
Marvel’s Scientists Become Gods

Ye Hai travels to the Marvel universe, has a great scientist system, and has an IQ that surpasses all the superheroes and rebels in Marvel. “What is Iron Man? His iron suit is a copycat of mine! Trust me, I seriously warn you, you have to pay me the patent tax!” “The Hulk came to harass me again, didn’t he just turn your ass red? But I have already solved your problem of losing control, and there should be some sequelae.” “Captain America, don’t keep showing off your shield. There is nothing unusual about your shield. I can mass-produce it a long time ago!” Ye Hai shouted: “I am a great scientist, there is nothing I can’t do, only unexpected!” P.S. Read if u want, don't complain, I am not your Father.

Thangam_Robert · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 001

Osborne Industrial Building, a studio.

Ye Hai leaned back in his chair and sat squarely, looking ahead, there was a table in front of him, and behind the desk sat the interviewer. The interviewer was a middle-aged man with a resolute face, wearing a white coat, and his right arm was strikingly empty.

This person is the lizard doctor Curt Connor in The Amazing Spider-Man, today is Ye Hai's last interview, if he can satisfy Dr. Connor, he can enter Osborne Industries and become Dr. Connor's assistant.

Ye Hai crossed into this Marvel universe a month ago and became a graduate of Harvard University's biological sciences, and the boy he crossed was a twenty-year-old Chinese whose name was also Ye Hai, and his appearance was a little similar to his original self. This made him believe that his crossing was definitely not accidental, and that there must be some great power that allowed him to have such an incredible journey to the otherworld.

"You are Ye Hai?" Dr. Connor held Ye Hai's resume in his hand and said, "Harvard University life science students… I've seen your profile and a few of your papers, and you have some interesting ideas on gene fusion, which is why you were able to interview me here. "

"Thank you Dr. Connor for your appreciation, I have read many of your papers and books, and I am very interested in your idea of fusing animal genes into human bodies." Ye Hai smiled slightly, trying to make his expression look polite and natural, "Although human beings have intelligent minds, but in terms of body, they appear weak, if they can extract the specialties of animal genes and fuse them into humans, it will bring a change to human beings, make human beings more perfect, and of course, it can also solve many regrets of human beings, such as Dr. Connor, your…"

Ye Hai looked at Dr. Connor's right arm and stopped.

Dr. Connor didn't care about Ye Hai's attention to his disabled right arm, but showed an interested look and said, "Oh? So what animal genes do you think is more appropriate for my arm to be repaired? "

"Lizard!" Ye Hai said without hesitation.

Dr. Connor was slightly stunned, this point of view coincided with him, this was his conclusion after complex calculations and experiments, and it was just concluded, this young man could not steal this information from the inside. Then there is only one possibility, this young man knows animal genes well, and has a smart and flexible mind.

Thinking of this, Dr. Connor has basically taken a liking to the young man in front of him. Being able to break through several levels in a row, and finally interview him, there will be no problem with professional knowledge, Dr. Connor wants to see whether the interviewer has genius ideas, Ye Hai can say lizard, can show that his mind is flexible enough.

Next, Dr. Connor asked a few more experimental questions, all of which were not very professional things, all of which tested a person's inspiration and understanding.

Fortunately, the body that Ye Hai crossed was indeed a scholar before, plus his own mind could also pass Dr. Connor's test one by one.

Finally, Dr. Connor stood up, stretched out his only remaining left hand, and said, "Congratulations young man, I am very optimistic about you, so you are admitted!" "

"Ding! The host was affirmed by a famous scientist, entered the Osborne enterprise, passed the test of the system, and now the big scientist system is officially launched…"

"This is Goldfinger?" Ye Hai's face showed a look of ecstasy. "It turns out that I also have Goldfinger, or a big scientist system, which sounds related to my profession."

Dr. Connor smiled and said, "Okay, Ye, I know you're happy, but I have to interview a few more people, you can go to the personnel department to report now!" "

Ye Hai came back to his senses, nodded with a smile and said, "Thank you Dr. Connor, I'll go first, bye!" "

"Bye bye, Ye, I hope we can cooperate happily!" Dr. Connor waved and sat down again.

After Ye Hai left the interview hall, he walked to the corridor, and then heard the sound of the system again.

"Ding! The big scientist system has been started, hello host, the system sincerely serves you ~ service! "

"System, did you let me travel to this Marvel world?" Ye Hai asked cautiously, "What do you exist?" "

"The host was selected by this system and became a space-time immigrant, as for what exists in this system, the host is now too low in level and has insufficient authority!"

The sound of the system is crisp and good, but it seems to be mechanical and cold, it seems to be intelligent life, but the IQ is very high.

"So what did you bring me into this world to make me do?" Ye Hai asked rather worriedly.

"The host completes the task and makes the host a powerful scientist."

Ye Hai and the system chatted while walking in the corridor, and then took the elevator downstairs into Osborne's personnel department, and after completing some procedures, the personnel manager asked him to come here for two days to work.