
Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Gifts are bestowed upon us, but greatness is seized by our own hands. Meet Aiden, a member of the Winter Soldiers. Welcome to my world.

shui_AW · Movies
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79 Chs

Nicole's Resolve

With the steady, low beep of the heart monitor, Aiden stepped back, his face devoid of emotion. No miracle had occurred. This was the last patient here, and Aiden had desperately hoped that at least one would survive from this final group, if only to increase the odds of success.

Yet, no miracles happened, and Aiden felt a foreboding that in a few weeks, the body lying on the hospital bed might be that of his capable assistant, Nicole.

Unmoved by the sight before her, Nicole directed Mike to remove the last body and began silently cleaning up the equipment. She worked as if she hadn't seen the person who had just passed away, and while doing so, she asked, "What are your plans for Mike?"

"He knows too much to let him go. Have him come with us, to continue working at our new place," Aiden contemplated for a moment before deciding not to execute Mike. After all, under Aiden's watchful eye, Mike had been diligent and meticulous in his work, his timidity a weakness that Aiden could exploit perfectly.

During this time, Nicole had finally secured a dilapidated factory, not in the bustling district of Manhattan but in the western suburbs of New York, in a small county far from the city. To the former Aiden, New York conjured up all sorts of splendid imagery as if it were a paradise of prosperity. But upon arriving in this world, Aiden truly understood the poverty and backwardness that lay beneath its opulent facade, laid bare for all to see, an intriguing contrast indeed.

It was in the notorious Manhattan, specifically the Harlem area, where Aiden had been on a mission to rescue Nicole, but the district hadn't shown him any signs of wealth or splendor.

"Have you looked into his family? Communication is so advanced now," Nicole suddenly realized something and asked.

As if to say, by the time you remember, the whole world will know about this factory. Aiden gave Nicole an amused look and said, "Ajax was a special kind of boss. All the things we could worry about, he had already taken care of."

"Hmm," Nicole nodded, her habit of doing what Aiden asked and following his orders, rarely questioning his words.

This made Aiden even more distressed, for he truly did not want to see this woman die before his eyes.

Under the cover of night, Aiden and his group set out in two black Grand Cherokees and a large pickup truck, leaving the now completely abandoned factory behind.

Moving from one forsaken factory to another dilapidated one was a rather unique situation.

After more than three hours of driving, they finally arrived at their new base. With Mike's help, they began unloading the medical equipment from the pickup truck and into the factory.

Nicole, however, didn't offer to help this time. After parking the vehicles in the garage, she walked away from the villa into the dense forest behind the factory. There was no destination in mind; perhaps she needed to clear her thoughts, or maybe it was her last chance to see the green leaves and feel the vibrant world around her.

As Aiden worked, he noticed Nicole's solitary departure. He didn't call out or try to stop her, not knowing how long she would be gone—a few hours, days. But he knew when she returned, she would be fully prepared, and nothing would stop her.

"You're still one of us, do what you're supposed to do. I know you're all alone, and this identity will let you live comfortably for a lifetime. Just keep your mind clear, and I promise I won't hurt you," Aiden said to Mike after setting up the equipment, watching the sweat-soaked man nod in agreement.

As Mike eagerly pledged his loyalty, Nicole's slender figure re-entered the room.

Aiden sighed, knowing that what was to come was inevitable. He tilted his head slightly, signaling to the bed beside him.

Without hesitation, Nicole approached and lay down.

"Clean up those rooms. Don't disturb us," Aiden instructed Mike before turning to Nicole, securing her limbs to the bed with a smile, "This is happening sooner than I expected."

"I just needed a breath of fresh air. I know I'll be spending the next half month here," Nicole managed a slight, complicated smile.

"The other rooms are a mess, but you've prepared this one immaculately, all set and ready. Seems like you can't wait," Aiden observed, taking in the environment Nicole had meticulously prepared for herself.

The building, a ramshackle two-story structure spanning over two hundred square meters, had walls riddled with stains and graffiti, hinting at its long abandonment. It was far from the county center, meeting Aiden's criteria for "quiet."

Nicole pursed her lips, silent.

"You know, helping me create mutants by my side is also very beneficial. These mutants could help you achieve your dreams in the future. You don't have to do this," Aiden made one last effort to save his assistant, fearing the loss of someone so capable.

But deep down, Aiden knew it was self-deception.

Nicole remained silent, simply lying on the bed, eyes fixed on the IV needle in Aiden's left hand.

Nodding, Aiden stopped hesitating. He didn't want to break his promise, and he inserted the needle into Nicole's vein.

Turning away, he picked up a vial of the mutant serum from the tray, gave it a flick, and injected the yellowish substance into the IV line. Aiden watched as the green solution, a mix of yellow and blue, slowly entered Nicole's body.

The next day was agonizing for Aiden, and even more so for Nicole, who was truly enduring the suffering.

Aiden executed the procedure mercilessly, not holding back on the tempting body suspended before him. He wanted Nicole to transform quickly, believing it would increase her chances of survival. The simple beatings were nothing compared to what was to come—those were the truly lethal procedures, where a single misstep could lead to fatal accidents.

After three excruciating days, Nicole's once fair and delicate skin was mottled with bruises. The saying "battered and bruised" aptly described her condition.

Aiden reluctantly covered the now unconscious Nicole with a pristine white sheet on the bed. He knew she couldn't transform at this stage and had to move on to the next, far more dangerous phase.

Suppressing the urge to cease the transformation, Aiden bowed his head, closing his eyes against the torment of the soul that far surpassed the physical.

In contemplation, he heard Nicole's murmured words in her unconscious state: "Peter, I'm just like you now, I fully empathize with your experience."

"Damn it," Aiden cursed, knowing Peter was Nicole's father's name. He rose from his seat, though he dared not leave entirely, fearing for Nicole's life. He stood by the workbench, staring at the dim lights surrounding him, lost in thought.

Days passed in this state, the old building gradually tidied and equipped with necessities and furniture by Mike's efforts, as if everything was improving.

Aiden hoped so too, for his painstaking care had slowed each stage. On the ninth day, something unexpected happened.

It had been nine days since Nicole first lay on the bed. Aiden approached a "coffin" with trepidation and slowly lifted the lid.

Each time he opened it, it was like a box of chocolates, never knowing what taste awaited him. The absence of a successful mission prompt on the template told Aiden that Nicole had not yet transformed.


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