
Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Gifts are bestowed upon us, but greatness is seized by our own hands. Meet Aiden, a member of the Winter Soldiers. Welcome to my world.

shui_AW · Movies
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79 Chs

Making Deadpool (Part 1)

"Troubled by the events of the day before yesterday?" Aiden, alongside Nicole, was busy transporting medical equipment into the hall. Observing Nicole, who was diligently helping with the disassembly of the simple medical apparatus, Aiden noticed her thoughtful demeanor. Clearly, she was preoccupied with something, and it was not concealed.

Nicole had been exceptionally cooperative over the past few days, tirelessly assisting Aiden with the work. Just yesterday, she had busied herself all day in this mutant-making facility, and today, under Aiden's direction, she was occupied with dismantling and transporting medical equipment.

"No," Nicole shook her head, apparently not in the mood for conversation, and turned to leave the hall. The lighting here was dim, and although the environment was clean and the items were neatly arranged, Nicole seemed to dislike this place. She walked slowly out of the dimly lit hall to the second floor, where the sunlight streaming through the windows cast a glow on the metal frames. She took a deep breath, reflecting on the recent happenings.

She wasn't troubled by that incident; indeed, she was initially shocked when she first heard about the way one becomes a mutant. However, Nicole hadn't flinched; her determination had never been so unwavering.

During these past days, Nicole had her first real encounter with Aiden without his coat and gloves. She was quite surprised to see Aiden's exquisite metal arm, the red star easily reminding her of the emblems of the former Soviet Union and China. The yellow skin and distinctly Eastern facial features made her lean towards the notion that Aiden was "manufactured" in China, perhaps as a secret weapon by some organization. This gave Nicole certain conjectures about Aiden's origins, but she dared not be sure.

Truth be told, Aiden trusted Nicole quite a bit, as she had shown no signs of inner conflict. After seven days, when Aiden saw Nicole again, he didn't witness the struggle a woman might go through; instead, he saw a finished version of Nicole, strong at heart and resolute.

Although she lacked physical strength, her mentality was up to par. That was the prerequisite. Watching Nicole's retreating figure to the second floor, Aiden mused silently when his pocket suddenly vibrated. He pulled out the buzzing phone and pressed the answer button: "Aiden."

"Where should we find you?" Vanessa's voice sounded anxious on the other end. It seemed they had made a decision, or perhaps Wade's condition had further deteriorated, causing Vanessa to panic.

Aiden nodded, "2 PM, in front of Sister Margaret's bar."

Aiden had already begun to prepare for his next move, trying not to disrupt the factory's normal operation. He had started to pack and organize some essential medical equipment, ready for the eventual move from the factory.

Indeed, this factory was not a place to linger long. In Aiden's mind, it was only a matter of time before someone would come looking. After all, Ajax had made too many deals, entangled with too many connections.

Wade Wilson, Deadpool, might just be the last subject in this factory.

Yesterday, while Nicole was helping to tidy up, Aiden was also in the factory, following the workflow, but regrettably, four more critically ill patients died, leaving only six struggling on. They, too, had seen their companions wheeled away, never to return, and perhaps they knew what was happening. But their weakened bodies gave them no chance to escape; they could only leave their fate to the heavens.

Much like the medical staff in the intensive care units, who might feel terrible after the first or second death, with time, they become accustomed to death and no longer find it troubling.

Aiden was in a similar state of mind, the difference being that he had a cold heart, making his adaptation process somewhat quicker.

Even a normal person would feel suffocated and depressed after spending too much time in that gray, despair-filled factory. But to Aiden's surprise, when he and Nicole were moving medical equipment this morning, Nicole seemed not to be entirely averse to the factory. At least there were aspects of it that piqued her interest. At that moment, she stared at a man groaning in pain on a hospital bed, her eyes not showing the expected sympathy but instead flickering with an inexplicable light.

Such a scene almost made Aiden doubt his own perception because he saw in Nicole's eyes a sense of "pride" for what lay before her—as if witnessing a great work in progress.

"Let's go, pick them up." Aiden's words were as straightforward as ever. Nicole, hearing him, nodded in acknowledgment. She knew what was to come and longed for this day to arrive sooner.

Driving the high-end, somewhat cumbersome but powerful vehicle left behind by Ajax's factory, Aiden arrived at Sister Margaret's bar after a three-hour drive. Most of that time was actually wasted in New York City's traffic congestion, which made Aiden feel like getting out and taking the subway.

After picking up the Wilsons, Aiden stepped on the gas, leaving the bar under Weasel's lingering gaze.

Wade and Vanessa were visibly restless. The anxious wait was perhaps the most unbearable for a person struggling on death's edge. Fortunately, Vanessa truly loved Wade and was quietly encouraging him; otherwise, Aiden wasn't sure he could withstand being harangued to death by the eccentric and bizarre Wade.

Even before Wade became Deadpool, the bones of his quirky, sharp-tongued nature were showing. If not for Vanessa's calming presence, the car might have been flipped over, never reaching the mutant-making facility.

Around three in the afternoon, urged by Wade's incessant prodding for Aiden to speed up, the car finally parked in the area of the dilapidated factory.

Contrary to the Wilsons' expectations, the place they had anticipated with both hope and anxiety turned out to be a factory that appeared abandoned on the surface.

Vanessa, supporting a somewhat frail Wade, followed Aiden into the factory.

"Boss," Mike greeted the group as they entered, quickly setting aside his work and nodding in respect. He could tell that another "specimen" had arrived, Wade's pallid complexion being the best proof.

Vanessa's expression grew more uneasy as she caught sight of several people struggling on their deathbeds. The atmosphere here was chilling, her hands and feet turning cold, despite the cleanliness and order. The place was too dim, too eerie.

Aiden nodded to Mike, who quickly left the area.

"One last question, can you accept Wade being disfigured?" Aiden didn't even look at Wade; the incessant chatter on the way had sprayed Aiden's patience thin. His remaining fondness for Deadpool, from the movies, was wearing thin. Standing before him wasn't the charming character from the big screen but a living, breathing nuisance with a toxic tongue.


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