
Martial Universe

The Great Yan Empire exists in a world where respect can only be earned through strength. Within this Great Yan Empire, the four great clans have always stood above the rest. Among them, a particular incident in the Lin Clan resulted in the banishment of a certain individual who went on to start his own family, in hopes of one day being recognized again by the Lin Clan, and rejoining them… Hailing from a banished family of the Great Lin Clan, when Lin Dong was very young, he watched, powerless, as his talented father was easily crushed and crippled by the overwhelming genius of the great Lin Clan, Lin Langtian. With a despairing father, a heartbroken grandfather, and a suffering family, ever since that fateful day, Lin Dong has been driven by a deep purpose; to take revenge on the man who had taken everything and more from his family. Armed with nothing but willpower and determination, join Lin Dong as he unknowingly discovers a destiny greater than he could ever hope to imagine when he stumbles upon a mysterious stone talisman…

Heavenly Silkworm Potato · Eastern
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1311 Chs

Island Surrounded by Thousands of Devils

Translator: Yeow and Law

The surface of the ocean was completely silent. A sea breeze blew over and gradually washed away the bloody scent from before. Meanwhile, on the dozens of large ships on the ocean, there were countless individuals staring in shock at the sky. Clearly, they had yet to recover from that sudden change.

Those ruthless devils, who were butchering them previously, were… all dead?

How did this happen?

Some people turned their heads with much difficulties, before they exchanged glances with each other. All of them were at a loss.

"I never expected there to be a Yimo general left…" Lin Dong completely ignored the ocean, which had turned silent, as he turned to look at that completely stunned Yimo general in the sky, before he smilingly said.

"Big… big brother Lin Dong?"

Gu Ya and the rest began to recover their senses. Then, they slowly turned around and stared at Lin Dong with stunned eyes. Their mouths moved before a somewhat dry voice was emitted, "Was this done by you?"