
Marvel's Cloak: Shroud of Darkness

Tyrone Johnson had everything: a bright future, a wonderful girlfriend, and supportive parents. At least, that was until the day his mutant brother, Billy, was unjustly murdered by the Police. Tyrone's life was sent into a spiral of running from the law, fighting for a new home, and forced experimentation. Until one day an experiment to awaken his latent mutant powers went extremely wrong causing an outburst that sends him across Universes into Earth 616 aka Marvel Cinematic Universe. Discord: https://discord.gg/krTzF4bXfV

The_Young_Flash · Movies
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Chapter 10 - Blurred Memories

Tyrone Johnson (Earlier After Exiting a Restaurant)

Tyrone and Jessica sauntered through the streets of Bacáu without a worry in the world. They ate fancy ice cream and played as many games as they could at the nearby arcade.

The duo attracted the gazes of many residents who were familiar with them, but everyone just went about their daily lives after a short period of intense staring.

"So where too next?" Jessica asked, taking another lick of her Gold-Flaked Ice Cream "You know it tastes just like ordinary Ice Cream?"

Tyrone shrugged "It says Gold-Flaked Ice Cream and not 'Unique-Flavored' Ice Cream… and we headin' back home… It's never good to stay out after dark, that's when uncertain shit happens… Trust me."

"Let's go to a club next…" Jessica blurted, hoping to show Tyrone some of her moves so he could be caught in an inescapable web of her awesome charm "Think about it: we deserve it since these past few days have been particularly stressful… besides, I've never drunk alcohol before."

"Me neither." Tyrone added, "I guess we can use a little dancing but we both stay in the VIP area and you dance alone and you're not allowed to drink at all!"

Jessica frowned "Aren't you taking the fun out of everything?"

"No!" Tyrone answered "I'm protecting you. We stay in the VIP Section and relax with a couple drinks… I can't force you to do anything but I know how these Dance Clubs take advantage of people."

While Tyrone and Jessica were walking in the direction of the club, a white van slowly drove right next to the duo. Jessica was immediately alarmed but Tyrone patted her shoulder and gestured for her to walk a bit ahead.

"It's okay! Just continue walking and I'll be out by the time you reach the club." Tyrone explained patiently but his muscle was incredibly tense just in case.

Jessica sighed and continued walking as Tyrone hopped into the van and it slowly drove next to Jessica, keeping pace with her steps.

Inside The Van----------

"You've made quite a mess for me." Malisha stated, handing Tyrone a small bag of documents "There is money, new identities, and everything you need to start over, right in there."

"Thank you… but..." Tyrone hesitated about whether or not he should ask "I just don't understand why you do all of this for me… even back when I first arrived, you were the one that nursed me back to health."

"You're a smart child Tyrone…" Malisha admired but also frowned "Sometimes being smart is dangerous… look inside the bag and tell me what you see."

Tyrone checked the contents of the bag and noticed that aside from his new passports and documents, there were also two additional documents for Jessica and Xandra.

Tyrone glared at Malisha "I told you I was going to go alone… they have nothing to do with this."

Malisha shook her head in disagreement "I can't go into specific details but I know you particularly care about those two girls… that Essex Outreach Center isn't the place you think it is so trust me when I say, it's best you take those girls and run far away. Don't make the mistake your father made."

"My father? You knew him?" Tyrone asked surprised "My father was straight outta Boston… Been a bouncer and hustler till he got money to start his club. You guys don't run in the same circles."

Malisha sighed and brushed her fingers through Tyrone's wavy hair absentmindedly "Your brother was not the first mutant in the family and I doubt he will be the last… I made a promise to your father that I would take care of you if something happened… why else would the biggest drug dealer in Romania be in Bacáu? I was also here when you exited that damn forest. Did you think I had nothing better to do?"

Tyrone was tempted to point out that Malisha made him sleep with her for 'favors' so he wasn't sure how important her Drug Business actually was.

As if seeing the doubt on Tyrone's face, Malisha frowned, opened the van door, and pushed him outside into Jessica's arms.


"What was that?" Jessica asked annoyed that someone would kick Tyrone out a moving van "By the way, what's in the bag?"

"Nothing!" Tyrone sighed, removing all the contents of the bag and stuffing them into his pockets "Let's go to the club… right now I really do need a drink."

"My treat." Jessica joked, waving Kevin's card around like she was being magnanimous to someone less fortunate.

Later at The Club (VIP Section)

Tyrone and Jessica sat in the VIP Section, bobbing their heads to the music and taking a few non-alcoholic mangoes mixes that looked both cool and kept everyone from noticing that they were not getting tipsy at all.

More than once, a couple of guys had tried to get Jessica to dance but each time she would just look at Tyrone expectantly until he acquiesced.

"I'm not a good dancer!" Tyrone complained as Jessica pulled him towards the dance floor decked with people "If we gonna dance, I am definitely gonna step on ya toes for fun."

"I don't care." Jessica replied, spinning and disappearing into the crowd but reappearing behind Tyrone and embracing him with her arms "As long as you move along with me, I will be the happiest girl in the world."

"I think the guy is supposed to be at the back." Tyrone joked nonchalantly.

Tyrone felt Jessica's breath on his neck and his mind buzzed in appreciation for the unique sensation Jessica would bring every time she touched him.

Soon, Jessica was pecking Tyrone on the neck, something longing deep inside her to just let loose on Tyrone but she held back, knowing it would make him uncomfortable.

"Jessica. You can't be doing that!" Tyrone interrupted, pulling away from Jessica's embrace, grabbing her hand, and spinning her around until her mind cleared from the lust that previously clouded it.

Tyrone swerved and Jessica spun, his breath intertwining with her breath, recycling the air between them like their own private world.

Everything was fun until Jessica imperceptibly leaned in and kissed Tyrone on the lips, causing him to come to his senses and back away guiltily from Jessica's body.

"It's okay…" Jessica whispered pleadingly, grabbing Tyrone and pulling his body into hers once more, trying to meld them together "You don't have to hold back with me anymore…"

"I think we need to cool down with some drinks or sumn." Tyrone stated helplessly, putting some more distance between Jessica and himself "There is no love here Jes… don't sell yourself short for some guy without some real love. I'll just chill here until you come back and then we'll dance some more and we'll head back to the orphanage."

"A proper dance?" Jessica asked, ignoring the part where Tyrone spoke about 'love'. Jessica was only concerned with making sure Tyrone promised a proper dance.

"A super proper dance." Tyrone replied, patting Jessica's head like Billy used to pat his.

With the confirmation of more dancing, Jessica swerved through the crowd and made her way to the bar as quick as she could, every second wasted was another second she gave Tyrone time to change his mind.

Tyrone watched Jessica leave and then took out a passport with her picture from his pocket "Shit is just getting crazier and crazier… should I destroy it?"

The longer he stared at passport in his hand, the more fear ate away at Tyrone's mind, and soon, he found himself in a world of darkness with vague flashes of people dancing.

Only, instead of seeing people dancing along with the brightly flashing colors of club lights, Tyrone saw shadows dancing and the world became a dull shade of either white or black.

Suddenly, it was as if all the colors had been sucked out of the world in his eyes.

"What's happening." Tyrone asked but his voice made a strange echo that just bounced around him instead of traveling to the ears of anyone nearby.

Just as Tyrone was about to wallow in despair and fear, a bright light flashed at the corner of his eyes, and the whitest, brightness he had ever seen in his life took his hand and suddenly he was back on the dancefloor with Tandy's body pressed against his own.

There were no words shared between them, only a look of hostility that showed their anger while staring into each other's eyes. In their befuddled and angry state, Tandy's body started to move and Tyrone's body unconsciously mimicked her movements.

It was as if despite the pettiness, the obscenities, the name-calling, and the stealing, Tyrone's and Tandy's bodies just knew they needed each other, even if their minds were reluctant to admit it.

Tandy spun around, dipping and grinding her hips against Tyrone's hardening staff, something that was all too familiar to her and she missed it so dearly.

Tyrone instinctively held onto Tandy's hips with a strong grip that reminded her of the authoritative way his hands would roam her body in the past.

To Tandy, that was the beauty that separated Tyrone from anyone else she had ever been with – that authority that he truly demanded she be his and she was willing to submit and brighten his world.

Tandy pushed back and Tyrone pushed forward, the thin fabric of her dress did nothing to hinder the sensations they were experiencing, and that's exactly why Tandy chose such a thin dress in the first place.

Usually, Tyrone would have had better control, he would have stopped whatever was overcoming them both, but for some reason, he just couldn't find the will to stop.

It was like an innate hunger had been awakened, and there was no stopping it until it was thoroughly satisfied.

Tandy spun around, prying her hips from Tyrone's grip, and then she raised her left leg and wrapped it around his waist, dipping her body backward as Tyrone placed a hand behind her back to steady her.

"Mhmm!" Tandy moaned, feeling Tyrone's staff press against the entrance of her thoroughly wet cunt as she dipped deeper backward, hoping beyond all hope that an accident would happen and Tyrone would just slip inside.

Tyrone exhaled a breath, his mind fighting against his body, angry at the fact that he was dancing with Tandy but also seduced by the hope that finally balanced his usually fear-filled mind.

Tyrone pulled Tandy up towards him, and she rose quickly, clamping Tyrone's arms in place and directly biting his lip so hard that it bled, but neither of them cared about a little blood.

They had done far messier things in the past, and Tandy knew that they would do far messier things tonight.

Grinding, kissing, biting… pure unbridled lust overtook Tyrone and Tandy. By this time, it was no longer Tyrone and Tandy dancing, it was two forces that sought to balance each other.

Tandy wanted nothing more than to blind Tyrone's dark world in her brightness and Tyrone wanted nothing more than to consume Tandy's light inside his darkness.

As if responding to their primal needs, Tandy felt a tickling sensation originating from her chest and soon, the outline of her body faintly flickered with white light. Tyrone felt a similar sensation and he saw black shadowy smoke cloud his features, mixing with Tandy's white light.

The next moment, the duo found themselves in the back of a van in the parking lot with no idea how they got there. Tandy sat on Tyrone's lap and he held her by the hips, they felt high on something other than drugs but just as dangerously addictive.

All they saw were bright lights and their senses intensified, without any decorum Tandy unbuckled Tyrone's pants with fervor, lifting her dress and sliding her panties to the side with ease.

Tyrone slipped inside Tandy causing her to groan in pain, shifting about constantly to reacclimatise herself to the size she had not taken for so long.

The moment they were connected, everything else faded away, even their consciousness, all that could be heard in the parking lot was the intense shaking of a van.

Jessica After Leaving Tyrone On the Dancefloor

Jessica hurried to the bar, swerving through the crowd, knocking the drinks out of many unsuspecting hands but she didn't care, her number one priority was getting drinks and making it back to Tyrone as soon as possible.

Arriving at the bar, Jenny flashed Kevin's card "Strongest and most expensive thing you have on the shelf."

The Bartender frowned "How old are you, kid?"

"Old enough to tip you with a thousand dollars." Jessica stated, a smirk on her face. Her brief time with money had taught her that money does truly make the world go around.

The Bartender smiled amiably "Any drink you specifically want or maybe a custom mix?"

Jessica shrugged and wore a devious smile as something came to mind "I need a drink that makes you fuck someone, gets rid of all inhibition and wakes up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy."

"Tequila it is… I guarantee that your boyfriend is going to make enough mistakes that you won't be able to walk tomorrow." The Bartender joked.

Jessica nodded her head and hoped that was indeed the case. It may be painful but she was ready to graduate into adulthood if that's what it took to guilt-trip Tyrone into staying with her forever.

If there is one thing she knew about Tyrone, it was the fact that he wouldn't hit it and quit it… that wasn't his style.

"Here… pop this pill in it and you'll both be fucking like rabbits!" The Bartender joked, attempting to hand Jessica a pill that she ultimately refused.

Jessica grabbed the two drinks and swerved through the dancefloor once more, surprised by what she saw when she arrived.

There they were: dancing, caressing, kissing, and many other things that shouldn't be done on a dancefloor.

Jessica grew enraged, dropping the drinks, ready to dart forward and beat the shit out of Tandy, but the more she watched, the more she realized that something was strange with Tandy's and Tyrone's dancing.

"They look addicted." Jessica whispered, observing the dancing duo carefully instead of just 'looking' and wanting to fight.

The unique way Tyrone and Tandy danced with each other felt more sacred somehow like it was a matter of survival instead of just dancing and for some reason, Jessica found that she couldn't get mad at Tyrone or Tandy for something that they both looked like they had no control over.

Jessica watched and watched until her anger turned to sympathy, and then she decided to let them be for the night, spinning around and heading back to the bar to drink her troubles away.

"Didn't go as planned?" The Bartender asked but Jessica just flashed Kevin's card as a reply, pointing to several drinks on the shelf behind.

The Bartender shrugged, mixing drink after drink as Jessica chugged them down like there was no tomorrow.

Not long after, Jessica was on the counter, dancing away like a true party girl.


A few minutes later, Jessica managed to calm down a bit, though her head was swimming all over the place.

"I need to find Tyrone… I'm pretty fucked up." Jessica mumbled, walking towards the exit with unsteady footsteps.

"Need some help?" A random guy asked, propping Jessica's arm around his shoulder to help her walk.

"T- than – thank you!" Jessica slurred "Can you plea-se ta – take me to Ty – Ty? He should be somewhere around here I think… just look for that white bitch and you'll find hi- him."

"Okay!" The guy responded positively, guiding Jessica along into an alleyway with two more guys stealthily following behind them.

"Th-is isn't t-the right way…" Jessica complained drowsily, wanting to remove her arm from around the guy's neck.

"I'm sorry…" The guy apologized and set Jessica down "How about you lay down here and I'll go look for Ty and bring him here?"

Jessica frowned, she wanted to find Ty herself but that was okay as well "Thanks… I'll tip y – you whe- when you f – find him … m – maybe a t-tril –trillion dolla-rs"

However, the guy didn't leave to find Tyrone, instead, he was joined by two more guys who began unbuckling their belts.

After unbuckling, the first guy was kneeling between Jessica's knees, unbuckling her pants as well.

"W- wh – what are y- you doing? Stop! Stop!" Jessica started shouting and trashing about, forcing the two other guys to hold her hands in place and close her mouth forcefully.

"Don't hold her mouth so tight, we'll need it later." The First Guy complained, finally stripping Jessica down to her draws.

Realization finally dawned on Jessica, her mind was still fuzzy but she was clear enough to know what was going to happen. She was about to be raped… violated… how would Tyrone look at her after that? Would he even still want her after she made such a stupid mistake…

"No!" Jessica yelled, her mind somehow still half-buzzing but energy returned to her limbs once more.

Just as her panties were about to be pulled down, Jessica used all the strength in her legs and swung her feet, kicking the first guy under the chin.

What no one expected, including Jessica who was about to be raped, was that her kick would not only smash the guy's face but also separate his head, followed by his spine, shooting away from the rest of his body in the most gruesome display of blood and gore anyone had ever seen.

Still, Jessica was far too angry to worry about the blood that splattered onto her body. Truth be told, Jessica didn't really care in her half-dazed state.


Jessica threw out a fist to her left when the Second Guy released her hands in fright, a cracking sound was heard as Jessica's punch directly shattered the guy's rib cage, stopping his heart and blowing him into the wall behind.

Jessica felt a small pinch on her back, turning around to see that the last guy was pressing a knife against her skin. He tried to stab her but only a small cut was awarded for his efforts.

Jessica grabbed the Last Guy by the neck but squeezed a bit too hard and…


With that, the last guy was dead and Jessica was left standing dazed in a mix of blood, guts, and shattered bones. The only thing Jessica knew was the fact that she had to find Tyrone and so she did.

In her dazed state, Jessica's senses unconsciously zeroed in on a familiar heartbeat and she walked and walked until she was at the parking lot behind the club.

Jessica crawled into the unfamiliar van that Tandy and Tyrone were sleeping inside.

The duo had completed their sexual activities and now clung to each other as they slept, white light and black smoke emanating from their bodies and mixing together in a sort of Ying-Yang Symbol.

Jessica dazedly removed her clothing and squished her naked, blood-covered body between Tandy and Tyrone, their white light and black smoke covering her body as well.

Soon, white light evaporated all the blood from Jessica's body, cleaning her from head to toe. Then the black smoke surrounded Jessica's bloodied clothing, transporting it to places unknown.

Slowly, the black smoke started to fill the interior of the van, Tyrone, Jessica, and Tandy vanishing from the van when the smoke cleared.

The Following Morning (Outreach Center) ------

Tyrone stirred awake only to find each of his arms claimed by a different woman on either side of him.

Mechanically, Tyrone turned his head to the left and noticed Jessica, sighing in relief at the fact that Jessica was preferred in comparison to Tandy.

However, when he turned his head to the left, Tandy opened her eyes at the same time, staring back at him with both their eyes filled with disbelief.

Tandy went to the club last night with the intention of sleeping with Tyrone but she woke up in the morning with blurred memories of dancing with Tyrone and then… well, then she was blank but she knew they fucked since her bottom lips were swollen beyond belief.

Tyrone's memories were as foggy as Tandy's; he was unsure if he slept with Tandy or Jessica or maybe even both.

"No!" Jessica mumbled, moving her naked body closer to Tyrone's "You slept with Tandy, not me… I drank a lot when I saw you two and I guess we all walked home, got naked, and jumped in the bed."

Tyrone sighed a bit knowing that Jessica was spared but questions still filled his mind… questions filled all their minds since none of them could really recall the previous night.

"Are we sure that's what happened?" Tandy asked unsurely "I mean… I don't remember anything after dancing…"

Tyrone rose from the bed, turned the Tandy, and rubbed his head awkwardly "I think you should leave."

Tandy didn't mind since Tyrone obviously needed time to think but …

"Uhmmm… Tyrone…" Tandy whispered, blushing a bit "You're naked."

"Wow!" Jessica said appalled and then looked between Tyrone and Tandy, specifically Tandy's covered legs "Are you sure it is safe for her to leave? Can she even walk after that?"

Tandy turned a deeper shade of red, Tyrone stuttered since Tandy was unconsciously admitting that she couldn't walk. Jessica sighed, wrapped the sheet around her and Tandy's bodies, and guided Tandy into her room one careful step at a time.

Another chapter...

Can't really upload since I've been really busy and my keyboard is not always working...

Had to take my computer apart several times just to find some hair stuck in the keys...


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--> Myth of The World's Trees

--> Marvel's Cloak: Shroud of Darkness

--> Virtual World Futuristic Gunners Online

--> Lemillion In The MCU (Patréon exclusive)

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