
Marvel’s Scientists Become Gods

Ye Hai travels to the Marvel universe, has a great scientist system, and has an IQ that surpasses all the superheroes and rebels in Marvel. “What is Iron Man? His iron suit is a copycat of mine! Trust me, I seriously warn you, you have to pay me the patent tax!” “The Hulk came to harass me again, didn’t he just turn your ass red? But I have already solved your problem of losing control, and there should be some sequelae.” “Captain America, don’t keep showing off your shield. There is nothing unusual about your shield. I can mass-produce it a long time ago!” Ye Hai shouted: “I am a great scientist, there is nothing I can’t do, only unexpected!” P.S. Read if u want, don't complain, I am not your Father.

Thangam_Robert · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 007

After more than ten days of research, Ye Hai discovered the secret of Spider-Man, and it turned out that Peter was able to become Spider-Man not by chance, but because of his father.

Ye Hai found through research that animal genes and human genes are two different species genes, which are in conflict with each other, and humans will only become animal forms when injected with animal genes, just like Dr. Lizard and become a lizardman. To maintain human form, animal genes must be adapted to human genes, and the solution to this is to cultivate animal genes. The cultivation method is to use the user's own genes as a model, select the beast genes that want to be fused in advance, and wait until the animals are mature before they can be used to extract the medicine.

This technology matured him more than ten years ago, this person is Peter's father Richard Parker, Richard Parker used his son's genes as a model to cultivate special spiders, so that this special spider is constantly updated and improved, after more than ten years, finally cultivated special spiders. At this time, Peter came to the Osborne Building and was bitten by a special spider, so that the genes of the special spider were perfectly integrated into Peter's body.

Peter was able to become Spider-Man, in fact, it was the result of his father's scientific research, and he plagued Osborne for more than ten years. Auborne worked hard to cultivate spiders for more than a decade, but finally made a wedding dress for someone else. Because the genes of these special spiders are modeled on Peter, they can only have an effect on Peter, and other spider genes that use this spider gene will only become monsters.

These are all after Ye Hai developed a method of perfect integration of animal genes and human genes, and he deduced through various signs, and he firmly believed that basically eight ~ nine is not far from ten.

"Ding! The host has developed a method of perfect fusion of animal genes and human genes, and 10,000 scientific points are awarded for completing the task."

As Ye Hai discovered Spider-Man's secret, the system also sent a prompt to complete the task.

Hearing the voice of the system, Ye Hai could only smile bitterly, although he fully understood the method of perfect integration of animal genes and human genes, the problem was that to do this, he must carry out animal breeding like Peter's father, and the cultivation time will generally be very long, generally ten or twenty years.

Ye Hai has this time to consume, has ten years of energy to create a Spider-Man, it is better to study mutant genes, mutants are also humans, their genes and ordinary people will not conflict.

Thinking of mutants, Ye Hai couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement in his heart, many abilities of mutants that made him salivate, such as Wolverine's regenerative ability, which can make people immortal, X~ professor's telepathic ability, Storm Girl's ability to manipulate lightning storms… And so on, lots and so on.

Solving the problem of perfect fusion of species genes, Ye Hai is like getting a treasure, and he can fuse the genes of mutants without much effort. Just like the Sentinel robot, it is convenient to fuse mutant genes.

Thinking of this, Ye Hai couldn't help laughing, and his heart was excited, not entangled in not being able to become another Spider-Man.

"Where is the mutant academy? If only he could enter the mutant academy and get some mutant blood. Ye Hai muttered, very regretful.

"Mutants?" Gwen, who had been paying attention to Ye Hai, immediately said, "You are very interested in those monsters? "

"Of course." Ye Hai nodded and yearned: "You see that mutants have many strange abilities, they can fly, breathe fire, be invisible, and even immortality, if we can master this incredible ability, then human beings will be a huge evolution!" "

Gwen disagreed with him, and she shook her head: "However, mutants are dangerous, they are often lawless, they break the law with impunity, they often hurt ordinary people, and people hate them…"

Ye Hai frowned slightly: "This is the process of two races grinding each other, mutual incomprehension, mutual distrust, and eventually evolved into contradictions, even wars. This kind of thing is inevitable, we are scientists, we don't care about social ethics, we need to focus on the magical abilities of this strange race of mutants. "

Gwen smiled and said, "If you are interested in mutant genes, you can go to the biowarehouse to get some samples to study." "

"What do you say, we have mutant blood in Osborne?" Ye Hai was pleasantly surprised, staring at Gwen with his eyes shining.

Gwen pursed his lips and smiled: "We Osborne is the world's premier biological research enterprise, how can we not have a sample of such a strange creature as a mutant?" You're now a first-level researcher at Osborne and have the right to watch this stuff. "

"Great, Gwen, let's go to the biowarehouse right away!"

Ye Hai couldn't wait to let Gwen take him to the biowarehouse, to be honest, he had been in Osborne Industries for many days, but he had been painstakingly researching and was not familiar with this building.

Fortunately, with Gwen as an assistant, the two entered the biowarehouse smoothly.