
Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Gifts are bestowed upon us, but greatness is seized by our own hands. Meet Aiden, a member of the Winter Soldiers. Welcome to my world.

shui_AW · Movies
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79 Chs

What More Is There to Lose?

Aiden himself had not realized how his initial intent had slowly shifted from simply wanting to save a life to wanting to recruit a subordinate for himself.

"This is indeed impressive, but I lack any extraordinary talent," Nicole mused, still awed by Aiden's display of skill, yet she maintained a clear understanding of her own limitations.

"I can transform you into a mutant," Aiden announced.

"A mutant?" Nicole paused. "Become one of you?"

The realization hit her, and she gazed at Aiden with astonishment. She understood now that the man before her was a mutant, a member of a society that she, like many others, had learned to despise.

"You didn't hate me for my skin color, yet you despise me for my race," Aiden mused internally, surprised at this universe's inheritance of the "X-Men" values where ordinary people held deep loathing for mutants. Even though Aiden was her savior, she could not hide her inherent disdain for his kind.

It amused Aiden, this societal dichotomy between mutants and humans. Understanding these conflicts would be crucial as he sought to carve out his niche in this world.

"I'm sorry," Nicole said nervously, clutching the edge of her clothing like a nervous little girl rather than the mature, sensual woman she appeared to be.

"Mutants, like humans, come in good and bad. Their identity is predestined, and they don't get to choose. It's just that some selfish individuals within the mutant community have cast a shadow over the entire group, subjecting them to unfair societal criticism," Aiden ventured, guessing and deducing based on his linguistic skills while covertly observing Nicole's reactions. It seemed his assumptions weren't too far off.

"So, you don't need to despise mutants."

"Maybe that's true," Nicole murmured, slowly reconsidering her ingrained societal bias against mutants. She, as a mature individual, was starting to rethink Aiden's assessment of the mutant community.

What group doesn't have good and bad members? The difference lies in the fact that the evildoers among mutants, due to their power, have become notorious worldwide, instilling global fear and, by extension, causing the entire mutant community to be reviled. Thus, most mutants are indeed innocent victims.

"On the contrary, you can become a mutant yourself. Become strong and no longer weak," Aiden coaxed further.

"Why did you lose your family? Because you were weak. Why did you lose your father? Because you were weak," Aiden looked at Nicole, searching for a message in her eyes. "Do you know why you can no longer enjoy the happiness of being a child, caring for your parents in their old age? Because of your weakness."

"You should understand the rules of survival in this society," Aiden said, his smile slight but intense, "Powerful people, no matter where they are, can live well. They can trample laws with impunity and destroy anything for their own benefit. Maybe the drug dealer targeted you for your beauty, leading to your family's downfall. Your father couldn't enjoy his golden years, all because of you. His innocent death was your fault."

"Stop, please stop," Nicole covered her face, her emotions spiraling out of control whenever her family was mentioned.

"Maybe your brother sold you to the drug dealer for just a small packet of drugs. Why? You had no power to resist; you could only accept fate's hand."

"Please, no more," Nicole's composure crumbled, unsure if she was being led by Aiden's narrative or still immersed in the grief over her father's death. Tears seeped through her slender fingers.

Aiden fell silent, allowing the emotions to ferment briefly before continuing, "But now, everything is different. This is your turning point."

"You can have great power, say goodbye to the weak Nicole of the past. You can send all those who hurt you to hell," Aiden said, building his case layer by layer. "You can do anything you want, not just avenge. You can help others with tragic lives like yours, prevent them from being persecuted. You can live a bright and beautiful life, making your parents in heaven proud. Perhaps your life is a journey of redemption. People shouldn't live just for themselves. Think of those expectant gazes, what would your father want for his daughter if he were alive? An irresponsible suicide? I don't think so."

"Is that so?" Nicole's gaze became distant, her voice a faint murmur, "I can shed the skin of the weak, do those things?"

"Absolutely, I promise," Aiden affirmed with a nod. Although the mutant factory was still a far-off prospect, he wouldn't let this opportunity slip away. "You will become a powerful mutant."

Nicole was still conflicted, her ingrained societal prejudice against mutants hard to shake off in such a short time. Yet part of her was persuaded by Aiden's words, and a significant part at that. Most mutants were falsely accused, innocent of the crimes attributed to their kind.

In fact, Aiden was the first mutant she had ever met, and she had never suffered at the hands of one, despite being brainwashed by societal beliefs to despise them. The idea of shedding her weakness and becoming powerful also enticed her.

Aiden's style was to be laconic, and his lengthy discourses were out of character. Yet he felt satisfied, putting to use the skills he had honed in Hydra, not just in violence but in persuasion.

"I rescued you from the gang. I helped you avenge your enemy. I just stopped you from taking your own life. You seem to owe me several lives," Aiden continued, "Why not leave your life in my hands and see what the future holds?"

Nicole pursed her lips, silent for a long while before her eyes cleared of confusion. Why didn't she want to stay in this world? Was it hatred for her own weakness or fear of the tragic memories that replayed in her mind?

This beautiful shell, meant to be imprisoned and tormented, this life that should have ended minutes ago, if handed over to him, wouldn't be so improper.

What more do I have to lose, after all?


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