
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 59 Nirvana

In the main hall, facing the gazes of the crowd, Lin Yuan remained calm as usual and did not take these people seriously at all.

"You should go first, otherwise it's easy to hurt you by mistake."

Lin Yuan glanced at Lin Dong calmly and said with a smile.

Lin Dong nodded and glanced at Lin Ke'er hesitantly.

"Don't worry, I won't kill this woman."

Lin Yuan naturally noticed Lin Dong's unusual behavior and curled his lips.

"Thank you very much."

After getting Lin Yuan's assurance, Lin Dong did not delay any longer and left the main hall directly.

"Hey, your cousin is quite domineering and treats you very well."

Inside the stone talisman, the little mink chuckled and said.

Lin Dong also gave a bitter smile upon hearing this, but did not respond to Xiao Diao.

In fact, every time he met Lin Yuan, Lin Dong felt pressured, especially this time. The indifference and domineering shown by Lin Yuan made Lin Dong tremble, not to mention others.

…In the main hall, everyone was still staring at Lin Yuan and didn't dare to take action.

"I give you thirty seconds to leave this main hall, otherwise, you will die!"

Lin Yuan's calm words were full of arrogance, making everyone present extremely angry.

Those who can come to this main hall must have strong strength and background. How could they swallow their anger when being insulted like this?

"Everyone, we are no match for him if we fight alone. Only by working together can we kill him!"

A man who had reached the Great Perfection stage of Yuan Dan shouted loudly, his face full of murderous intent.

The man's words made the others move.

This young man who suddenly appeared humiliated them again and again. They had long wanted to kill him, but they were too weak to do so and could only endure it.

Now, if we could gather everyone's strength, we would be able to tear the man in front of us into pieces!

Thinking of this, everyone's frightened eyes turned cold and cruel.


Lin Yuan continued to sneer, without further ado, burst out with a powerful aura, and then swept into the crowd.

"Bang, bang, bang!


In just three breaths, more than ten people were killed instantly. The others did not even notice his shadow. The courage they had just mustered disappeared in an instant and turned into fear again.


Someone said something and everyone fled in panic. Within a few seconds, there was no one left in the main hall.

"I thought you were so brave, but it's nothing more than this."

Lin Yuan gave a mocking smile and did not chase after those people.

This trip to the ancient tomb was very rewarding. Even Li Quan's Wanbao Pavilion might not be as rich as Lin Yuan is now.


Just then, a figure entered the main hall. She was Ling Qingzhu.

Lin Yuan frowned as he looked at Ling Qingzhu who suddenly appeared, the energy in his body surging quietly.

As soon as Ling Qingzhu entered the main hall, she naturally noticed Lin Yuan in the hall, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"This person is not simple."

After just one encounter, Ling Qingzhu could tell that Lin Yuan was extraordinary, especially the aura he exuded, which was like a sword that had not been unsheathed, amazing.

After taking a quick glance at Lin Yuan, Ling Qingzhu didn't stop and flew past the main hall towards deeper places.

This time, her target was not elixirs and magic treasures, but the Nirvana Heart of the powerful Nirvana master, so she did not want to waste time and flew directly to the deepest part.

The two met without saying a word, but at that moment Lin Yuan had the urge to stop Ling Qingzhu. Fortunately, he suppressed it well.

"Forget it, let everything go to God's will."

With a sigh, Lin Yuan did not stop and walked slowly towards the deepest part of the tomb.

Gradually, Lin Yuan encountered a sea of ​​fire. In the sea of ​​fire, he saw Lin Langtian, Wang Yan and others trapped inside.

Lin Yuan was in the sea of ​​fire. He could see Lin Langtian and others, but it seemed that they could not see him. It was precisely because of this that Lin Yuan could look at them unscrupulously.

"Maybe this is fate."

Lin Yuan said with a sigh and continued to move forward.

Not long after walking, a bronze gate appeared in front of him. Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes and entered the bronze gate without hesitation.

When Lin Yuan saw it, he saw an elegant man who looked like a soul standing in front of a ball of light with a smile on his face.

"It has already begun." Without looking too closely, Lin Yuan could guess that the person inside the ball of light must be Lin Dongling Qingzhu.

"Young man, you are very special."

The old man turned his head and looked at Lin Yuan, saying with a smile.

"I also feel that I am not an ordinary person."

Lin Yuan chuckled and answered calmly.

"I have already given the most precious thing to the woman named Ling Qingzhu. I am afraid you are too late."

The old man continued with a smile.

"I have no interest in your nirvana."

Lin Yuan shook his head without any hesitation.


So what are you here for?"

The old man was slightly stunned when he heard this, then asked with a smile.

"Nothing, just wanted to take a look."

Lin Yuan sat on the ground casually and said calmly.

The old man couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Lin Yuan's behavior.

"This is the first time I've seen someone like you."

"I am very curious, as a Nirvana master, why did you die in this place?"

Lin Yuan asked out loud.

This question made the old man silent, and then he smiled and said, "I was severely injured and had no choice but to hide here. In the end, I died. That's all."

The old man said it simply, but Lin Yuan understood how difficult it was.


You are really sad."

Lin Yuan smiled, with a hint of regret.


Why am I sad?

After hearing this, the elegant man asked in confusion.

"The Nirvana Realm is indeed considered the top power in the Great Yan Dynasty, but what about outside the Great Yan Dynasty?

You know, there are people in this world who are far stronger than those who have reached Nirvana."

When Lin Yuan said this, he looked at the elegant man and continued, "Isn't it a pity that he left this world before seeing a more beautiful scenery?"

"What makes you think you can see that view?"

The old man frowned unconsciously and asked in a calm voice.

"Because I believe in myself, I will see it. It's that simple."

Lin Yuan spoke quickly and calmly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Lin Yuan's words shocked the old man. It was as if something in his heart was untied, and he no longer had any attachment to the world.

"Thank you, young man, for clearing up the doubts in my mind and making me understand why I failed."

The old man smiled with relief, and his body began to gradually dissipate.


Lin Yuan was a little surprised. It was the first time he saw such a scene.

"Young man, your heart of Nirvana has already found its home. Perhaps this is all I can give you."

After the old man finished speaking, a brilliant light burst out from his body, and then a green light flew towards Lin Yuan from the top of the hall.

Lin Yuan caught the green light effortlessly.

It was an ancient and elegant sword. The moment he touched it, Lin Yuan fell in love with it.

He gently stroked the sword and saw three large characters on the hilt.

"Green Sword"