
Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Gifts are bestowed upon us, but greatness is seized by our own hands. Meet Aiden, a member of the Winter Soldiers. Welcome to my world.

shui_AW · Movies
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79 Chs

Rendezvous with Deadpool

"What's with that reaction? I passed, right?" Nicole furrowed her brows at Aiden, puzzled.

Aiden slowly pulled a napkin and his phone from his pocket and headed to a bedroom, "I need to rest. Don't disturb me."

Nicole sat heavily on the sofa, her expression grave as she crossed her legs and leaned back, limp as a ragdoll. She lifted her hand, fingers splayed before her eyes, gazing through the delicate gaps at the crystal chandelier above, murmuring to herself.

Aiden didn't witness any of this; Nicole's actions only came after he had closed the door behind him. He dialed the number and put the phone to his ear.

"Who's this?" A groggy voice came from the other end; Aiden could imagine he had interrupted someone's deep slumber.

"I'm looking for Wade Wilson," Aiden stated bluntly.

There was a pause on the other end, followed by a rustling sound, then that irritatingly sarcastic voice filled Aiden's ear, "Who are you, and unless you want me to kick your ass, you'd better have a good reason for calling at 11:29, uh, 30 in the morning."

"So, you can't tell it's already noon?" Aiden retorted with equal bluntness.

"Damn it, that just proves I have a richer nightlife than you. Spit it out!" Wade's voice came through, dripping with impatience.

"I'm Aiden. We've met in the bar," Aiden cut to the chase, "The guy who took your gun. Remember?"

"Ah-ha? That's unexpected. What do you want, kid?" Wade mumbled, his voice muffled by the blanket over his face.

"I said I'd find you. Heard you were diagnosed with late-stage cancer, looking for treatment?" Aiden continued.

"Oh, I get it, I don't want any of your company's new drugs. I'm broke, beat it." Wade hung up abruptly, tossing the phone aside.

Five seconds later, the phone rang again.

This time, Wade's girlfriend Vanessa picked up but didn't hand it to Wade. She was somewhat annoyed he had hung up the call. To her, any chance of a cure was worth pursuing.


"I need to speak to Wade." Aiden listened to the crisp female voice, a vague image of the movie's leading lady coming to mind, though not very clear.

"You have a treatment for his condition, right?" Hope laced the woman's voice.

"No, I'm not a drug dealer. But I can indeed cure Wade," Aiden boasted confidently.

"What?" Vanessa hesitated, craving good news, but Aiden's assurance made her suspect he was a charlatan.

After all, in modern society, late-stage cancer was akin to a death sentence.

"Kid! You better quit yapping or I swear I'll kick your ass when I see you," Wade snatched the phone from Vanessa, his coarseness contrasting with the softness in his tone, which somehow made it all the more revolting to hear.

"Tonight, Sister Margaret's, 6 PM, I can heal you. Bring your wife; that's my condition for helping."

Wade's mocking voice came through, "What, kid, smitten with my beautiful wife? Oh, you have taste, just hearing her voice and knowing she's a charmer. But really, forget it, she's out of your league."

"Any choices you make need to be decided with your family, meaning all that's about to happen to you must be agreed upon by both you and your wife, or I won't help," Aiden ignored Wade's crude joke, his voice stern.

"You ignorant, delusional, yellow-skinned maniac," Wade's muttered complaints continued until he realized the call had been disconnected, the dial tone seeming to mock him as he cursed, "You disgusting, impolite—"

"He said he could help you?" Vanessa's eyes were filled with hope as she spoke to Wade.

"What a joke, don't pin your hopes on some kid; he's just after you." Wade threw the phone down and buried his face in the pillow, his voice muffled.

Vanessa frowned, contemplating the emotionally unstable Wade, then pushed him playfully yet assertively, "Let's go, to Sister Margaret's, right? It's our turf; he won't do anything outrageous. Don't give up, Wade, let's check it out."

"Argh!" Wade buried his head under the pillow.

Aiden spent the afternoon in the bedroom, savoring the rare respite. Even as a super-soldier serum recipient, he was human and needed sleep.

At 5 PM sharp, Aiden opened the door to find Nicole slumped on the sofa, seemingly asleep and dreaming of something pleasant, a smile on her face.

Such a smile could indeed heal a heart; at least in her dreams, Nicole could still offer such genuine warmth.

Aiden approached and gently tapped her arm to wake her, stating directly, "You won't want to dress too provocatively; the place we're going isn't exactly savory."

Nicole sat up groggily, lazily ruffling her hair. After a moment, she came to her senses, spreading her hands downward to indicate her ladylike shirt and slacks.

"Button up one more," Aiden glanced at Nicole's chest, noticing her collarbone.

Nicole's eyes widened in surprise; her attire was already quite proper, and unbuttoning another wouldn't be an issue. Yet Aiden asked her to button up, leaving her bewildered, "Where are we going, North Korea?"

Aiden glanced at Nicole and headed for the door.

With a frustrated tug at her hair, Nicole followed suit. By 5:50 PM, Aiden and Nicole arrived early at Sister Margaret's bar, which wasn't quite bustling with its typical nightlife. However, Aiden found it amusing that the few scattered patrons already present couldn't keep their eyes off Nicole.

These were not men accustomed to a sunny, orderly life; to them, a woman was prey. More direct in their approach than most, a yellow-skinned kid posed no obstacle in their eyes.

"Hey, hey, guys, you're not drunk yet, are you? Sit down, all of you." Weasel, the bar owner, obviously informed by Wade and aware of Aiden's mysterious nature, wasn't willing to gamble his hard-earned bar on Aiden's combat abilities.

The aggressive gazes of several burly men continued to roam over Nicole, who showed not a trace of panic. Her returning gaze was filled with pity, as if viewing a bunch of pitiful creatures.

Her mindset had shifted, and with it, her behavior had fundamentally changed.


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