn't care at all.

He walked up to the gangster, lifted the guy up with one hand, and smashed him against the wall.

"Now, I ask and you answer." Wayne put his face close to the gangster, keeping this angry bat mask on. In the gangster's eyes, it might be scarier than anything else.

"I answer, don't suck my blood."

The gangster's face was full of fear, and he nodded repeatedly. Maybe he was afraid of Wayne in front of him, so he would suck all the blood from his body.

Before Wayne could say anything, a thread of spider silk had already clung to the gangster's body, pulling him directly into the middle of the alley.

When a man who can lift a grown man up with one hand and is dressed like a bat demon and is tortured with an extremely terrifying voice.

Who would believe that a bat-like man is a good person?

At least this is a bit too easy to recognize for another guy who has just come to this world.

Sometimes, superheroes are not the only ones who are masked.

Supervillains also cover their faces in order to look more frightening.

Wayne now fits the Spider-Man's vision of a supervillain pretty well.

"That's a tough move, man." Spider-Man looked at the batarang that penetrated the gangster's forearm. "I know you are a super fan of Batman, but Batman would never do something like this."

"Not even. Doing evil in alleys."

Looking carefully at Spider-Man, who was obviously a little down and out, Wayne really didn't want to think about the most difficult direction of Spider-Man's situation.

But he didn't even have a pair of shoes.

Even, he has a little belly.

Perhaps he noticed that Wayne's eyes were on his belly, but the Spider-Man waved his hand relatively calmly: "It may be caused by some space fluctuations. I used to have a pretty perfect figure."

He walked slowly.

Five meters in front of the Spider-Man, Wayne spoke softly.

"You smell like pizza, bacon cheese."

"Huh?" Wayne's words instantly made Spider-Man start to smell the smell on himself, but he didn't feel that he smelled like pizza.

"Uh-huh, you're kidding me, man." Spider-Man shook his finger, indicating that Wayne was joking.

"The guys around you are selling contraband, possessing illegal weapons, and even have human lives on them." Wayne did not dwell on the issue of what Spider-Man had for dinner.

He just moved his gaze to the gangster over there who didn't dare to move at all.

"Uh." Spider-Man also set his sights on the gangster.

The gangster quickly nodded to the down-and-out Spider-Man, indicating that Wayne was right.

At least the gangsters know that when they can't escape the pursuit of the masked monsters, the best option is to find Spider-Man and let him take them to the police station.

That way, they can save their lives.

However, facing a guy like Wayne who didn't know the details at all, he even put his trading partner into a deep sleep as soon as he made a move.

He didn't dare to bet on whether Wayne would kill anyone.

"It seems that I wrongly blamed you." Spider-Man turned his head and wanted to apologize to Wayne.

The question is, where is the shadow of Wayne?

"I hate this kind of thing."

He tied up the gangster with spider silk and stopped the bleeding where the batarang was shot. Spider-Man had already used the gangster's cell phone to call the police.

Then he disappeared in front of the gangster.

Due to a certain guy's intrusion, Wayne now needs to find a target again to bulge his pockets.

"The batarangs should have be taken back." Wayne frowned thinking about the batarangs he didn't get back.

Now he doesn't have a Batcave as his logistics base. Every batarang is considered a non-renewable resource.


"I think you forgot something." A somewhat unforgettable voice rang in Wayne's ear.

Spider-Man follows.

He still had the batarang that Wayne had used before.

(End of chapter)