
Martial Universe: Sword God

Traveling through the world of Martial Universe, with his own golden finger, Lin Yuan smiled proudly. His goal was to become the strongest. However, he didn't know that a conspiracy was gradually coming to light because of him. ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Moshang Yuruyi(陌上玉如意) Raw: https://www.qidian.com/book/1027107838/

Martial_Isekaiyist · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 52 Mistake

After the auction, everyone in Yancheng understood that behind Wanbao Pavilion stood a powerful Yuandan Great Perfection realm expert, and they did not dare to become his enemy.

After losing its enemies, Wanbao Pavilion developed rapidly. In just a few months, it became the top force in Yancheng. Together with the City Lord's Mansion, Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, and Blood Wolf Gang, they were called the four major forces in Yancheng!

After seeing that Wanbao Pavilion already had enough power to protect itself, Lin Yuan left Yancheng and returned to the Lin family.

After not returning for several months, the Lin family has undergone tremendous changes.

Without the constraints of the Lei and Xie families, the Lin family developed rapidly, resources expanded rapidly, and its overall strength was improved.

The most important thing is that because Lin Dong discovered an entire Yuan Vein, the Lin family gained hundreds of pure Yuan Stones every day, and the discoverer Lin Dong was rewarded with thousands of pure Yuan Stones.

When Lin Yuan heard Qin Xue talk about these things, his eyes gradually narrowed.

If he remembered correctly, this story was indeed included in the original storyline.

"So, Lin Dong should have reached the Tianyuan realm, right?"

Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Regarding this, Qin Xue shook her head helplessly.

After all, she was just an outsider, and she was not very familiar with Lin Dong, so how could she know?

This world is restorative. No matter what irreversible things have happened, the way of heaven is repairing the world in its intended direction.

After understanding this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but think of the Dragon of Luck he faced when he defeated Lin Dong, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He didn't want to meet that dragon again, nor did he want to be rejected by the world again.

"Where is Lin Dong now?"

Lin Yuan figured it out this time, so he looked up and asked.

"It seems like he went to Yancheng."

Qin Xue answered uncertainly.


What a coincidence."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan shook his head helplessly.

"Since they went to Yancheng, let's go too."

Lin Yuan looked at Qin Xue, his eyes full of questions.

Qin Xue nodded, which was considered as her agreement.

"Coo Coo..." Lin Yuan blew a few times, and then saw a huge figure flying from the sky.

The sudden huge figure flew into the Lin family and immediately attracted the attention of the Lin family's top leaders.

"Yuan Dan Monster!"

Inside the compound, Lincoln stared at the figure in the sky and his expression suddenly changed.

At present, Lin Zhentian and Lin Xiao are both not in the Lin family. Facing the monsters in the Yuandan realm, they are completely powerless. Is the Lin family going to perish today?

Thinking of this, Lincoln showed a look of despair.

"Father, I just met cousin Lin Yuan, he is at the Lin family now."

And at this moment, Lin Xia walked over quickly and spoke hurriedly.

"Quick, go find Lin Yuan!"

Lincoln seemed to see a glimmer of hope when he heard this. He quickly stood up and ran towards the bamboo forest.

At this moment, Qin Xue stared at the huge figure in the sky. Apart from a hint of surprise, there was not much emotion on her face.

"She is indeed from a big family..." Seeing Qin Xue so calm, Lin Yuan exclaimed in admiration and became more certain of her identity.

"Let's go."

Lin Yuan smiled and said lightly.

"This monster..." Qin Xue was slightly stunned and pointed at the huge figure hovering in the sky with a confused look on her face.

Just as Lin Yuan was about to explain, he saw Lincoln running towards him with a panicked look on his face.

"Lin Yuan, hurry...hurry and repel this monster!"

Lincoln gasped.

Seeing Lincoln's panic, Lin Yuan couldn't help but chuckle and explained leisurely, "Don't panic, this monster is my friend, he won't hurt anyone at will."


This surprised Qin Xue and Lincoln.

Can monsters and humans be friends?

Unheard of.

Lin Yuan saw the doubts in the two people's hearts, but he didn't explain, just smiled.

Everyone has different opinions about monsters.

Some people think they should all die, and some people think they should leave human living areas.

But Lin Yuan did not have such extreme ideas, or rather, his ideas were even more extreme.

To Lin Yuan, humans and monsters are all the same. There is no such thing as whose life is more valuable or whose life is more precious.

"Let's go to Yancheng."

Lin Yuan glanced at Qin Xue indifferently, then jumped up and landed on Xiao Zi's back.

Qin Xue followed closely behind and jumped onto Xiao Zi's back. However, it was her first time standing on the back of a monster, so she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"The next time we meet may be at the Lin family."

Lin Yuan looked down at the entire Lin family, with more complicated emotions in his heart.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Xue saw that Lin Yuan seemed to be in a daze and couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing, let's go."

Lin Yuan shook his head slightly and said something softly. Xiao Zi then flapped its wings, let out an excited roar, and then disappeared into the sky in the sight of everyone in the Lin family.

——"Is this Yancheng?"

Outside the city, Lin Dong looked at the magnificent city in front of him, his eyes full of shock.

This was his first time leaving Qingyang Town, and also his first time seeing such a magnificent city. He was a little out of control.

When Lin Xiao saw Lin Dong's expression, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"This Yancheng is much larger than Qingyang Town, and the fighting is fierce. When we enter the city, you must follow us closely and don't run around. Got it?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but remind him.

Lin Dong nodded slightly. Wherever there are people, there will be competition, let alone Yancheng.

"Haha, don't be discouraged. When my Lin family gradually develops that mineral vein, and a Yuandan-level expert is born in the family, our Lin family will also be able to have a place in Yancheng."

Lin Zhentian laughed, his face full of confidence.

These days, the development of the Lin family has far exceeded his expectations, which made him think of expanding the Lin family to Yancheng.

"Dad, Xiao Ge has been gone for several months, and I don't know how he is doing."

Lin Xiao suddenly thought of Lin Yuan and sighed.

"Xiao Ge is a peerless genius. It is only a matter of time before he leaves the Lin family. You don't need to worry too much about it."

Lin Zhentian, on the other hand, was quite open-minded about this matter.

He knew that a genius like Lin Yuan would not stay in a small place like Qingyang Town forever, and leaving was the best option for him.

Lin Dong listened quietly to the conversation between his father and grandfather without saying a word, but his eyes were blurred. He thought of the spirited young man in his heart, and he couldn't help but clench his hands.

He hasn't seen Lin Yuan since the Lei and Xie families disappeared, but he knows that with the other party's talent, he will not stop moving forward, but will soar to the sky.

In order to surpass Lin Yuan one day, Lin Dong practiced very hard, more diligently than ever before.

He believed that the next time they met, he would be able to shock Lin Yuan!

Since I started writing this novel, I feel that the story has been developing very slowly, so I plan to speed up and get straight into the main content.